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Everything posted by kurgut

  1. Hi, I'm rescaling some stock parts right now, and my main concern is about the attach nodes lines, which I actually eyeball for now, but I would to know how it works (I believe some X/Y/Z axis things). for instance the stock RTG. here's the part stock CFG: And here my x3 rescaled version: With this config, I end up in the VAB with nodes at the correct lenght, but the node size is still the same: So what do I need to change so the node match 1,25m other parts one? (and also, does it matter? I believe yes..) Thanks!
  2. The Kerbal Committee oredered to send the first crew up there, to the new station: Bob doing some important and needed S.Y.P.A.L. activites on EVA ( Save-Your-Partcount-And-Lag): few days later, 2 more modules, in one packet! Bob has to work by night to assemble the new stuff, not easy.. And last module until now, the LAB! finally can do some science. After assembly (I love how it looks by night )
  3. hi @Lisias, I've just got your fork from github, but I've got trouble to get it working. I'm confused by the folders in the .zip, should I put .net.lisias in gamedata? or the actual mod name folder. Also, plugindata is in separate folder, where do I need to put it? I'm on KSP 1.6.1, dependencies installed. Thanks
  4. As our first space station Salyuk starts being a bit small and crampy (well the soyuk vessel is bigger than the station so..) KS-committee ordered a new one! Some pics provided by the KerbzPapers of the 2 first modules: First module, Zaryaak: Second, Zvedaak: Zvezdaak looking at Zaryaak after rendez-vous: Docking and dock-.. ..-ed !
  5. @Nertea The changelog says about need of an "updated realplume" for RP compatibility, but I can't find any update, or is this a fork/whatever?
  6. Ye, that's what I went for, and with RCS, it's all right (also set 0 force to the decoupler).
  7. thumbs up !(out of like for today..)
  8. When pivoting lights, the light effect doesn't change direction accordingly, restock issue? (not the best screenshot, but you got me) here in reversed rotation, light effect still the same
  9. Seems no, Here it is in case Gonna grab it then, thanks I can't find his fork on github, do you have any kind of link to it? @peteletroll
  10. Hi @Kobymaru , Is there a way so I can see the predicted trajectory after staging, since most of the time, i've got something like reentry pod+service module/engine I decouple before reentry, then the predictions change slightly. Is that possible, or do I need to eyeball it? Thanks
  11. Hi @peteletroll , I've got some trouble with dock rotate on 1.6.1, when I rotate my docked ports, just after the rotation, they reset to the position they were first.. Both ports have rotation enabled I've got KJR (recompile), and restock mod (changes stock texture, so docking ports textures are changed, but not how they behave/work) Any idea? Thanks
  12. crap, ty, just forgot to tweak again vens cfg stuff.. Yes, I use Ven's only for solar panels which I like more (but shhht!)
  13. With this update, I'm not able anymore to switch between the different service bays variant, is it known around? Just screenshoted in VAB
  14. ye, restock + download link on spacedock gives you restock instead. And gj on update @NerteaIt's fine on Github tho
  15. No^^ It's just the mk2 lander (and btw, I noticed today is has doors! still discoerving ksp after 1.3 lol). So I opened the doors in the VAB, and stack in some external seats, and that's it!
  16. Today, I've found a solution to avoid me installing mods for landers: presenting the mk2 lander can evolved Totally Kraken safe Bringing the crew capacity up to 8! With now, so much room and comfort for the brave crew... Other variants available of course, please order to @RockoStrutOrbitalScrap.Kerb
  17. Thanks, will try this (also, this issue doens't appear all the time btw)
  18. Thanks, nah, didn't touch them, (and they're still in .dds, just checked it)
  19. For restock + Suggestion: Increase the general engine sound volume (don't have an exhaustive list, but I noticed that a quite a few of them). The engines sounds are pretty lower than the stocks ones. Edit: I've got real plume tho* (don't know if it mess with sounds) Doing some tests right now: ----> Sound is low only for solid boosters, and for Lv-303 so far
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