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Everything posted by towermom9

  1. "improves the compatibility with KAL-1000" does that means it works with EasyRobotics?
  2. is it possible that something is clipping?
  3. so what is "projekt inspiRE"? is it a youtube series? photo album series? craft file series?
  4. honestly, i added autocapture and targetting is for easier dragon 1 docking :sweat_smile:
  5. Stable Alpha Release of IR Connection System, here are the changelogs: added the "set as target" and "auto capture" functionality to moduleIRBM.cs aka Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) https://github.com/towermom9/IR-ConnectionSystem/releases p.s. needs habtech2 to see any changes
  6. @macsergey maybe efficiency? the IK controller in [EasyRobotics](https://github.com/gotmachine/EasyRobotics) isn't really efficient.
  7. fyi if you use Infernal Robotics Connection System, i added "set as target" and "auto capture" functionality to the common berthing mechanism (CBM). its to fix this: https://github.com/benjee10/HabTech2/issues/20 you can get it here: https://github.com/towermom9/IR-ConnectionSystem/releases
  8. @Kokosak150 for me this works: https://github.com/gotmachine/EasyRobotics but it doesn't work with IR-next, works with the breaking ground dlc only. if you installed with ir-next, the habtech robotics arm doesn't get recognized as a servo. if you got any questions just dm me!
  9. @Rudolf Meier could you merge this? https://github.com/meirumeiru/IR-ConnectionSystem/pull/1#issue-2463276292 it adds the "set as target" feature to the Common Berthing Mechanism part for habtech 2 as seen here: https://github.com/benjee10/HabTech2/issues/20#issue-2460934607
  10. for now, this is an Inverse Kinematics mods thats working for me, also you need breaking ground dlc and remove infernal robotics next for it to work. https://github.com/gotmachine/EasyRobotics also rotation is very important for the end effector
  11. oh uhh you need the ik module... and it's not ready yet... @Rudolf Meier any info on the IK module?
  12. an inverse kinematics algorithm is the main problem....
  13. @Rudolf Meier In this video's description it says that "IK module for Infernal Robotics Next (which is currently not released)" is it possible to get a dev or early version of the module?
  14. @Rudolf Meier in your video what mod adds the 1, 2, and IK button? (i think IK stands for Inverse Kinematics) so basiclly im searching for Inverse Kinematics controler thing
  15. @benjee10 and @EStreetRockets the shuttle engine from RMM is also a bit too big (im using the one with shuttle mount) and i cant find the mount for the ET in O.R.A.N.G.E.S
  16. @benjee10 hey i was wondering if you can just merge/move/add the shuttle main engines, SRB's, and External Fuel Tank to SOCK? it would be easier rather than playing around with compatibility problems between reDIRECT, KSP 1.12.5, and Artemis Construction Kit. Note: the "shuttle" engine in Artemis Construction Kit are bigger than they should be for the shuttle.
  17. how do i install this? do i need Infernal Robotics Next? also what are the keybinds for setting target location?
  18. holy excrements this is pretty cool. now i can do dragon 1 berthing in ksp 1!!
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