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Posts posted by DarkNounours

  1. 54 minutes ago, PeteKonrad said:

    Hello @Lisias

    I hope I'm not being rude by asking, but I could use some help getting a TweakScale fix for the NFS "Orion" solar panels to work (fix courtesy of @Jay The Amazing Toaster. Would it be best to PM you? 

    Please consider using the file produced by Lisias here : https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_NFS/blob/master/GameData/TweakScaleCompanion/NFS/patches/NFS_TweakScale.cfg

    I don't recommend using mine at the moment (dev branch) as I know scaling methods are not always correct.

  2. Lisias I have a few questions regarding your TweakScale Companion patch for NFS.

    @PART[nfs-panel-deploying-concentrator-1x3x1-juice-1]:NEEDS[TweakScale]:FOR[TweakScaleCompanion_NFS] // K20-K 1+2+1 Concentrating Photovoltaic Panels
           type = free_square

    I can see there is no FOR or NEEDS statement for the NearFutureSolar AddOn thus that there is no dependency with this AddOn.

    • Do you consider with the @ that nothing will be done if no nfs-panel-deploying-concentrator-1x3x1-juice-1 part already exists ?
    • Do you consider there is no problem at all since TweakScaleCompanion_NFS has a CKAN depency with NearFutureSolar so it does expect NearFutureSolar to be present ? Same for the TS AddOn ?
    • It is possible to have multiple NEEDS statement like NEEDS[TweakScale]:NEEDS[NearFutureSolar] or the last NEEDS override the first one ?


  3. I've made some progress tonight to make my generator of TS config files more flexible. I have still strong enhancements to make because scaling methods are not 100% accurate. For example solar panels with a size (you know the curved ones) for NFS should not be free_square (scaled in %) but stack_square (scaled in meters).

    As a reminder the program is designed to support ReStockPlus, ReStockRigidLegs and NFS. It is highly depending on a good governance in the part naming.

    A new dev branch is now available https://github.com/xot1643/TS-Restockplus/tree/dev

    Files generated in the Config folders are not curated yet and have not been tested at the moment.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    This one.

    The NOTICE file will credit TweakScaleCompanion-* as my Trade Mark, but you will own the patches as the original Author. I suggest cloning the repo and issuing Pull Requests, once I incept it, so you will have github supporting you in the years to come about the original authorship of the patches. Of course, we need to settle on a licensing terms that make both of us happy - but since parches are not code, it will be easy to find a common ground on the matter! :)

    It's where you want whenever you want dude :wub: (yeah it's still Valentine day afterall :D). You can have a look at the link provided earlier to see how the cfg file i've generated/curated is made.

    I have not many requirements, as long as end users are happy with more fun with their games :)

  5. 39 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    Wow. Sorry for your loss. I know how it can be hard, my father passed away not too many years ago. :(

    Thanks dude.

    39 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    It's exactly as I intend to pursue this thing. :)

    The prefix "TweakScaleCompanion" I intend to reserve to add'ons I personally curate (not necessarily own), so people knows it's something cared by a paranoid stand-up guy like me that do his best to avoid breaking things and purse bugs as they were vampires and he, the current Van Helsing reincarnation. :D (it's the reason I asked for co-authorship at that time).

    Ok so what would be the process?

    • I would need to create a TweakScaleCompanion_stuff and you are invited to be a contributor ?
    • You create a TweakScaleCompanion_stuff and you invite the willing guy (me) to be a co-author ?
    • 3rd option ?

    Sorry if I missed something on the last 5 pages, have you already asked for co-authoring for NFS ? I have my own addon for NFS :p


    39 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    Before adding these stunts to CKAN, I need to finish and kick TweakScale 2.4 trough the doors. Our fellow Kerbonaut @Jammer-TD gave a hell of a bashing on the Beta Release, and his reports hinted me that I should change my previous Road Map, pushing the :FOR thingy on TweakScale sooner. I need the next local holidays on Brazil (Carnival) in order to properly release this stunt to the Wild Wide Web.

