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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. At the moment module auto cut drogue has been moved out of the BDB plugin into KSPCPM and thats all. Without making any firm commitments at this point theres some cool stuff we could potentially do with some animations like with moduleCenterFollowsTransform. Nothing related to how capsules fly though.
  2. NOTICE For anyone using the dev branch of BDB, (I know not much happening there right now), new dependencies have been added. KSP Community Part Modules and KSP-Harmony (which is needed for KSP-CPM). No real user facing changes at the moment. Some modules we used to use in BDB have been moved to KSP CPM and some features KSP CPM enables could make its way to BDB in the future. As always the dependencies are bundled together on the BDB repo.
  3. Yes the blocks have two sets of thrusters. They can be toggled on and off separately uisng the part action menu or using action groups. The first one is the actual RCS, its used for attitude control and for fine maneuvers like docking. The larger set of thrusters is called OMAC and the forward and back facing thrusters are used for major maneuvers like rendezvous and deorbit. The side facing OMAC thrusters are specifically for roll only. This is used during abort scenarios as the capsule is spun 180 degrees rapidly at the start of the abort sequence. As such in game the side OMACs are enabled for roll but not for translation. The forward and back OMACs are also used for attitude control during abort using differential thrust. You can see the animation of this during the pad abort test around 18:20 in this video Another animation from Boeing
  4. Looks pretty interesting! Its not easy maintaining support for large part mods especially with custom nodes so well done!
  5. Starliner IVA, then the remainder of the Atlas stuff (Burner II etc), more BDB PBR conversions along the way and then at some point a new project for BDB which will be announced later.
  6. The benefit of TU is that it supports some features like recolour masks that resurfaced/shabby does not (yet). Resurfaced (which works via shabby) has the advantage of being better optimized under the hood. Additionally the shaders used in resurfaced were made specifically to facilitate getting a good PBR result while using a base colour map and alpha channel that still works well for stock legacy shaders. additionally it has some features like packing metal maps from multiple materials into 1 texture for efficiency. If your part is intended exclusively for PBR and requires either mod as a dependency, purely from the point of view of the end look you can achieve an identical result with both. Using one over the other also does not introduce any conflicts. Parts using resurfaced can exist in an install alongside parts using TU no problem. The only conflict would be with a mod using TU that patches all parts like Magpie which people shouldn't be using anyway. In short, for your use case it really doesnt matter which PBR mod you use. PS. The parts look great btw!
  7. I can share my reference materials with you soon when I get started on modelling the IVA shell.
  8. Thank you for trusting me with finishing this project, I had a great base to work off of! And ofc big thanks to @SofieBrink for enabling all the cool custom features we now have. I think we've done well as a team
  9. Boring Crew Services Features - 2.75m 5 crew capacity space capsule with built in inflatable airbags that can be automatically deployed near the ground. - 2.75m Heat shield with low orbit and lunar return configurations. - Jettisonable parachute bay cover with built in deployable nose cone. - Alternate version of Jettisonable parachute bay cover without the nose cone. Will fit a 1.25m abort tower on top. - Drogue parachutes that automatically cut when the main parachutes are deployed - Main parachute with functional "bucket handle". The chutes deploy offset from the capsule initially and just like the real thing, the bucket handle swings up to center it at the end of full deployment. - Hinged docking port cover. - Central airbag that can be deployed automatically for emergency splashdown over water. - 2.75m Service module with animated umbilical and radial nodes for thruster packs. Also features a toggle for the central solar panel (allows for custom fuel tanks or equipment to be inserted) and an extended length variant with more propellant such as for lunar use. - Thruster doghouses in both layouts. Each thruster pack contains low power RCS thrusters and high power OMAC thrusters (orbital maneuvering and attitude control). RCS is used for attitude control and fine maneuvers like docking. OMACs are used for abort control authority and significant orbital maneuvers. Extra length variant available for use with extended service module. - Standalone decoupler in 2.75 and 2.5m variants. Based on top of Service Module model. - RS88 launch abort engines which also features a low thrust, high Isp orbital variant. - Spacecraft adapter with built in shroud. Adapts to 1.875m upper stages. Designed to match the Atlas V N22 from Bluedog Design Bureau. - Generic small multi adapter that adapts the 2.75m service module to 2.5m, 3.125m, 3.5m and 3.75m. - Generic large multi adapter that adapts the 2.75m service module to 4.25m, 4.375m and 5m. Also supports a secondary payload