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nasa legolas

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    Flying to the Moon

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  1. CKAN (the Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network) is the main mod manager for KSP, it automatically installs dependencies, highlights and recommends compatible mods and is overall an easier, much more manageable way to install and manage mods in KSP. I highly recommend using it instead of manually installing mods. CKAN Link
  2. So, I've been trying out the new mercury parts, but the heat shield keeps inflating every time i place it. how do i fix this?
  3. My country is under curfew, i live in Puerto Rico
  4. That would be cool. Quick, find the guys that work in star theory and tell them this is a microsoft level easter egg Well the 50th anniversary of apollo D class missions is 2020.
  5. Banned for critizizing an aircraft enthusiast
  6. So every time that i try to turn on the game launcher, it quits instantly. Why is this happening ?
  7. banned for saying just it when i don't see anything
  8. banned for banning a a guy for shameless corporate narcissist advertisement that banned a guy who banned the banner of the ban thread who banned you for banning a guy who banned a dud because his cat has a tie... EDIT: KERBALCEPTION (Hans Zimmer music starts playing
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