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Everything posted by traisjames

  1. Where does the config file for Janitor live so I dont move icons every time there is an updated?
  2. Ok. It was just weird that at one point I could use the solar trusses with only researching electronics
  3. Why in the NFSolarCommunityTechTree.cfg are the static truss solar panels requiring advSolarTech, but in solarpanel-static-truss-1.cfg the tech required is electrics? Some mod update has taken a plane made with solar trusses unable to launch again because its listed as an experimental part (https://imgur.com/a/NcLgQlz)
  4. Here is my log file with version 2 of the debug: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3pmwqt5l7fx3gcv/KSP.log.7z?dl=0
  5. After updating a few mods, I started to notice designs I already made in career mode are no longer valid, showing an error about unavalible experimental parts. One I have been focused on is the JX-STAT 1x4 Photovoltaic Truss, a part in Near Future Solar. I have Electrics researched, and it shows the truss in that tree node, but when I search for the part when building its not listed unless I unlock all tech via the cheat menu. Images of this disconnect are at https://imgur.com/a/NcLgQlz
  6. Same here, the new DLL works. Here is my game data folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5whdeydbz43b2ex/GameData.7z?dl=0
  7. I am dealing with a second issue that probably isn't related to Janitor's closet so I am narrowing down mods.
  8. I also have the problem of no parts showing. I am using a MBP Late 2013 15", 2 GHz intel core i7, 8 GB of ram, Intel Iris Pro 1536. Mods installed KSP: 1.7 (Unix) - Unity: 2017.1.3p1 - OS: Mac OS X 10.14.4 000_AT_Utils - 1.6.2 ClickThroughBlocker - Filter Extensions - TexturesUnlimited - USI Tools - 1.1 USI Tools - 1.1 ToolbarControl - CommunityPartsTitles - 0.4.2 DSCore - 3.0.6 Advanced Jet Engine - 2.10 Advanced Jet Engine - 2.11.4 Antenna Helper - 1.0.6 AtmosphereAutopilot - 1.5.12 Aviation Lights - 4.0.7 B9 Part Switch - 2.4.3 BetterTimeWarpContinued - Community Terrain Texture Pack - 1.0.4 Community Category Kit - 4.1 Community Resource Pack - 1.1 CommunityTechTree - 3.3.7 Community Trait Icons - 1.1.1 Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose - 1.6.1 Rover Missions - 0.1.7 Contract Pack: Unmanned Contracts - 0.3.27 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.4.2 CapCom Mission Control On The Go - Contract Parser - 1.0.8 Progress Parser - 1.0.10 Airline Kuisine - 2.2.2 DeployableEngines - 1.0.1 AGExt - 2.3.4 RCSLandAid - DockRotate - DynamicBatteryStorage - 1.4.2 EVAEnhancementsContinued - EVA Struts - 1.0.5 EVA Transfer - Easy Vessel Switch - 1.10.6933.41006 ExperimentTracker - ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads - 6.5.1 FMRS (Flight Manager For Reusable Stages) - FShangarExtender - 3.5.2 FShangarExtender - Firespitter - 7.12 Flexible Docking - 1.0.6 Flight Plan - GroundConstruction - 2.2 HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 1.1 HullcamVDSContinued - 0.1.12 Interstellar Fuel Switch - JanitorsCloset - 0.3.5 KAS - 1.3.7050.3681 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.18.6971.42939 KSP-AVC Plugin - KSPWheel - Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.6 Kerbal Flight Indicators - 17.0 Kerbal Foundries - KerbalGPS - Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.3 Kerbalism - 2.1.2 HyperEdit - 1.5.8 InlineBallutes - KramaxAutoPilotContinued - Infernal Robotics - 3.0 Infernal Robotics