inside if used with the matching secondary adapter base. - 5x paint variants for the capsule, parachute bay cover and docking port cover: - Real world blue-grey blankets. - White blankets. - Restock like white paint. - Silver Orion-like (needs Resurfaced PBR mod). - Black tiles Orion EFT-1-like. - Custom textures and support for native PBR (Physically Based Rendering) via the Resurfaced mod. Deferred rendering mod is recommended together with Resurfaced for best results. - Custom conformal decal part with Boring Crew Services and Boeing decal sets. - Built in toggleable decals on the capsule using a dedicated decal shader. Requires the Resurfaced mod. - Craft files: Standalone starliner and together with BDB Atlas V. - Support for Connected Living Spaces. - Support for Engine Ignitor. - Support for TAC Life Support (default configs should also work for Snacks! and Kerbalism). - Support for VABOrganizer. - Waterfall plumes for RCS and engines. Release Album Installation instructions - We strongly recommend installing via the CKAN mod manager for KSP. It will automatically handle all the dependencies. Set game compatibility to KSP v1.12.0 and later. Alternatively: - Download Boring Crew Services from the github releases page or spacedock. BoringCrewServices folder goes into GameData. Github Download SpaceDock download - Download and install all the dependencies listed below. Note some of them may have dependencies of their own. Dependencies: - Module Manager: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/50533-18x-112x-module-manager-423-july-03th-2023-fireworks-season/ - B9PartSwitch: https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch/releases - KSPCommunityPartModules: https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/KSPCommunityPartModules/releases - Harmony KSP (needed for KSPCPM): https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/HarmonyKSP/releases - Simple Adjustable Fairings: https://github.com/blowfishpro/SimpleAdjustableFairings/releases - Waterfall: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/Waterfall/releases - AnimatedDecouplers: https://github.com/Starwaster/AnimatedDecouplers/releases Recommendations: - Bluedog Design Bureau: For Atlas V Rocket https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/releases - Resurfaced: PBR Texture Support. Some texture variants and built in decal functionality is only available with resurfaced. https://github.com/Tantares/Resurfaced/releases - Habtech: US Orbital Segment International Space Station parts https://github.com/benjee10/HabTech2/releases - Tantares: Russian Orbital Segment International Space Station parts https://github.com/Tantares/Tantares/releases Frequently Asked Questions Does this have an IVA: Not yet. Its coming in a future update hopefully soon and will be freeIVA compatible. Will the IVA support RPM/MAS: The IVA will be based on stock props. However the IVA shall can be configured as you like. I hope users of functional IVA mods will submit configs for inclusion once the IVA shell is ready. This needs to be done by someone familiar with those mods which isn't me. But I would be keen to include the configs you make. Created by @Zorg - Models, textures, current lead. @DylanSemrau - Models, textures, original creator. @SofieBrink - Coding. This mod is licensed CC-BY-NC-SA: LICENSE Additional credits - NDS Docking Port from Benjee10SharedAssets. Copyright @benjee10 , All Rights Reserved. Used with permission. - Engine sounds from KW Rocketry by Kickasskyle and Winston, licensed CC-BY-NC-SA. Special thanks - @CashnipLeaf - Debugging critical aero issues. - @Rodger - Various debugging and config advice. - EmberSkyMedia - Contributing various compatibility configs and custom staging icons art.
  10. Nope, its not set up for easy variants like the capsule was. No further variants or parts are planned, we are feature complete for v1.0 now. Only other thing planned is the IVA for the next update. V1.0 will drop very soon.
  11. Might be the last beta release unless theres some bug fixes. DOWNLOAD Add standalone capsule decoupler tweak textures on extended thruster doghouse Fulfilling a request from some users, I made a standalone decoupler part by hacking apart the service module. This part has no fuel or RCS, just the decoupler. You can then build out your own service module underneath. Available with a flat 2.75m bottom (BCS size) or a conical adapter to 2.5m. Note the bottom node is actually 2 overlapping nodes. So you could use a small diameter SM, and then attach the larger spacecraft adapter to the same node to shield it. Alternatively you can figure something out using fairings yourself. The 2.5m option looks fine even unshielded. Somewhat reminiscent of Orel.
  12. You can install BDB using CKAN. However since one of our dependencies B9Partswitch has not has its metadata updated you need to set CKAN's compatible game versions to allow from 1.12.0 onwards rather than just 1.12.5. You can do this from CKAN>Settings>Compatible Game Versions. The other thing that could block an install is if you have already installed an incompatible mod. For BDB that would be Magpie Mods, you should remove that if you have it.
  13. Sofie did change the default jettison altitudes in the latest Beta. Tbh I've not encountered this issue so far. I jettison the parachute cover immediately before deploying the drogues so relatively low altitudes.
