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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. I'll add it today with the tracking solar arrays. But keep in mind historically they would be removed on EVA. I dont believe they are retractable (but then most panels arent I guess? )
  2. Will get these in game later today unshrouded variant of the standard fixed rollout array: New tracking part. This will be unshrouded only since its too big for the shroud... so basically Fixed (shrouded + bare), Tracking (bare).
  3. not viable as I don't want to modify the standardized endcap. thats a lot more work. Im leaning towards keeping the commit as is yeah.
  4. What do people think? I can revert the fix but personally lean towards keeping the fix as I think more clearance is better and opens up more options...
  5. Why? because of our rigorous testing regime Anyways I've fixed it but this may affect craft files and this variant had to be killed off. which is a shame but the 0.9375m variant has a 0.625 node too
  6. Rounding out the 25kW Power Module part set with a radiator. Available in tracking and non-tracking versions each with single or double variants.
  7. Its technically an earth observation instrument bay. So any science instruments suitable for observing the planet below would be accurate to the proposal.
  8. Docking works fine, colliders are quite generous. Its just maneuvering the station Thanks I didnt notice that. Will see if I theres something I can do in the config so it doesnt bother users.
  9. EOSS now up on github. node with jetissonable cover is available to fit an Apollo drogue port to. The module also has an airlock where kerbals can exit from. PS: discovered a slight bug which we might not be able to easily fix. If you launch a Skylab with an SLA and add an apollo on top, when you decouple if will also jettison the MM shields if the Apollo capsule is root (or anything *above* the SLA). Can avoid this by keeping something like the instrument unit root even if you want to have an spacecraft on the SLA.
  10. UPDATE - BLUEDOG DESIGN BUREAU V 1.10.3 "Луна" This is a minor patch update. v1.10.0 RELEASE ALBUM DOWNLOAD GITHUB DOWNLOAD | SPACEDOCK DOWNLOAD (pending upload) should also be available via CKAN soon. Changelog v1.10.3 Updates and Enhancements - Update some RL10 stats - Add RL10-B3 to BDB extras (Thanks to Pappystein) - Add J2A2 to upper stage thrust buff patch in BDB extras Bug fixes - Fix Saturn AJ260 radial decoupler force direction - Fix photometer experiments (Thanks to Rodg88) - Minor titles, descriptions and tag fixes - Fix LM top hatch textures - Fix LM EVA antenna animation - fix Star motor level 3 and E1 engine upgrades - Fix Space Dust bug with OAO instruments. Dedicated Space Dust versions of the instruments are now used instead.
  11. So the original intent for this port is so that the power module can be oriented in different ways on the space shuttle orbiter. you can find more in the 25kW Power Module Evolution study vol 1-6. Im not sure where to download them from, might be from NTRS? @Teslamax sent them to me.
  12. As seen in the screenshot in the other reply you got, we already have 6.25m to 5m adapters. Its pretty easy to just add the external tank to that and build out Saturn shuttle.
  13. Just a little progress update Just a couple more instruments and the experimental rollout array left. We strongly recommend autostruts for most builds. If Skyhawk doesnt unlock it thats unfortunate, I would consider that a bug. Personally I always run KJR in any case however.
  14. "NERVA II" as I modelled it though is from the Manned Interplanetary Spacecraft Concept study with 200-250k lbf thrust, 4000-5000MW reactor and 825-850s Isp. IMISC refers to it as just a NERVA but NTRS 19690000736 refers to it as NERVA II. That said the document also mentions "The NERVA II engine development program has been dropped in favor of a 1500-mW NERVA engine with a thrust level of about 75 000 Ib (333 600 N)." Could be the NERVA II designation was continued for that in other documents for the 75k model? little confused about all that. Anyways this is whats modelled.
  15. There is no exhaust in any of the NERVA II diagrams. I believe its a completely closed loop cycle.
  16. Added an upgrade subtype to NERVA II, 850s for now but there are apparently some sources than put NERVA at around 900s but this is under investigation from original sources for now.
  17. What radiation emit thing? Are you sure this is something from Kerbal atomics and not a life support mod like Kerbalism? Seems to be a composite of two real images
  18. BDB's RO configs are provided within RO itself and written by volunteers sending pull requests to the RO repo. The majority of parts have configs but there hasnt been a significant effort to config new parts since the release of BDB v1.7
  19. NERVA II nuclear engine now on the BDB development branch on github. This is if you've not seen it before, taller even than the M1, dedicated interstages and mounting hardware will come later so users will need to improvise a bit for now.
  20. you'll have to ask @CobaltWolf as Vega was his project. Doing so would mean sacrificing the baked ambient occlusion around that area or a new mesh+texture space so idk...
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