    With :FOR properly used by TweakScale, more complex interactions between different Add'Ons are possible and safe, and so I can focus on CKAN . Ideally, TweakScale should suggest/recommend all the Companions, and CKAN would prevent the installation of the Companions that doesn't have all the requirements met (TweakScale and the target Add'On). But since Everybody Borks :P , the :AFTER and :BEFORE thingies can help us to write more bulletproof patches (and so the need to have :FOR on Wild first).

    And the recent minimumMass and minimumCost features on KSP 1.9 surely will make our lives a lot easier from now on. This surely lifted a hell of a weight from my shoulders, at least. :)

    Okay I stay tuned. 

    On 2/2/2020 at 12:05 AM, Turbo Ben said:

    HI, I'm trying to add tweakscale properties to a couple of parts in the restock+ mod. I managed to successfully get it working on the tine 3.75m fuel tank, but when I tried to do it on the 3.75m battery, I started getting the "houston we have a problem" message on loading the game.

    I'm running KSP 1.7.3 with the relevant version of tweakscale installed through CKAN.

    Two lines from the log confirming it is the battery causing the issue:

    [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part restock-battery-375-1 (Z-10K Rechargeable Battery Bank) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).

    [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 749 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 1 Show Stoppers found; 0 Sanity Check failed; 136 unscalable parts.


    Code I added to ...Tweakscale/patches/squad/Squad_Util:

    @PART[restock-battery-375-1] // restock 3.75m Battery
            type = free


    @PART[restock-battery-375-1] // restock 3.75m Battery
            type = stack
            defaultScale = 3.75

    Code I added to the battery config:

        name = TweakScale
        type = free
        scaleFactors = 0.625, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.75, 5.0, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40


        name = TweakScale
        type = stack
        defaultScale = 3.75
        scaleFactors = 0.625, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.75, 5.0, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40


    I'll be honest, I have no idea how this mod works. I may have missed something simple, or might just not have a clue what I'm doing.

    It's not a big issue, I can just scale up one of the stock batteries if needed, but if I've missed something simple I'd prefer to get this working.

    Any suggestions?

    Well I should have been more present these last weeks :D
    I have developed a plugin for Restock+ and rigid legs. It is automatically (well almost) generated by parsing the Restock+ mod with a perl program.

    All the details (program + generated/curated files) are here :


    I've been using the generated file for almost 2 months now, it is now part of my Career Game.

  6. Hi all and hi Lisias. 

    Sorry for being away for such a long time but I had a lot of personal set backs (father and aunt passed away in january) & I have a lot of work these days, but I am still willing to contribute.

    I saw Lisias that you created a TweakScaleCompanion_NFS new repo in Github, I have a few questions on this.

    • could it be a model to be compliant with for creating for example a TweakScaleCompanion_Restockplus nice add on ?
    • If yes what are the key steps so that CKAN can take into account such another plugin ?



  7. On 2/1/2020 at 11:11 PM, ManEatingApe said:

    Sheesh, kids these days, it has to be vi of course :wink:


    Just kidding, Sublime with kOS syntax highlighting plugin...

    Unfortunately, last time I checked not all kOS syntax was supported in the plugin. But this is better than nothing.

    On 2/1/2020 at 11:11 PM, ManEatingApe said:

    Sheesh, kids these days, it has to be vi of course :wink:


    On 2/2/2020 at 11:15 AM, Jacke said:

    Know enough vi to get by.  (Not too hard, I've seen editors like that since QEDX.)  But I prefer emacs.

    Yeah another vi/emacs dispute incoming. Let me grab my sofa, some popcorn and entertain me, please :)

  8. Hi community.

    I quite new to the developing process of a quite simple add-on.
    My add-on is just a cfg file and has already been developped and tested, but I don't know how to proceed to:

    • create the approriate github structure
    • create dependencies to other mods
    • create a release
    • reference the mod so that it can be installed with CKAN.

    Do you know ressources I could read ? I guess I am not the first one looking for this kind of information....