  14. Another beta update, one of the last ones as we get close to an official release. Please update KSP Community Part Modules too. In addition to the secondary payload adapter base, the big update here is an extended lunar service module! DOWNLOAD Add long (lunar) service module configuration with extra fuel Add long variants of thruster packs to match long SM Split multi adapter into two separate parts. small (2.5, 3.125, 3.5 and 3.75m) and large (4.25, 4.375 and 5m). New secondary payload adapter base to match the large the multi adapter in 4.25, 4.375 and 5m sizes. Tweak colliders of RS88 vacuum variant Internal optimizations of plugin. Please also update KSP Community Part Modules to the latest version. VAB Organizer patch updates Minor tweaks to deploy altitudes and some other stuff Add emergency decouple option for the service module for use with abort towers
  15. You're going to need to post a picture of what you mean by this. The skylab IVA last I checked did not have any clipping issues.
  16. Next beta update could affect some existing craft files using the multi adapter. A new secondary payload adapter base has been added. A second payload (like a lander or orbital module etc) can be attached to the adapter base. Then the floating node above can be used to attached the adapter shroud itself. The adapters themselves have been split into two parts now. The 4 smaller models are 1 part and works as before. The 3 larger ones are a separate part now and have a built in cargomodule to protect secondary payloads and a node near the top ring to attach to the dual adapter base's floating node. To use simply attach the secondary payload to the base, then place the adapter above. In flight staging the part will decouple the Starliner. You should orient the rocket stage away from the Starliner and then manually decouple the second decoupler module to uncover the secondary payload.
  17. After you've achieved sufficient separation, the drogues are deployed, then the mains and then the service module is jettisoned. At least this is how its done during a pad or low altitude abort. Im not sure if the sequence is different at higher altitudes. edit: actually it must be different at very high altitudes where you probably jettison the SM first? But I’ve not seen the details. Check around 18:20 mark
  18. Did you download all the dependencies? in particular the Animated Decouplers mod?
  19. The above update also contains: Reduce nose cone heat glow Add BCS tags to Benjee's NDS docking port Consolidate extra window switch with the paint switch for that window.
  20. er yeah why not You need to enable the extra window switch first. the paint switch is for that part only. Although it might be a good idea to combine the window toggle and colour switches into a single switch to reduce clutter and confusion now that I think about it.
  21. Beta 5 with the variants is out DOWNLOAD Add texture variants to the capsule, parachute cover and nose cone Default blue grey thermal blankets with blue stripes White thermal blankets with dark grey stripes White paint (ReStock style) Shiny "foil" with underlying tiles, inspired by Orion Artemis 1. (Only available with Resurfaced PBR shader mod) Black tiles inspired by Orion EFT-1 Add version of parachute cover without nose cone. Has a 1.25m top node and can be used with the (re)stock abort tower. Fix typos in VABO configs Add 2.75m bulkhead to VABO Allow surface attach on multi adapter Add lunar variant to the heat shield with more ablator.
  22. Some parts have two decoupler modules such as for the top and bottom, only 1 module can be staged. Other parts might have a mainly structural use and has the decoupler as an option. For such parts you need to decouple manually in flight using the part action window or you can enable staging on that part by right clicking in the VAB editor and clicking enable staging in the decoupler settings.
  23. Don't think so. Doesnt make any structural sense and the texture doesnt work out. I don't think this is possible as a toggle. But the Restock LES does indeed fit well (especially with the new white paint and tiled variants). I can add it as an extra part without the SAF module. I'll upload it with the variants.
  24. These arent uploaded yet as theres still a bit of set up work to do but heres a preview of the 5 variants that will be included. Hopefully will be uploaded over the next few days (before anyone asks no more are planned). First off we have a version with all white thermal blankets compared to the blue grey of the IRL starliner. Retains the stripes but in dark grey instead of blue for a monotone colour scheme. Then we have white paint version inspired by the Restock style. I wanted a shiny variant. Thought about Apollo style earlier but ended up going for the Orion Artemis I style instead. This variant will only be available when Resurfaced is installed. Finally we have probably my favourite, the Darkliner, which is inspired by Orion as configured for EFT-1. (dont think about why the nose cone has tiles you can mix and match anyway).
  25. BDB has engines that use LFO and engines that use hydrolox. If you have a tank filled with hydrolox by default (such as the Saturn V SII tank) you need to use a hydrolox engine. If you want to to know the historically correct engine to use you can use the craft files or check the BDB wiki. https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki The tanks also have a fuel switch function so if you want to use hydrolox engine with an LFO tank or an LFO engine with a hydrolox tank you can always switch the fuel in the part action window of the tank. You cannot switch the fuel type on the engine.
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