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Everything posted by traisjames

  1. After fighting with CKAN (which is buggy as heck on a mac) and 1.7.3 settled in, I am trying to get playing on of my favorite games. For some reason though it won't start up. Some mod is having some problem...I don't know who or why. In the past I have uploaded my logs and got answers back fairly quickly which solved the issue....either incompatible mods or duplicate mods or something. I know I can do that again...and again....and again, like other players do, but I want to learn how to identify issues. Is there a tool that helps you understand what is going wrong or what do you look for? 30MB log files are a lot to go through.
  2. I mean having two so once one is used you can use the other in a different biome. Oh also, can we have a way to AND auto scripts togeather? I want to be able to say turn device on if, and only if ship is both high power and in sun.
  3. When I perform an orbital telescope observation, it generates 1100 Mits (Millions of bits equivalent??) of data. Use to be I could transmit that data back over time. Now something I can do early in the game is going to be either late game or I will need to attach dozens or hundreds of probe systems on one ship. Shouldn't there be both the overall storage given by probes, but then each science device has it's own data buffer that it can use to store the sample it just acquired to feed to the computer when there is space free. A repeatable device single sample device (as opposed to something like the thermometer) then has to wait for the buffer to completely empty before taking another sample. Data priorities would be useful for that. Also, why if I attach 2 goo observation canisters can I only run one per ship?
  4. I just got CKAN for my mac...already have 100+ mods. Is there a way to give CKAN permission to make changes to my mods already installed?
  5. Ok, here is the latest log. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zucply2e4e1aewc/Player.log?dl=0
  6. I had just updated KSP to 1.7.1, so that broke Kopernicus. Thank you for looking at my logs....I dont know how you are able to understand what is going on so well and I am a computer nerd. And still get the error.
  7. Here is my log. I let the game start up and once everything was loaded the window was locked in place again. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zucply2e4e1aewc/Player.log?dl=0
  8. As far as the game loading, sometimes i leave while the game loads so I don't get to it until I am in the main menu. When I try to click on "ok" nothing happens...not even the button changing appearance as its being clicked. I can't move the window either. Ok, found Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Next. I can't find any Procedural Parts newer than what I have (1.2.12), same with Extraplanetary Launchpads (6.5.1). I hope what I found yesterday is a replacement for Precise Maneuver 2.4.2, which I REALLY like. MechJeb2 doesn't even list in the Mods window, so idk what is going on there. So now my list is down to 4.
  9. When I load Kerbal one of the windows I get is a list of incompatible mods. Sometimes I can't get the window to go away. How do I get rid of it without restarting?
  10. The 4th version of my space plane has some weird issue in which when it loads on the runway for launch it goes boom! It even acts funny when I attach launch stablizers. What is going on?
  11. how dod you make it so you can see all of those at once? I watched the video, but it was still somewhat over my head
  12. Can I request a display item of the difference between terrain altitude and sea level altitude?
  13. Is there a way to soften the strength of the autopilot? My spaceshuttle flops around everywhere during it's test flight. When I use a different autopilot, or SAS, its pretty smooth.
  14. Its working now and I am trying to build a shuttle with MK3 large cargo bays but the ship I want to put inside is a bit too long...is there a way now or in the future to combine two cargo bays attached to eachother as a single hanger twice a long?
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zucply2e4e1aewc/Player.log?dl=0
  16. You want the Kerbal main log or is there an output_log.txt somewhere?
  17. I dont see any options for adding things to hangers in 1.7
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