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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. UPDATE Bluedog Design Bureau v1.8.0 "Мороз" v1.8.0 "Мороз" New Content and features - Aerojet M-1 engine in SL and vacuum version. - P&W RL20 in SL and vacuum versions. - P&W XLR129 in SL and vacuum versions. Can be operated with nozzle extended or retracted. - Rocketdyne RS-30 Advanced Space Engine. - BDB Plugin updated with animated multimode feature to support XLR 129 functionality. Based on Deployable Engines by Nertea. Enhancements - BDB Plugin updated to support deployable nozzles with Safe Solid cutoff. - SR-120 and Orbus 6E now have Safe Solid. - refreshed textures and model for the RS-68 - Rescale Star 37, Star 48 and Burner II to more realistic proportions. - Updated Saturn rescale patch. (Will offer performance similar to upcoming new Saturn parts). - Update bundled Community Resource Pack to 1.4.2 - Update bundled Waterfall to 0.6.3 Bug Fixes - Added TransformOverride to some waterfall configs. Makes them resilient to patches from other mods targeting different transforms. (Fixes some missing plume bugs for LR91 engines) - Reconvert Mariner 10 textures to remove some artifacts. - Fix engage sounds on some engines (Able and Apollo waterfall) - Fix some typos - Add probe core to IUS, TOS, Athena OAM and Peacekeeper PBV instrument units, adjust balance. - Fix Agena subsatellite config and fx. - Fix Vega GE405H waterfall causing nullrefs when another mod uses the same template. - Fix z-fighting in Vega GE405H inner glow effect. - Fix Titan 3E PLF SAF not shielding properly - Fix mariner 10 engine bottom node position. DOWNLOAD [GitHub] DOWNLOAD [SpaceDock] There appears to be an issue with spacedock, will be available soon there as well. Also will be available on CKAN once their bot has detected the update. Full Release album (thanks to various screenshot contributors) https://imgur.com/a/sWNilMv
  2. Configs havent kept up with the latest updates. None of the authors are using tweakscale (if playing KSP at all :P) these days and generally compatibility configs get updated for mods we use due to time and motivation in addition to working on the core mod. We are of course always happy to accept pull requests from users and in fact most of our compatibility configs are user contributed.
  3. The hope is to have the primary historical skylab parts (and perhaps ETS spacelab) ready for the initial Saturn update.
  4. There should be an option to turn it off under the in game difficulty menu. There will be a BDB section just for boiloff.
  5. Its a separate part that will attach to the airlock module. The MDA comes after the AM. Main solar panel will be in standard and double (ETS Spacelab) size.
  6. Some more Skylab WIP. With the ATM complete, not moving on to the rest. This is a preview of the deployment truss. For anyone who missed the earlier discussion, the truss will support both Breaking Ground and Infernal Robotics and for those who would rather not use either the telescope will have a probe core so you can dock just like the current one.
  7. Possible yes. But would involve a fair amount of work as those bases were made and textured without splitting in half (or thirds) for SAF in mind so would require a fair amount of rework to get it to work like that. Not considering right now.
  8. This should fix it. However I am pushing an update though. The reason is that SAF provides shielding by hooking into the stock cargo bay module which links to a given deploy module . But it references this by index instead of module name. Changing the line ``DeployModuleIndex = 0`` to 1 in ModuleCargoBay fixes the problem as well.
  9. Oh yeah I totally forgot about that fix . I'll push that to the github shortly and @OrbitalManeuvers can let me know if that's resolved it. (I thought I had caught all the engines missing the definition tbh). Thanks, I've made a note, will look into it sometime this weekend.
  10. I'm unable to reproduce this issue thus far. On my mostly clean 1.11.2 test install I can launch both variants of the Vega engine without nullrefs. Also BDB can be used without Waterfall (either stock or realplume) but what do you mean B9 is unhappy without it? I just tested it and BDB launches fine without waterfall with no errors. I would suggest reinstalling BDB and all its dependencies. If the problem continues I think I would need to see the module manager log and config cache.
  11. Which engines? Are you trying to get the engines themselves to switch the fuel they run? None of the BDB engines switch fuel types. There are a few that use liquid hydrogen and oxidiser and the rest use LF/O (and some tiny ones use mono). The LFO engines cant switch to LH2O and vice verse.
  12. Just fixed the subsatellite on the github for those who play the development version. Will be in the next update for everyone else.
  13. Cardboard Jeb is unfortunately stuck in the unity scene and cant escape. Its already animated yes. Make sure you have BDB and all dependencies installed correctly as per the download. After double checking if you still have trouble, please post: 1. a list of your mods (a screenshot of your gamedata folder will do) 2. your ModuleManager.log (in kerbalSpaceProgram/Logs/ModuleManager) 3. your ModuleManager.ConfigCache (in Kerbal Space Program/GameData.) Also please let us know your KSP version and whether you have the latest BDB installed.
  14. Some Skylab ATM progress (only started on the solars and some detailing is still missing including the underside of the sun shield. Also grime and wear is still not in for the most part).
  15. Its possible some of the older version files werent correct. You can try https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/releases/tag/v1.6.2 . there is a dedicated download for ksp 1.7. Do keep in mind this is from 2019 and tons of content have been added since then.
  16. I saw that recently as well. Something to think about for the future after the priority bits are done. If we do make it will probably be one that fits into the default sim bay rather than conformal like that? let's see later anyway.
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