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    blu boi
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  1. I made a wiki page going into detail about the textures so you can take a look at that. Its currently super labour intensive to manually make a decent resolution nebula, however an editor is currently being worked on for a more intuitive workflow. The nebulae don't work in the main menu screen, they only work in the actual game (when you're launching a rocket, or in map/tracking station view). If they still dont, then i'll need some extra info (your player.log file i.a.)
  2. That's not possible as of now, the rotation was actually very hastily implemented, thus its just 2D for now. Yeah they're not compatible in any shape or form, might consider it sometime in the future but its low priority.
  3. Im still going to add custom rotation settings for the next update. Currently a bit busy irl though so you'd have to wait a bit. I'll keep it in mind, that minmus idea def sounds cool
  4. Forget fancy skyboxes, embrace Nifty Nebulae. ABOUT Nifty nebula is my first actual mod for KSP. I have been messing with shaders for a while now, volumetrics in particular. Then I had the idea of implementing these shaders in KSP using a plugin. Nifty Nebulae makes it possible to have actual 3d volumetric nebulae in game, with different views no matter where you are in or around the nebula. The mod requires a decent graphics card, if you are able to run Scatterer it should be able to run this too. These are a few screenshots (more can be found on the GitHub wiki): DOWNLOAD In order for the mod to work, configuration packs are required, these can either be from a planet pack or one of the sample two on the releases page. Currently known to work on KSP 1.12.x-1.10.x GitHub Download Nifty Nebulae is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) FOR PLANET PACK CREATORS/HELP AND BUGS Planet pack creators can make their own custom textures and configs for Nifty Nebulae. Information on how to do so can be found on the GitHub page on the wiki. Keep in mind, creating textures is currently pretty difficult due to the 3d nature of them, a tool for this is currently being worked on. As for bugs and other gameplay related issues and questions, these can be reported on the github too on the issues page. Feel free to message me on discord too RJVB09#4200. Note that the mod has performance settings in the NiftyNebulaeGlobals.cfg file in the mod folder itself. You can tweak these values to make it run better. Instructions of which can be found on the wiki too WIKI Have fun playing!
  5. That's on purpose, the lightcurve tries to account for exposure adaptation. A value of 0.01 would just be almost black in ksp compared to how a camera or an eye would normally adapt to the environment around Saturn. This doesn't impact solar panel output as lightcurves are purely visual.
  6. you can upload screenies to imgur, also you might want to send your mod list and logs, and double check if the problem really comes from B2L.
  7. Yeah, I'm familiar with the problem and i know a fix but I'm not too bothered to fix it as I'm already working on a revamp of these mods. If you so desire to fix it yourself just go in the kopernicus planet config of every flickery planet and scroll down to the node PQS>Mods>Landcontrol and set createColors to True, this fixes it but might give the terrain funky colors, to fix that just go down to every value in LandClasses located in LandControl and change every color = value to 0,0,0,0 or #000000. Hope you can understand it
  8. Yeah, i've tried that no change at all, also tried using shadow tuner which made it nicer for my eyes but still terrible.
  9. Update: It seems to be working correctly in space with PQS unloaded, however the shadows starts to flicker and act blurry once a PQS surface is loaded. (I did de install scatterer and EVE this time but i doubt they have something to do with this)
  10. As straightforward as the title of this post, my shadows are at a low resolution whilst my settings are maxed out. It first seemed to happen when i changed my graphics card (from a GTX 1050 to an RTX 2060) so i think it might have to do something with that. I hope someone knows what's happening Here's an image of the situation: My settings (tried upping shadow cascades in the settings.cfg): Technical info KSP: 1.11.2 GPU: Nvidia RTX 2060 CPU: Intel Core i5-7400 RAM: 16GB
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