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Everything posted by Xurkitree

  1. Is there any way to extract Keplerian orbital elements from principia orbits at a particular time? I'm hoping to try out something and I'd like to know whether this is possible.
  2. The fact that the music ONLY plays in space and not consistently is why i have it shut. Having a void in atmo is really boring. I'll definitely be trying this out!
  3. Define all science experiments to be done around asteroids as well. Done.
  4. My Upsilon Initiative Submission. Its name is Silver Chariot.
  5. Learn to go to Duna. Duna's nice. The launch window angle is a nice 45 degrees, easy to remember. You can aerobrake and it has a moon. It looks cool. 10/10 go interplanetary.
  6. well i know what's ill be fixing today. Didn't realise this was a thing tho.
  7. Question: Why does the X-800 tank not have an ESA variant, while the other do? SQUAD please fix this incosistency - i have a few broken stock textures on those tanks and have been using the ESA variants.
  8. I hope 1.10.1 Comes with an option to toggle comet tails off once in physics distance - the framerate tanks hard very close to a comet, so putting large ships up there is asking for disaster. Also, is there a way to preserver the pieces of a comet once it passes through atmosphere? We could split up a comet into pieces and use one of those as a cool refuelling station.
  9. So Apparently the Moho Polar Orbiter Probe is the most effective probe core to date - 1) Enough fuel to use a spark and get +2000 m/s of DV 2) Internal antenna is relay, not direct 3) Significant power reserves 4) Full SAS levels and Reaction wheel You can make a relay sat that's good for the entire Kerbin system with just 3 parts. This is great stuff, exactly why I was totally for these more replica stuff. The integrated capablities of both the new probe cores are so great it experiment with.
  10. * Comets can explode into smaller fragments while entering a CB's atmosphere. EXCUSE ME WHAT
  11. They'll be putting out bugfixes for DLC's anyways.
  12. Midday mexico time is 10:30 pm here... Looks like i'll be waiting for quite a while.
  13. Use Ion lander lmao. Moho is practically baked in sunlight, you barely need panels to run a full array of ion engines.
  14. I wonder if it needs to be updated for 1.9? Im still using the old copy because anything will do tbh.
  15. You should probably look at Shadowzone's video of the comet mission included with the game. That would give a more accurate idea of what the KSP team's idea of Philae grabbing the comet looks like.
  16. Multiple fuel types are already confirmed, you can see different resources from that VAB pic from the dev update. And yes, if you're building a base, you should have a variety of simple but very different fuels. I mean, you can't run an interstellar drive on LF alone right? As for life support, something like snacks would be great as a difficulty setting so we don't lose 'Bill rides around on a space chair for 100 years' in KSP 2. My personal fav LS mod is TAC support for the perfect blend of resource management and good recyclers to cut down on the actual LS load taken. Also the parts look cool. But Snacks would be fine.
  17. Decals are a part, its literally slapped onto the booster. The main flag can be changed to whatever.
  18. In KSP itself, the ground material has 5(?) different types. I'd open Kopernicus and KSP to check for myself, but I'm feeling kinda lazy. There are 2 PQS materials for Atmo while the rest are for Vacuum. AFAIK they don't change gameplay much.
  19. Alexmoon's launch window planner has an integration as a mod within ksp itself - its called transfer window planner. Very useful for custom planet systems and much more handy to use.
  20. As we all know, 1.10 releases on the 1st of July, and with it comes the ability to place decals all over the ship in many configurations. The decals can be different from each other allowing the decals to be used for adding details to a ship itself. So here is my request for a Decal Texture Pack that contains - Windows, doors, greebling textures, all sorts of flags, solid color wheels, pipes and other things that one would find on a space craft. I personally cannot texture something to fit with KSP's artstyle, hence my request for this mod given to anyone up for the challenge. Thank you for reading this, and leave your suggestions for such a mod in the comments below.
  21. N BODY HYPE TRAIN RISE UP ik its just for the system, but im so glad that they're attempting to make something really good.
  22. I wonder how much of the list must be updated to reflect 1.9.
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