    Kindly yours,


  9. On 1/13/2020 at 4:34 PM, Lisias said:

    Hi!. That yellow warning thing? It will depend of the Add'Ons you have installed, I need the full KSP.log in order to check the parts borking the sanity checks. On a clean KSP installment, the following patch will solve your problem (put it somewhere easily rememberable on GameData, I suggest GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/hacks/no-yellow-warnings.cfg ):

    Salut!. Cet avertissement jaune? Cela dépendra des Add'Ons que vous avez installés, j'ai besoin du KSP.log complet afin de vérifier les pièces qui corrigent les contrôles de cohérence. Sur un installer KSP propre, le patch suivant résoudra votre problème (mettez-le quelque part facilement mémorisable sur GameData, je suggère GameData/__LOCAL/TweakScale/hacks/no-yellow-warnings.cfg):

    	-MODULE[TweakScale],* { }

    As you adds more Add'Ons, some more yellow warnings can be issued, however. But, essentially, it's a matter of taking the name of the mentioned parts from the KSP.log and adding them on the patch above. Keep i mind that once I finally implement the pending features (I promise it will be on the current incarnation!), you will need to delete this stunt in order to have the parts scalable.

    Au fur et à mesure que vous ajoutez des Add'Ons, d'autres avertissements jaunes peuvent être émis, cependant. Mais, essentiellement, il s'agit de prendre le nom des parties mentionnées du KSP.log et de les ajouter sur le patch ci-dessus. Gardez à l'esprit qu'une fois que j'aurai finalement implémenté les fonctionnalités en attente (je vous promets que ce sera sur l'incarnation actuelle!), Vous devrez supprimer cette cascade afin d'avoir les parties évolutives.


    The day we lost Google Translator will be the day we will be back to Babylonian times! :sticktongue:
    Le jour où nous avons perdu Google Translator sera le jour où nous reviendrons à l'époque babylonienne!


    OMG The English/French translator is excrements and that's an euphemism :D (I'm french, nobody's perfect).


    EDIT : obviously I wanted to write another word than excrements but the code of the forum decided otherwise :D It was more like [a word not allowed on the forum - the moderators]:o

  10. On 12/23/2019 at 2:28 PM, Lisias said:

    Should? Not. Can? Yes.

    It doesn't needs to be internalised by the Add'On being patched (as I did with KAX), an "Add'On in the Middle" is also a good idea - an Add-On maintained outside TweakScale, being hard dependent from TweakScale and the Add'On being patched.

    For example, the Near Future *** patches will be moved to an Add'On called "TweakScale Near Future *** Support" (maintained by me, at least initially) on TweakScale 2.5 (or a bit later, depends on how I push some needed changes first).

    So, that "TweakScale NF*` netkan will state TweakScale and NF *** as hard dependency.

    The thing I'm still working on is how to make this transparent to the CKAN user: I can't just move out a patch to a "Companion Pack" without breaking users that would not be aware of the move. Moving the patches to the patched Add'On (as I did with KAX) is seamless on CKAN, the next update will have all sorted out automatically, mainly if doing the way I did on KAX, making sure it's patched after TweakScale and deleting the "old" patches before applying the new ones, then on a next TweakScale version that patches "vanishes" and then would be nothing to be deleted, but the new official patches would be still there.

    Hi Lisias. I've been a bit busy with family things these last few days so this is why I took some time to reply.

    Do you make a difference between what you call Add'On and what players call mod ?
    I think, from a CKAN user point of view, getting a TS patch one by one this way could be just what an end user could expect.

    By the way, have you already worked on NF patches ? Because this is something I intented to do :o 

  11. On 12/21/2019 at 1:06 AM, Lisias said:

    Right now (details on the Deprecated Folder), this is the current Status Quo:

    As I find maintainers willing to keep the patches him/herself on the Add'On ("There can be only one!"), or Add"Ons became unavailable for some reason, I will move my patches to the Deprecated.

    So the idea would be that such a patch should become its own mod ? Correct me if I misunderstood you.

