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Everything posted by shakuvendell

  1. So how does Kepler's unknown object tracker work, besides mimicking the tracking station's asteroid tracking feature? I mean, why does it automatically target Duna, and how can I change the target, if possible? Actually, also curious if this was a real historical use for Kepler?
  2. Truly spectacular! The little rib-like bracings on the turbopumps are strangely eye-catching for me. I must confess, I am a bit irritated with myself for not knowing that the Atlas V was powered by Russian-made engines. It's a peculiarity that should have stood out to me, and yet I missed it.
  3. Is it possible that you're running them from an experiment tracker, via All Y'all, or another mod that runs experiments indirectly as a group? Iirc, DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric doesn't like that. Experiments that animate via DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric tend to jam up. Probably have to run them by hand, via the PAW. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Yesterday I was saying to someone that only one of the major shuttle mods was up to 1.12.5. It's like you were listening, and decided you were having none of it. Makes me happy though!
  5. Hey, so what craft is the Sarnus-SIVB-APS-550 Auxiliary Propulsion System from? The one with the forward-facing thruster?
  6. Gorgeous! Just remember to scrub your first launch attempt for maximum authenticity!
  7. No friggin' way! I haven't seen hide nor hair of this mod since KSP 1.3.0! Seeing this mod alive again is a serious dose of cheerful nostalgia!
  8. Just wondering what that nosecone is? I think I recognize it, but I'm not waiting 15 minutes for KSP to load just to find out.
  9. Apologies are rare on the web. When I do get them, I take them with much gratitude and cheer! Also, as an aficionado of puns, I appreciate the "apollogies" on a mod currently developing Apollo related content. The well placed surplus "L" gave me a giggle! In other words, it's all good! Both are two-man (Two-Kerbal?) Stations, so that sounds like a good fix. Also sounds like I'm playing some KSP today. Someone's gotta test it! Another question - How is Friznit getting those blueprint-style images for the Wiki when Kronal Vessel Viewer has been dead for a while?
  10. I expect people to not be rude when I give honest feedback or ask a question. Lucky for me, other people provided actually helpful answers, and now Cobalt is well aware the function is missing. It is, in fact, a dev version. in that you are correct. That means, if something is incorrect, the devs need to know. Hence, why I comment. From Cobalt's reaction, it's clear the functions should have been there, and something went wrong along the way. Not me! Honestly, I do believe it was originally there. I seem to recall checking for it explicitly. Lots of "Labs" are actually, well... Not. Dunno why, but Salyut mods are the worst offenders. Raider Nick's Soviet Stations and Tantares both have this shortcoming. It's made me kind of wary about anything that says "Lab" on it. Where it went I do not know, but it sounds like I just need to wait a few and update BDB again. The craft is still in orbit at the intended location. Will it break from having lab functions dropped into one of it's parts mid-flight? Or should I bring the crew home while I wait?
  11. Sina MLEM-CSL Laboratory Module is not a lab yet? Did I simply not notice the Lander Lab was missing lab abilities a few weeks ago? I launched on tonight that I built a few weeks ago, and am kind of disappointed. If it's not finished, it's not finished, I just wanna confirm if it's not finished.
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