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Posts posted by Cruesoe

  1. 4 minutes ago, dresoccer4 said:

    hi - im excited to try this progression tree out. however I'm having a little difficulty getting started. I am unable t control the rocket so it keeps flying off course. I can't see any way to control it in the early progression tree, an thus can't get any science.

    there is no reaction wheels or vectorable engine or rcs thrusters for many levels. I'm pretty sure even early rockets could be steered, right? Maybe i'm missing something and it't not installed correctly. is there any way to control the rocket before the FlightControl node?


    To get started you can set your uncontrollable rocket to spin. Angle the fins on the rear end so it rotates / spins in flight. This will keep it straight. Google spin stabilization for ideas.

    That should get you enough science to get a plane in the air. Then visit all the nearby biomes, landing, flying over etc.

    That should get you enough to get a rocket together with some RCS for control..

    Onwards and upwards!

    (Don't forget that each KSC building is it's own biome too!)

  2. 17 hours ago, LikeMyBread said:

    Is there a way to set up automation from within the VAB? It seems odd to have to manually configure things like the solar panels and fuel cells from scratch with each launch.

    Currently no. Most of us would love this feature but it doesn't exist at the moment. You'll need to run through your automation settings on the launch pad as part of your preflight checks.

    I currently still tie my solar panels and antennas to action groups as well because sometimes I can't be bothered to set automation again, I'll manually control instead.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Ceromancy said:

    @WelshSteW There is no icon on the toolbar. I have tried installing it in numerous different locations, including the location where I installed all the other mods (and those mods do work). KSP behaves as if this mod is not installed at all.

    It should be installed in GameData\KerboKatz

    Make sure you also have it's dependencies installed, KerboKatzUtilities.

  4. @_Zee Scansat was updated so your ScanSat patch is no longer required, I believe the ScanSat new parts (15 in total) are nicely placed already.

    scansat-multi-modis-1 basicScience 4
    scansat-radar-poseidon-3b-1 basicScience 4
    scansat-radar-seasat-1 electrics 5
    scansat-multi-abi-1 spaceExploration 5
    scansat-recon-ikonos-1 precisionEngineering 6
    scansat-sar-paz-1 advElectrics 6
    scansat-resources-crism-1 advExploration 6
    scansat-recon-worldview-3-1 unmannedTech 7
    scansat-exomars-1 fieldScience 7
    scansat-resources-mise-1 scienceTech 7
    scansat-sar-radarsat-2-1 largeElectrics 7
    scansat-multi-msi-1 advUnmanned 8
    scansat-recon-kh11-1 largeUnmanned 9
    scansat-resources-hyperion-1 experimentalScience 9
    scansat-sar-tandem-l-1 experimentalElectrics 9


  5. 1 hour ago, SkiRich said:

    I'm not sure if this option is an MKS function or not, so I'll ask here and see if anyone knows.

    I have noticed that all my parts on my crafts now have an option to "Disassemble Part"

    Clicking it blows it up (no damage though to the attached parts.

    I also saw a message scroll by on the screen saying something about Materials being created, but it went by so fast I didnt get a chance to read the whole thing.

    Is this a feature of MKS?  and if so, where do the disassembled parts go if you dont have storage for them?

    If not, no worries, I'm looking through all the "construction type" mods I have installed for this option.

    The disassembly of parts is an MKS thing and mention in those video tutorials you suggested I watch...

  6. 4 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

    Have you tried clicking "Refresh"? That should re-run the scan for manually installed modules. If it still says "AD" after that, then try File → Open KSP Directory to make sure you're looking at the right folder.

    Thanks. I resolved it after an epiphany. When I tried to remove RCSBuildAid I must of miss-clicked and dragged it inside another mods folder.  It was sitting there inside a subfolder giving me issues on CKAN.

    Deleted it, properly this time, and everything works as it should.

    User error, apologies all, carry on.

  7. 3 hours ago, EchoLima said:

    Is there a way to change the default values that Gravity Turn uses (specifically for Hold AP Time Finish and Destination Height)?

    I know they can be changed before each launch but I'm talking about changing the default numbers.

    Press the tiny little save icon near the bottom right.

    And keep the padlock red, or it it will change itself again.

  8. 5 hours ago, MassoudGL said:

    So when will this be updated to KSP 1.10? It feels like my campaign always starts getting good and then they decide to change a bunch of stuff in game...

    (yeah I know I can just revert to 1.9.1, but comets!) 

    1.10 came out TODAY. It's highly likely it will be followed by 1.10.1 and your asking WHEN will this be updated already!

    Sit back and relax and enjoy 1.9.1 and Kerbalism. It will be weeks until this is updated if at all. Don't poke the mod developers. Don't be that guy.

  9. Just now, Monniasza said:

    Preseve CTT tech nodes themselves , but rearrange them to match SIMPLEX and TETRIX. This should preserve tech requirements from mods not supported by TETRIX.

    But TETRIX does adjust positions of parts in the tech tree to where they fit TETRIX, not necessarily where the mod author put them in the entirety separate CTT.

    They are two entirely different Tech Trees.  TETRIX redoes everything, it's not the same as Unkerballed start that changes tech node positions and a few parts too.

    Engineering Tech Tree, SlMPLEX, TETRIX are tech tree redo's. Unkerballed start and PBC use the CTT as their base.

    CTT does not fit with SIMPLEX and TETRIX goals.

    (Apologies if I'm talking out of turn @theJesuit )

  10. 1 minute ago, Monniasza said:

    You can integrate Community Tech Tree into it.

    That makes no sense. The Community Tech Tree mod adds nodes to the existing stock tech tree.

    This mod completely reworks the entire tree and is specifically designed to work standalone. 

    I do not understand what you mean by integrating the CTT. What do you expect to happen?  Why do you want to use both? What outcome are you expecting?

  11. 2 hours ago, ricardo_ said:

    when I load kopernicus I get a popup that it didn't load correctly.  

    I went into my log for the mod and here is where the problem is 

    Body: Squad/Moho: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: type


    Is this a fresh install of KSP? Looks like it can't find a stock asset that it requires. Perhaps your install of KSP is borked.

  12. 51 minutes ago, Autolyzed Yeast Extract said:

    I wish you didn't include the propulsion config in this. In KSP it is already hard enough to tell how much dV you'll actually have or need because nothing takes into account that ISP changes with both staging AND altitude, and that is the real reason engines have such good atmospheric performance.

    Forget trying to measure atmosphere DV at different altitudes, the gains aren't worth it in stock.

    You need 3400 to 3800 vacuum dv to make orbit depending on how well you fly.

  13. 48 minutes ago, miguelsgamingch said:

    Still Works Without Breaking Ground Right?

    It's a mod design to work with the KAL device and parts from Breaking Ground. To enhance them and how they work.

    If you don't have Breaking Ground why would you want this mod?


  14. 35 minutes ago, Idleness said:

    I don't think that is exactly accurate - PBC doesn't always give full reward, though it does give many experiments full transmit value.  I'll have to dig a little deeper to find out exactly where the problem is I think.

    Quote from the PBC thread that I took to mean full rearward for sample returns.


    Returningan experiment home always means that experiment never needs to be redone (also true in most transmission cases too,).


  15. 7 hours ago, Idleness said:

    Probes Before Crew modifies science for many parts I believe.  It's the only thing I've installed recently.  Previous to PBC this mod was working fine with all mods that added parts.

    PBC does the same thing this mod does, it alters science rewards but it's always 'full reward' you dont need both AFAIK

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