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Posts posted by Cruesoe

  1. 2 hours ago, therealcrow999 said:

    @AthlonicChatterer is defiantly not working in new update, I guess it is expected with Unity update. I have Chatterer installed with Chatterer Extended, and Chatterer doesn't even show up in game, not even stock toolbar. 

    Works fine for me. Installed on a clean 1.8 install via CKAN. I don't use chatterer extended.

    Been flying airplanes all night with Jeb chattering away.

  2. 3 minutes ago, mateusviccari said:

    Had anyone tried playing with the new 1.8 update? Is it compatible? If not, does it generally take long for the mod to be updated?

    This update to KSP is significant. This mod will not be updated until Kopernicus is, (Kopernicus is version locked).

    The update to new Unity engine is likely to cause more work for modders than previous updates so it may be some time before a lot of mods are update.  Best thing you can do is play your previous 1.7.3 version and be patient for everyone to catch up with 1.8.

  3. 1 hour ago, [email protected] said:

    Is there a way to tone down or turn off how experiments take a while to complete? Its kinda difficult early game for your barometer to take 15 minutes when you'll be plunging back into the atmosphere in 5

    Either build a plane or set your parachutes to open at maximum height. (5000m) A light probe will take time to drift down. You also don't have to complete the experiment in one go. Little bits will eventually return the same science.

  4. 2 hours ago, Crio said:

    Hey there,

    I hope there isn't already an answer to this, at least i didn't find something via search function.

    Is there a way to see which Kerbalism science you already have accomplished?

    Not necessarily which you CAN still accomplish but I'd like to see which experiments i already have done on e.g. the mun to decide where my next landing should go to. [x]! Science seems not to work, at least it does not show me anything as completed.


    Thanks in advance :)



    You have to look in the R&D screen.

    Although there are many people that would like to have something like [X] science to track it more easily. Maybe one day....

  5. 3 hours ago, Autolyzed Yeast Extract said:

    The radiation shielding in this mod is too heavy. Crewed modules should have some layer of radiation protection in them by default, and solid lead plating is not the only way to protect astronauts from radiation. Creating surface bases, space stations and even simple Mun/Minmus missions have become extremely discouraged due to how difficult it is to fight radiation. While it is a subject of a lot of research in real life, the fact the only method we have to fight it is lead plating or intense magnetic forcefields doesn't make sense. Aerobraking at Kerbin requires going into the high radiation belts many times unless you take such a steep descent that you die to heat or g forces. This is the only reason why I do not like playing with this mod; I enjoy a hardcore experience (I am using this with JNSQ, which makes it even more frustrating that we cannot use, for example, water instead of super heavy metals for protection), but the excessively punishing radiation mechanic basically prevents us from doing any form of crewed mission for an extended period of time, especially considering that you need many empty seats to prevent stress.

    Why don't you just turn off Radiation if you don't like it?  I'm pretty sure it's an option.

  6. 2 minutes ago, nufijs said:

    :DThis is a very good mod :D! But is there any way how to change the science gain? I don't like a bit since it takes minutes to research in career mod. If there is a way to change it please help me. 

    Science is supposed to take time, and not be instant. That's one of the big points of this mod.

  7. I think the issue here is the mission planning in a long career.

    A player needs to know what experiments to choose in the planning stage to maximize science. You can't take all experiments on all missions, especially in early game. I used to use [X] science myself for only the 'left to complete' list. 

    I do believe a better science check list is required but I don't know if that's a Kerbalism requirement or a better R&D mod.

  8. 4 hours ago, brispo said:

    Hoping to get a little guidance as I'm having trouble with the "Explore the Mun (Probe)" and "Explore Minmus (probe)" missions.

    I built a probe, flew to minmus, landed, recovered a little science, and flew back and splashed down on Kerbin, but the contract didn't complete. It appears that I got the rewards, but the contract is still showing up as active. Any ideas?

    You need to check your ship type. Make sure it's the right type for the contract to complete. Was it labelled as a probe.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Cosmonauth said:

    After CRP installing and providing converters with right resources, all works like a charm. Ability to turn on/off things automatically, insane!

    Maybe it worth to mention somewhere that CRP is a dependency for Kerbalism?

    It does. On the first post. The front page.

  10. Just now, Trem Fantasma said:

    Is there a way I can get the Alpha? if not its fine

    If you want to know all about the Alpha and what is going on with Kerbalism then join the Discord (link in the title post).

    But as I stated above it works in 1.7 but Kerbalism 3.0 drastically changes the way science works and the team are assessing the impact of the new science mechanisms so don't expect it to work in 1.7.1 right away.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Trem Fantasma said:

    Im using the latest

    I presume you mean version 2.1.2 or do you mean the alpha of 3.0?

    1.7.1 introduced a host of new features including new science. When 3.0 it's released then it will support these new features. 2.1.2 may work if you have correctly installed the dependencies but if I was you I would just wait until 3.0 is released.

    1.7.1 has been out for less than half a day and the team have barely finished assessing the impact, the same goes for all mods I am sure.

    As I said earlier be patient and wait for the update. It will be ready when it's ready.

  12. 49 minutes ago, Trem Fantasma said:

    So I am trying to get the mod to work in 1.7.1 and I am having no luck. I have the parts ingame but nothing else is working

    What version of Kerbalism are you using?

    This mod has not yet been updated for 1.7.1, work is in progress and you may just need to be patient and wait for 1.7.1 to be a supported version.

  13. 9 hours ago, Tonas1997 said:

    Sadly, that doesn't seem to have any effect.

    Mind you I'm still playing on 1.3.1 and that bug might have been fixed since then, but the config seems to be the same on more recent versions.

    The title of this forum says Kerbalism supports every version of KSP since 1.4 and your playing 1.3.1.

    If you want to play Kerbalism 2.1.2 or future versions of this mod you might want to think about updating to a supported version of KSP, there were some large changes from 1.3 to 1.4 in the KSP code I believe which means it's harder to support versions before 1.4.

  14. 7 hours ago, ioresult said:

    Good to know. I'm playing with my own RSS Rescale to one third (or 3.33 times original Kerbin) and discovered by trial and error that to reach orbit the dV requirement is a bit less than twice. SQRT(3.33) is 1.82. Not too bad.

    I love RSS One Third! Next on my roadmap: Galileo 6.4!

    Would you be willing to share your RSS Rescale configs?

    Sounds like a fun game. I'm currently doing a 2.5x stock game with Kerbalism. I'd like to try RSS next. Do you use all stock parts?

  15. 19 minutes ago, DStaal said:

    Last I tried with Procedural Fairings, they didn't hamper Gravity Turn in any way, but they weren't handled as fairings - they were just another stage.  Putting them in the right order you could easily manually stage them during the ascent however.

    Should of been clear, this is exactly what I do now.

    Just wondering if there is a way to hey them to auto stage like stock fairings.

  16. 7 hours ago, Uberns said:

    I really like that too.  Buuuuuuut, it can get you killed when EC is tight and you forget to turn them back off :0.0:.  Thats easy to work with though and overall I love the change.

    You could set them to automatically turn off at low power using the Kerbalism auto tab so that wouldn't be an issue, if that's what you wanted to do.

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