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Everything posted by kurgut

  1. @Zeiss IkonYeah, Early games in RP-1 are tricky, I restarted many times before being satisfied. I concluded that the tech tree, at the beginning you have to focuss ONLY on the node you wan't so basically Engines and fuel tanks, and yes fuel tanks upgrades give you a great bonus of efficiency. I also noticed that the tech tree is very, very well balanced comparison to real history. That means if you wan't to launch gemini spacecraft without the engines upgraded (other tech at the same era), it will laks you 200 m/s. So have to be patient, Or trying to find unhistorically solutions which is pretty funny also, but many times, you just can't, because you have to take an other engine, but then testflight will make your day a ruin! Don't you have RD-100? it's a start unlock I think.
  2. Aaaah the loong sounding rocket era, when restarting a career it's little bit annoying to redo all the stuff You have a pic of your rocket? In my Rp-1 career, I'm used to make a low orbit launcher with what I can: first stage depending, then AJ-10, and aerobee at final stage. Then as soon as I can I switch to Titan launcher, because he can last until the apollo era, and it's very polyvalent, and you can still use it after, that's a great rocket. I use it first with aj-10 upper stage (3rd), then with centaur (2 RL-10) Here a Titan II gvl (Aj-7 configuration, burning aerozine/NTO if I remember) launching the gemini 8. 2nd stage, LR 91 firing. I remember in this save the rendez-vous was tricky. I launched with the right phase angle and inclination (because launched from Canaveral), so then my transfer to the target was only 5 m/s ! And here docked.
  3. Testing my flying gemini around, pretty stable in fact, just the landing is hard to manage. And then, the command part will go underwater to try docking with floating target. Just need a launch vehicle now!
  4. Agree with @Cavscout74 So What I did sometimes was let Mechjeb do his job, and then disengage it and adapt manually just 1000m or 500m (even less) before the ground, And it worked pretty well!
  5. Just wrote this, check it! :) The underwater space program- Kostov- First Kerbal to go... under water
  6. Background: Before the history of space exploration, an error of a copyist working for dictionnary books editing happended at the word "space". He put by mystake instead the definition of the word "water". The error was unoticed, and then all the Kerbals thought that "space"... was water. Then, hundreds of years later, in the new Kalendar, the "Space" exploration began, at year 0. We sent a lot of sounding rockets, grinding a bunch of science and money, and fulfilling contracts. But then, Mission Control decided to send a Kerbal in Space. So, the great engineer, Serguei Korolevitch Kerman designed a new rocket, the R-0, with 4 "huge" boosters attached to the core stage that can carry the brand new Kostov spacecraft. The Kostov can support huge pressure, and also equipped with a basic system to manage his water ballast ( check great MOIST mod). It can hold hardly one Kerbal. This Kerbal is Valentina Tereshkovitska (Jebediah and Yuri Gagarinov were to afraid to go). Now let's launch, launch date: Year 61, april 12. When the boosters are jetisoned, there's a nice effect that Korolevitch imagined, well, just to impress all Kerbals watching the launch. We're doing a pretty fast gravity turn, we just wan't to reach almost the Karman line, to have the time to manage our landing. Then the fairing are opened to let the great Mushni Booster separate the spacecraft from the rocket. Fire! Pretty brutal yes. Just overshooted the Karman line a bit, no matter. Here's the Kostov! Let's splash this. Chute armed, and airbags to stabilize the thing. Jetisoned the aribags, and ready to dive, just open a bit the water intake to fill the ballast tank. The thing here is to manage our vertical velocity. We've a gently descent at about 1.5 m/s. -1000 meter! It's pretty dark here.. Just before landing, we exhaust a bit of ballast to touch as smooth as possible. Landed! As we're here, let's go EVA. Airlock view. Valentina has some ballast inside her "space" suit, I've to managed water intake/exhaust to increase or deacrease vertical velocity, well the same way as before. Now, let's get out of here before the Kraken eat us. We've jetisoned all our ballast by error, we're going at 22 m/s to the surface, that's way to fast, we have to quickly fill the tank to slow our "reentry profile" let's say :) We come at the surface at 10 m/s, just a little jump over water, and now safe again! And wev'e return just at our initial position, let's call the recovery team, the trismark should not be far from us.. First Milestones, great
  7. Here the "submarine room" under my carrier. Let's launch this! Rolling out: more rollout Fire! 20 m/s stable meuvring speed. 30 m/s maximum speed. My testing pilot is ready, but he feels incomfortable, so diffrent from a rocket! Release that! But the Kraken, make the Sub attached to the carrier. After loading, saving, loading, saving: it worked. But well, my sub crashed, just have a pic with the pilot trying to go the surface.. Max depth encountered while "stable" : 300m, then crashed at about 380m on the ground. And have to disable for the moment "parts have pressure limits", can be handy!
