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Everything posted by mateusviccari

  1. Separate. Inside your game data, there must be a RealSolarSystem with Comaptibility, Localization, Plugins, etc. inside, and another inside GameData called RSS-Textures, with PluginData, Earth_NRM.dds, etc. inside.
  2. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Phobos, Deimos, Vesta, Ceres, Io, Europa, Ganimede, Callisto, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Iapetus, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Triton, Pluto, and Charon.
  3. How do I target a part with a module X and without a module Y? I'm trying to target all engines except the RAPIER engine. I tried: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]]:HAS[!MODULE[MultiModeEngine]] But no matter where I put the exclamation mark, it never works, since it always targets the rapier engine regardless. What am I doing wrong? EDIT: Forget I asked, turns out we can only have one HAS in the filter, and this is how it should be done: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*],!MODULE[MultiModeEngine]]
  4. Never mind, I did it by applying more patches, here's the solution if it comes in handy for future passersby:
  5. Well that's a million times better, but still not the culprit. I just found out that I can't type a variable after the "0 ". If I put the variable by itself, after the "=" it works. Guess I'll just have to find how to concatenate the fixed number with the variable.
  6. How can I use a variable inside a curve key? I tried the following: atmosphereCurve { key = 0 #$../../../../../origIspVac$ * 2.56 key = 1 186 } But the value does not get computed. Checking on MuduleManager.ConfigCache it looks exactly so, when it should have the value attributed to that variable (the relative path seems to be correct) This is the complete patch:
  7. Is there a way to make kerbalism only handle science gathering, without touching power generation/consumption?
  8. Interesting, but not exactly what I'm looking for. It still gets all science with just one click. Let's say I'm doing a flyby of a planet. I can use a magnetometer boon and collect all the science when reaching periapsis, even though the flyby will only last for a couple minutes. In reality, I would need to enter orbit and let the probe run the science experiment while it orbits the planet, for a long period of time.
  9. I want a mod than makes stock experiments to take time to complete instead of just getting it all at once. I know kerbalism does that, but I don't want all the other mechanics kerbalism introduces, even using the science-only configurations. Does anyone know if such a mod exists?
  10. There's a very easy DIY fix if you don't want to wait for official releases. Go to GameData\StockWaterfallEffects\Engine Configurations, open Swivel.cfg and Reliant.cfg with notepad and on the very first line, add a _v2 on the engine name. The line should look like this: @PART[liquidEngine2_v2]:NEEDS[Waterfall]:FOR[StockWaterfallEffects] and @PART[liquidEngine_v2]:NEEDS[Waterfall]:FOR[StockWaterfallEffects] In my opinion, the effect looks ok in both engines without need to tweak any configurations
  11. Great mod, makes it easier to add a little more variation to parts without having to fuss in a lot of menus.
  12. That's one reason to use CKAN, so you don't have to manage dependencies on your own.
  13. Not AFAIK because module manager loads all the modules at startup, and since some modules influence others, you can't disable some of them and expect others to keep working as you'd expect. That's why people copy the entire KSP folder to play the game with different mod combinations.
  14. It's been quite a long time since breaking ground was released, but I still couldn't find if anyone managed to make surface features work in RSS. Does anyone know anything?
  15. Don't we have surface features from breaking ground DLC working yet?
  16. Why not just use tweak scale and rescale the stock probe cores? Put an mk16 chute on top and you're done
  17. Can someone help me configure a drogue chute to slow down on mars (RSS)? I added a mk16 parachute, set it to drogue, changed the material to kevlar, pre-deployment altitude = 15000, deployment altitude = 2500. Lander mass is about 300Kg. Coming from a low mars orbit, the chute icon never turns from red to yellow before I reach about 9Km at about 1400m/s. If I try to deploy it, doesn't matter how long after it urns yellow, it always gets torn out by aerodynamic forces. What am I doing wrong?
  18. You can also get the kiwi tech three, along with its recommended mods and the ones @jimmymcgoochie suggested.
  19. I tried adding an afterburner config for the stock nuclear engine. I left both the regular (lh2) and the afterburner (lh2+lox) with the same ISP, the only difference is that the afterburner gets more thrust and consumes liquid oxygen. But for some reason the afterburner gets a lot more delta v than the one using only lh2, even being heavier because of the liquid oxygen. I was expecting less Delta v since we have less fuel (lh2) in the same tank compared to only lh2. My guess is that it's computing the liquid oxygen as fuel and since lo2 is more denser we have"more fuel". Am I not understanding some basic rocketry concept, or did I just do something wrong in the config? Forget I ever asked this question, of course the oxidizer has a direct effect on Delta-V. If I reduce the mass of the craft to match the first one I will get similar performance.
  20. I want to link the plume strength to the SRB's current rated thrust, since throttle is always at 100%. The SRB's rated thrust is constantly varying because I'm using real fuels with a throttle curve. Is it possible?
  21. How does this differ from RealFuels, apart from UI changes? Does it calculate boiloff of cryogenic fuels? Is it tailored to stock kerbol system, and can we use it with smurff to play in RSS with stock parts and DLC?
  22. Hi guys, I'm trying to put waterfall in the stock SRBs. I didn't get far but I got somewhere. But of course there are no smoke trails since waterfall cannot do this. Is there a way to put the stock smoke trail effects together with waterfall?
  23. No, it does not mess with any solar system setting, only rescales parts. And no, this is different from RP1. You will not get avionics. You can install real fuels, and kerbalism for science over time though. And if you do not want long burn times you don't want to play RSS at all. I think you can play with JNSQ but maybe the rescaled parts will give you overkill delta-v (can't personally confirm that).
  24. I'm struggling to make the Clydesdale SRB from stock KSP to use real fuels. I managed to make everything work (burning PBAN, working throttle curve). The engine works as expected but there's no sound nor plume/exhaust (I don't have Real Plume, I just want the vanilla effects). This is my patch, what am I doing wrong? EDIT: It happens with all engines. I just didn't notice with liquid fuels because I was using the Waterfall mod. So the question now is, how to use RealFuels without any plume mod and still keep the vanilla sound and exhaust effects?
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