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Everything posted by Tacombel

  1. As in any other solo game, you define the rules. There are people that refuels the ship at a station in the final biome because they already set up the infrastructure to do so, so you can make any route 0 TC. Is just a matter of what its Ok with you.
  2. While the parts that I use are from a different mod (if there are any questions regarding that mod, please take them to the relevant thread, not here) here you can see some base building action using EVA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-TNxrokhXA
  3. The deprecated ports are still there, only that a bit out of the way.
  4. Don't know if I am late, but you need to do the PR in the develop branch.
  5. Not sure if it is intended, but it took me a while to discover it. When out of fuel, persistent thrust doesn't let you time warp if the throttle is up. Setting it to zero solves it.
  6. Packed basic base in two ships. Mount them in your favorite booster and launch them. It is designed with a crew of five in mind. Engineer and pilot for the pioneer module, scientist for the greenhouse, engineer for the workshop and a third engineer for EVA construction. Enable konstruction in the pioneer and workshop to move the heaviest parts. There are not enough material kits to deploy everything, so start with the hab-quarters, greenhouse and workshop. Then disassemble as needed to deploy the hab-common. https://kerbalx.com/Tacombel/MKS-Basic-Base-Part-One https://kerbalx.com/Tacombel/MKS-Basic-Base-Part-Two
  7. This is what it says in the wiki, Personally I never reached that far. They will also get freezed if you reach 50y habtime per kerbal. AFAIK the others don't have any special effect. https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Functions-(Habitation)
  8. @SPEKTRECheck the link, it is not working
  9. Yea, different workflows. I don't design ships with the shipyard in mind, but upgrade the shipyard as needed. What is a problem if the shipyard is far away.
  10. Perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but the shipyard has this already. If you don't have one in lko you could just launch one in KSC and check. It is not the same as having it in the VAB, but it works.
  11. Yes, should always be there, although sometimes it disappears. A scene change usually solves it. I am still in 1.11.1
  12. Some useful info for those new to WOLF https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/WOLF-—-some-useful-tips and some of the new things in the current constellation pre-release https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Bleeding-Edge:-new-and-modified-things.
  13. One way to avoid the correction ignitions is just to switch of gravity turn once Ap is at is target. Just set it a bit higher to take into account the loses. AFAIK this is the way it is done in real rockets.
  14. There is an icon in your tool bar, the one under the Wolf one, that opens a UI that lets you transfer resources between ships closer than 150m.
  15. AFAIK is a stock problem, not MKS. There is a workaround made by Lisias, that seems to work.
  16. https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/WOLF-—-some-useful-tips
  17. Check https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Bleeding-Edge:-new-and-modified-things.
  18. And each time you launch those errors are going to be different, so you get different results.
  19. In the stable version of MKS, there are many parts that still are not compatible with stock inventory. Soon all of them will, but not now.
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