Sequencer - 3.0 MarkIVSystem - 3.0.4 MechJebForAll - ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.6 EVAHandrailsPackContinued - NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE - Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.8.3 NearFutureAeronautics - 1.0.4 NearFutureConstruction - 1.0.6 NearFutureElectrical - 1.0.1 NearFutureLaunchVehicles - 1.1.11 NearFutureProps - 0.5.1 NearFuturePropulsion - 1.1.1 NearFutureSolar - 0.8.15 NearFutureSpacecraft - 1.2.3 Parking Brake - PatchManager - Photon Sailor - Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.6.9 Portrait Stats - 1.0.17 Precise Maneuver - 2.4.2 Procedural Parts - 1.2.12 QuantumStrutsContinued - QuickBrake - QuickRevert - QuickStart - RCS Build Aid - ResearchBodies - 1.9.8 RemoteTech-StockConfigs - 1.0.1 Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts - 1.5.1 ReStock - 0.1.3 ReStockPlus - 0.1.3 Recovery Controller - ResonantOrbitCalculator - RetractableLiftingSurface - SCANsat - SafeBrakes - 1.1 ScienceAlert - ScienceLabInfo - 0.9.5 SituationModuleInfo - SmartParts - SmartTank - 0.2 SmartTank - 0.2.1 SolverEngines - 3.7.3 SpeedUnitAnnex - 1.3.5 MicroSat - StageRecovery - 1.9.1 StationPartsExpansionRedux - 1.2 Surface Mounted Lights - 1.12.7006.42726 ThrottleControlledAvionics - 3.5.3 ThrottleLimitExtended - TAC Life Support - 0.13.12 TooManyOrbits - Flat-Bottom Shuttle Systems - 1.0.6 Alternate Resource Panel - 2.9.3 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.10 TweakScale - 2.4.1 UbioWeldingLtd-Continued - 2.5.3 USI Core - 1.1 Asteroid Recycling Tech - 1.1 USI Exploration Pack - 1.1 Freight Transport Tech - 1.1 Karbonite - 1.1 Konstruction - 1.1 MKS - 1.1 Malemute Rover - 1.1 NuclearRockets - 1.1 Sounding Rockets - 1.1 Universal Storage 2 - KSP Interstellar Extended - Waypoint Manager - 2.7.5 Kerbal Actuators - 1.7.1 Kerbal Komets - 0.6.2 ZeroMiniAVC - [x] Science! - 5.18.1 AdvancedFlyByWire - Notes - Gamedata folder folders and files [x] Science! 000_AT_Utils 000_ClickThroughBlocker 000_FilterExtensions 000_FilterExtensions_Configs 000_TexturesUnlimited 000_USITools 00DeepSky 001_ToolbarControl 002_CommunityPartsTitles AJE Akita Assets Parts AntennaHelper AtmosphereAutopilot AutoAGL AviationLights B9PartSwitch BetterBurnTime BetterTimeWarp Coatl Aerospace CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree CommunityTraitIcons Contares_NAM ContractPacks CTTP DavonTCsystemsMod DecayingRTGs DeepSky DeployableEngines Diazo DMagicOrbitalScience DMagicScienceAnimate DMagicUtilities DockRotate DynamicBatteryStorage EasyVesselSwitch EVAEnhancementsContinued EVAStruts EVATransfer ExperimentTracker ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads Firespitter FirstPersonEVA FlexoDocking FlightPlan FMRS FShangarExtender GroundConstruction HideEmptyTechTreeNodes HullCameraVDS Hyperspace.dll InterstellarFuelSwitch InterstellarHybridRocketry JanitorsCloset JDSA KAS Kerbal Electric Kerbal Engineer Settings.7z Kerbal Exoplanets KerbalEngineer KerbalFlightIndicators KerbalFoundries KerbalGPS KerbalImprovedSaveSystem Kerbalism KerbalJointReinforcement KerBalloons KerbalReusabilityExpansion Kerbaltek KerboKatz KermangeddonIndustries KIS KramaxAutoPilot KRMS ksp-advanced-flybywire KSP-AVC KSPModFileLocalizer.dll KSPWheel MagicSmokeIndustries MakingLessHistory MarkIVSystem MechJeb2 MechJebForAll MiningExpansion Mk2Expansion Mk2SolarBatteries Mk3Expansion MM_AddIVA.cfg MM_README.md ModularFlightIntegrator ModuleManager.3.1.2.dll ModuleManager.3.1.3.dll ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.README.md ModuleManager.TechTree NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE NavUtilities NavyFish NearFutureAeronautics NearFutureConstruction NearFutureElectrical NearFutureLaunchVehicles NearFutureProps NearFuturePropulsion NearFutureSolar NearFutureSpacecraft NEBULA notes OrbitalLFOEngines ParkingBrake PatchManager ActiveMMPatches Lang License.txt MiniAVC.dll.pruned PatchManager.version Plugins README.md Resources PhotonSail PlanetaryBaseInc PortraitStats PreciseManeuver ProceduralFairings ProceduralFairings-ForEverything ProceduralParts PSA_Greenhouse QuantumStrutsContinued QuickMods RaginCaucasian RCSBuildAid README.md ReCoupler RecoveryController REPOSoftTech ResonantOrbitCalculator ReStock ReStockPlus RetractableLiftingSurface RTStock SafeBrakes SCANsat ScienceAlert ScienceLabInfo SituationModuleInfo SmartParts SmartTank SolverEngines spacetux SpeedUnitAnnex Squad SquadExpansion SquiggsySpaceResearch StageRecovery StationPartsExpansionRedux StationScience SuperfluousNodes SurfaceLights ThrottleControlledAvionics ThrottleLimitExtended ThunderAerospace TooManyOrbits TriCrossSection TriggerTech TweakScale UberDyneAstronautics UbioWeldingLtd UmbraSpaceIndustries UniversalStorage2 WarpPlugin WaypointManager WetterWingsMM WildBlueIndustries 001KerbalActuators KerbalKomets XenonHallThrusters ZeroMiniAVC zFinal_FilterExtensions RT_Mod
  9. Anyone who builds rovers probably loves solar panels...which require sun. When your driving or flying everywhere, you may not know just how much time you have before sunset, or how long until sunrise. Will you be able to make it to sunrise flying in the dark, or will your batteries give out at twilight? Can you mine all night long, or do you need to save power to keep Kerbals from freezing to death (Life support mods)? What if we have a third time option in the clock? Have UTC, mission time, and a new local time. Or a button to bring up your local almanac...what time is sun rise, sun set, or the next kracken moon?
  10. Simple question time....what is the benefit of cryogenic fuel verse a regular fuel tank of the same size?
  11. I want SAS to turn on when I trigger the Abort action group
  12. Just a heads up to everyone, at the moment Kerbalism does not work with KSP 1.7. How does a barometer scan take 15 minutes? I have a handheld weather thing that calculates pressure in a second.
  13. I forgot where but I read the other day about the idea of deleting the interiors and IVA to help save memory. In preparation I have a mod that, as long as a module has any crew capacity, the internal used Squad's own Placeholder from this mod: What can I delete safely to save memory but still see my crew to go on EVAs and monitor G limits?
  14. Can anyone verify this works in 1.6? I deleted and broke interior views to save memory and now I cant see my guys.
  15. That is what I am trying to figure out. I know I want Kerbalism but also the parts from USI
  16. What should I know about using Kerbalism, TAC LS and USI-LS? I just found out today that Supplies in USI is basically food and water and whatnot in Kerbalism...which means I have more "consumable stuff" than I need. This probably explains my confusion with mulch and fertilizer.
  17. I appear to have USI, Kerbalism, and TAC LS. I saw supplies on the Stockalike Greenhouse and so thought that was where I needed to go.
  18. Yes. So should I disable this since I have Kerbilizm and food as a seperate resource?
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