  12. New release of my Tweakscale patch considering 1 Option 2 in this document and following Lisias' advice.

    Not Yet fully tested but more than 10+ hours playing the game with this file. Extensive checking results will be uploaded when done.

    @ReStocked Team : would you consider packaging such a file in your distribution, assuming 1/ it is reliable 2/ I volunteer to maintain it as soon as you deliver a new release ?

  13. Hi Lisias.

    I have one question about this sentence in the "How-to-write-a-patch" tutorial.


    On the past, some of these patches were included into the TweakScale Standard Distribution - but nowadays, I'm trying to avoid the practice, as it adds to TweakScale the burden of maintaining these patches. It's better to move them to independent "Plugins" to the TweakScale distribution.

    Which patches are currently in this situation ?


    New release of the patch :



  14. 18 hours ago, Lisias said:


    http://ksp.lisias.net/blogs/tech-support/TweakScale/How-to-write-a-patch , I had posted it here too but… Couldn't find it easily on the Search. :(

    My bits of advise:

    • Don't use "type" without "%", unless you use ":FOR" - ie, only the owner of the Add'On should define what's cannon for his Add'On.
    • Corollary: you need to use :FOR[<your-addon-name>].
    • You :NEED to use :NEEDS. :) to prevent shoving unneeded data on the GameDatabase. Choose where you think makes more sense on your design
      • %MODULE[TweakScale]:NEEDS[TweakScale]
      • @PART[restock-leg-2-rigid]:NEEDS[TweakScale] // Medium Rigid Legs

    Keep in mind that this is my opinion about how a patch should be made. :) 


    The "%" is a command that says "create or edit a thingy with this name". On your patches, you are already using %MODULE[TweakScale] command, that says "Get me the Module with name TweakScale, or give me a new empty one is none is found".

    The "@", on the other hand, says "edit a thingy with this name, or ignore this whole section if none if found". So, on the PART section, if the guy has not any part with the name on the brackets, the whole patch section is plain ignored - what makes sense, no need to shove data for parts that doesn't exists.

    You can't use "@" on the TweakScale module, however, as surely there's no TweakScale module for this part (otherwise, you would not be writing the patch), so you need the "%" thingy. By using no command in the front of the thing, you are stating "create this thing and that's final" - something that should be done with caution, because if someone else had added that thing before you, you would be adding a new entry for the data and things can go very badly from now on (or not, it dependes of the Module - on TweakScale, it's plain terrible when this happens!).

    However, there're one situation where not using "%" can be helpful - when you are the owner of the thing you are patching. Doing that, if anyone else makes a mistake while patching your part, it's slightly less hard to detect the problem. It also makes easy to detect when your Add'On is double installed on the GameData (relying on the module to check this helps, but doesn't solves the problem for Add'Ons that don't add new modules to the game).

    Thank you very much for the information and the guidance provided :)

    There is still something I have not understood yet: the behavior thing such as

    #@TWEAKSCALEBEHAVIOR[Engine]/MODULE[TweakScale] { }
    • What # and / do for the empty block {} ?
    • What are the different behaviors ? I made a find/grep search in the whole mod (cfg files and .cs) and I found Science, SRB, Engine, Decoupler

    Have a good day and may the kraken remains asleep all day long :D

  15. Obviously trying to unify a style is not easy, especially when working on free time, everyone on his side with no real lead designer to give extremely precise requirements. I quite understand this very much. This is why I am a heavy user of Tweakscale which allows me to pick a part because of its look in order to fit perfectly a ship I am building.

    PS :  the yellow stripes on the reworked engines, especially on white boattail variants, are not to my taste but I believe this is a matter of tastes and colours.

  16. Well as IMHO nobody has made such a patch for Restockplus the final goal is that the file be integrated to your mod or Restockplus with the program to generate it. 

    On a sense it is designed to be the one official. 

    If nobody wants it not a problem as I am already my own customer. 

    Let me a while to look at your materials and to understand how it works under the hood. 

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