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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. I would consider rescaling some 4.25m and 6.25m fairings to 3.75m and 5m. But in the meantime the SAF KW rocketry pack provides decent alternatives. SAF was originally made by blowfish to provide extra functionality to the KW fairings in fact. The additional development then took place later when we started making BDB fairings. This should have 3.75, 5 and even 7.5m fairings (rescaled from 5m for the latter I think) https://github.com/blowfishpro/SimpleAdjustableFairings-KWRocketry
  2. Yeah all of these fairings will have "wall" extensions so the Centaur fairing should be covered. I havent looked too closely at the MLV diagrams and such but a biconic like that sounds more appealing (and prob more realistic) than a pure conical fairing which you often see with such diagrams. Something to dig into a bit later.
  3. Yeah, current list: tracking the issue here https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/issues/962 If anyone has a lead on any fairing options I might have missed (non historical etc) keen to hear and consider.
  4. Some of the smaller skylab components textured and ready top left: S192 Multispectral scanner, S193 Microwave radiometer/altimeter middle: radial attachment port in 3 colours, RCS, ATM antenna, solar radio burst antenna, S191 IR spectrometer, S194 L barnd radiometer and proton spectrometer bottom: discone antenna
  5. Sorry the contracts were made by a kind community member, the main BDB team isnt too familiar with the system. If you have further problems it would be great if you could detail the bugs on the BDB Github issues page, and perhaps @Morphisor who made them might be able to have a look when they have time.
  6. Its a comment. Anything after a // will not count as part of the code in that line. Probably that was the old value and it was kept as reference.
  7. Skylab science. (in addition to the ATM of course). All of these are separate parts. RCS All the core parts except the fairing are now modelled. edit: forgot an antenna on the ATM
  8. we've set things up so that instead of the master branch being a copy of the release it is also where some development occurs. New setup is basically master will contain things that are in a roughly playable state and will be in the next release. Separate feature branches willcontain things that's are going to be in a later release, or highly experimental or early alpha meant more for the dev team to get their hands on stuff. Eg the Apollo stuff or the MOL IVAs branch. This setup allows for more frequent BDB releases. I know it doesn't matter for a lot of the regulars on the forum who pull from GitHub but the majority of BDB users play the release and we want to avoid 8-9 months between releases. So since the big 1.7 update we've managed the put out 2 significant content updates and hopefully 1 more with invaders probes before Saturn/Apollo/Skylab And if we stick to this workflow we might even be able to release the core historical parts while still working on the extended stuff. Or all altogether but we have options either way.
  9. Meant to say IU (instrument unit). This should be the root part of a skylab craft actually. (IMU, ie Inertial Measurement Unit would be one of the instruments inside the IU) of course. I havent looked into this at all yet. but as far as I know IR next is the most current version?
  10. No not yet, once the basic set of parts for a complete build is ready. Theres not a lot to go. I only started working on the unity and cfg setup stuff since Im away for a few days from tomorrow and didnt feel like starting on the new parts if im gonna be interrupted. The MDA and discone antennas are modelled but not textured. Not yet started on the experiments and fairing. And of course the IMU from the S4B will be needed to complete the build. Cobalt has modelled that but its not textured yet I think. Plus skylab will prob need a texture variant for that.
  11. managed to get a lot of key Skylab parts functional. The MDA, fairing, some science experiments and antennas still need to be completed but thats probably starting next week.
  12. As currently planned BDB 1.9 will be Invaders collection of various probes which are currently entering the github master branch. BDB 1.10 will hopefully be the initial Saturn, Apollo and Skylab parts mostly the core historical parts followed by more updates with the alt historical stuff.
  13. It uses the same jettison module yes (its not actually SAF its a custom module in the BDB plugin although it is derived from some SAF code iirc)
  14. It lives yet Theres a few things to fix here including positioning of the scientific airlocks and the paint blocking needs to be fine tuned but thought I would post something since I havent in a long while. ps. The bare gold section will use the normal KSP shader rather than the mapped shader but I might throw in a TU thing into BDB_extras with dedicated PBR textures.
  15. Not really, iirc the UV map doesnt really work for that kind of texture and the normal map doesnt work for it either as it seems smoother than a standard Titan I tank. So essentially the resource cost of doing one is basically a new part entirely. Invader and I briefly discussed possibly making a dedicated part for it for BDBNIC but as you pointed out its a non functional boilerplate so it doesnt add anything to game. As such its very much on the back burner (or abandoned possibly).
  16. Will have to have a think about that at some point. Initially we decided not to since we were (and as of today still) officially still compatible back to KSP 1.8 With the version freeze to KSP 1.12.x we might look at only supporting that version officially at some point. That said there are tech considerations, the stock experiment has a base science value of 45 vs just 5 for the BDB/Dmagic version. And we have absolutely tons of magentometers starting from the very beginning of the tech tree.
  17. If you open an issue with the list of parts you're interested in on the BDB github or have a public google sheets or something I can look into the ones you're missing.
  18. I've already been in touch with them and gotten some advice, just havent sorted it out with respect to the specific of our somewhat convoluted patch yet.
  19. BDB is incompatible with the very latest version of procedural fairings. We have a fairly complex catch all patch that creates a PF version of each base and we havent managed to update it yet to work with the new PF. This is being worked on in a special feature branch on github but I havent managed to figure it out yet. Hopefully we can get it working by the next BDB update.
  20. When the new parts are released they will remain in game (but hidden in the VAB) to allow for a transition but will usually be permanently deleted in the next patch update.
  21. Go to the RealPlume-stock/Squad folder and delete the configs for the engines you dont want. Most KSP mods do not work if you play around with the install locations as many files are file path specific. Please dont do that for any mod. It seems you have fixed that though. Re volume the way engine sounds are set up (since before I took over even) is that its scaled to engine thrust. So some smaller engines might be a bit quiet. I am not inclined to change this behavior as its a fair amount of patching work and most of us are moving away from RealPlume in favour of Waterfall anyway as the main plume mod. I am only doing bug fixes and deconflicts these days.
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