  8. I've just got this idea, maybe it's stupid, maybe not. More of that, and I don't know how to realize this without a mod. But anyway! This will give some ideas maybe: The challenge would be that you start (a career game) in orbit around Kerbin in a poor space station. With no science, a bit of founds, and you have to explore around you, in EVA first, then with little spacecrafts, to extand your space station, knowledge, etc. The first "big" goal would be to land at Kerbin, and to come back to the station. Then go to the moon and back. Etc, etc. Your launch site will always be the initial space station. The technology available would be in consequence, relative to this gameplay. That's an inverted gameplay in fact. Well you see, that's more an idea for modders than a challenge, but take it, the way you want (or you can..). As a "plus", background idea, we can imagine those kerbals are successors of the current Kerbal civilization, they were just forgotten by Mission Control, let in cryogenic state for hundreds of years... Just wanted to share, say me what you think! Kurg
  9. Haha, well yes a bit much than necessary, but those kerbals you now.. instopable
  10. Testing my platform and safety things now, don't work apparently, Valentina get caught!
  11. I do a little break with my KSS station, so I started building a carrier. For aircrafts, science, fun, and with a planned attachment point for a submarine. It has a weight of 300t currently, propelled by 2 rapiers engines, have 5h of burn time and managed to go at 30 m/s! This is just the basic/testing design for the moment. To be added: Structural panels on the sides, decorations, orientation control system, more decorations, submarine docking point, and decorations, again. All those fuel tanks are for balancing the mass (most of them are empty). And the empty place at the middle for a submarine docking point (don't know how at the moment! )
  12. Here's my "KSS" station, still in assembly at the moment. I use the Herkul, spacecraft between shuttle and rocket, fully reusable, to bring modules to the station. Then I use RCS maneuvring probes, or lastly added the robotic arm "canadarm" to move and dock the modules to each others (but it is hell!) . Current state: here the payload stage of the Herkul Bill working around some assembly phase First module that was put in orbit
  13. Finally! I managed adding the S0 truss the tothe KSS, by using integrated rcs systems, and to rotate it correctly, I added a rotatron just above the docking port to allow me rotate the whole truss. That's a great dicovery I've done, i'll use this trick with every docking port that needs a precise rotation adjustment. The truss we added have a robotic rail on it, to allow the canadarm to moove things arround the station. I also cleaned the station a bit, removed unused maneuvring modules, etc. Next: We'll get this truss bigger! We'll add the S1 & 2 truss that have extra radiators, and finally the big huge awesome solar arrays at both trusses's ends. Here just done Then after "cleaning" a bit the station We've got 6 permanent crew on it, with good life support: 4 scientists, 1 engineer, and 1 pilot. It generates lot of science that our exploration probes send directly to the station. _________ I also landed my Messenger probe at Moho and let the "bus" stage in orbit for communication, to fulfill contract, get money, science, all those nice things! Nuclear powered Bus stage entering orbit. The lander, well, landed. The landing gear didn't get down due to have badly managed the signal delay (remote tech) which is quite important when around Moho, but it worked hopefully!
  14. Let's say about one year ago, what I loved to do all the time, was sending always at least two kerbals per mission. The first to do the mission propelly, the second: to be leaved in orbit for eternity (i'd loved to watch plenty of Kerbal's EVA orbits at the tracking station), leaved to a reentry trajectory (and watch him burning), and design a "suicide" stage in my rockets, all the time different, to try kill him in a new way each time.. Now I love my kerbals and I take care of them Do you know you can just rename them? But suicidal type missions are fun, I understand
  15. No! This mod just allows you to stage them. If you want to know there are RCS from lonesome robots mods, blue dog design bureau, stock (but with ven stock part revamp), SXT maybe, and little others, can't remember all :)
  16. This, is simply amazing. I've got my KSS (ISS), completely misalgned, spend hours and hours, rotating the ports on eva (with KAS), plenty bugs, etc.. Should solve all my problems. And iIs this compatible with ksp 1.3.1 ? Thanks EDIT: sorry just saw it was compatible in CKAN, trying it now!
  17. Canadarm, canadarm, I love you and I hate you. I managed designed a very maniable canadarm 2 for my KSS to assemble the trusses. But, it is HELL: kraken bugs, docking bugs, etc, etc, and it is so looong to move. I launched 4 times the S0 truss mission due to bugs every times, and with the last one, we managed grabbing it from Herkul cargo bay, and docking it with the station... it was not oriented correctly. All kerbals watching this live in teletransmission from their home in Kerbin were laughing of our space program's ridiculousness. And All those things costed us a lot of money. SO: our engineers decided to not use Canadarm anymore (we will let one attached at the station, just because it's so good looking), but instead, we'll use integrated RCS maneuvring system to assemble our station, they will be jetison later. More simple, less expensive, more Kerbal way. Two or three pics with my attempts: The last one that was succesful, but docking port oriented incorretly
  18. Few pics with the Canadarm 2 mission, self docking to prepare the next mission when it'll be used to install to big S0 Truss. Also, when playing around the station, the game start going a tiny bit laggy. That's great, that means our station gets bigger. Next plan: S0 Truss, more lag -> bigger station.
  19. Just added the little Pirs module that add a docking port for our Herkul spacecraft and an other airlock for the station. Also messing around with the Canadarm 2, which will be the next mission to the KSS. Pirs docking with unmanned probe, launched by the great Protonuk rocket. Bill working around.
  20. Well, it can be very handy, like set up stagging that rcs are not used during ascent and only when you want (so in space), avoid that all the monopropellant of your lander is used, and yeah, many things that we usually do by action grouping.
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