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Everything posted by Gapone

  1. I posted it when Cobaltwolf reffered to it as "stockalike". p.s. your capsules without heatshields cause very slight drag
  2. I don't have KSP 1.6.1 right now. Can installing Kopernicus 1.6.1-1 on 1.6.0 solve the problem? Would it even work?
  3. No. For example, when I start on Laythe the Jool moves very quickly out of view, and kerbol issues (permanent night)
  4. The bug I am reffering to is that when reparenting kerbin the space center view goes dank.
  5. The firstest pre-revamp parts were stockaliker than now, or even than old Tantares.
  6. Are you sure? e.g. removing side tanks/rcs p.s. There is an image that says that MEM legs are available as separate parts Where are they? Also I don't see those dish antennas Sorry, i'm not that much into rocket history. It is not that much stockalike. These models, textures... Hydrolox is not stockalike either, just because it adds complexity in fuel, all rocket engines in KSP use lfo mix.
  7. "We want" - are you sure? Additional fuels aren't stockalike. KSP is a game of and about creativity. OK KSP's lit windows are yellowish color. Yours are white. What if some people want to place stuff where the (unremovable) antennas are? As I said, KSP is a game of and about creativity. OK, but can't you make hollow structural shrouds in the shape of these service modules? As of US2, I'm trying to keep my game with least mods, and US2 can't embed engines/RCS/docking ports. OK, but you have some enclosed petal fairing I haven't seen before OK, I am really good at texture editing OK, more parts=more thanks OK,i'm so blind "Shepherd" deorbit booster. Sorry. I hate BlueOrigin, SpaceX, etc small companies. OK My favourite (almost catch)phrase: NOT STOCKALIKE. O-OK?.. OK OK just because of the windows shape... /o\ Also i suggest to remove these "place in x" or "place between y and z" from descriptions. You're removing Fb with that.
  8. @CobaltWolf Your mod is awesome, but... It needs a version without some dependencies: stock fuels, separate and stock variant parts instead of b9switched. The parts (Pa) are too unkerbal. Some changes/patches/fixes needed. Hidden attachment nodes, integrated things, etc., just to recreate the historical missions. This is KSP, man! More flexibility (Fb), man! Especially the Apollo: Have you nerfed the engines just for it to be suitable for the Mun only? ~Fb Glowing windows are wrong color Remove the parts that are available separately: e.g. antennas on the sina mem. ~Fb Hollowable service bays (as in the making history) ~Pa ~Fb Some nonexistent parts that never existed IRL Switchable textures on some parts (read, toggleable gold foil on gemini service module) A separate folder for Eyes Turned Skywards parts Blue gemini service bay (variants blue/white/red) and MOL ~Pa ~Fb Shepard booster/booster support (works like a strut) split ~Pa ~Fb A 1.5m to 1.25m command pod (Botticelli-like, Gemini-shaped, not IRL) ~Pa Apollo D2 ~Pa Mercury A-D prototype parts ~Pa Mercury Mk2 ~Pa Also, why are the markings are written by russian letters? p.s. i am really a gemini lover
  9. From Wikipedia: "Io (Jupiter I) is the innermost of the four Galilean moons of the planet Jupiter. It is the fourth-largest moon, has the highest density of all the moons, and has the least amount of water of any known astronomical object in the Solar System. It was discovered in 1610 and was named after the mythological character Io, a priestess of Hera who became one of Zeus' lovers." "Io (Jupiter I) is the innermost of the four Galilean moons of the planet Jupiter. It is the fourth-largest moon, has the highest density of all the moons, and has the least amount of water of any known astronomical object in the Solar System." "It is the fourth-largest moon, has the highest density of all the moons, and has the least amount of water of any known astronomical object in the Solar System." has the highest density of all the moons, and has the least amount of water of any known astronomical object in the Solar System has the least amount of water of any known astronomical object in the Solar System has the least amount of water least amount of water least amount of water
  10. (haven't managed to capture something in here)
  11. 4040: Continue producing gaps! >:D
  12. 114: Continue trying to fill that gap between 114 and 257, now trying to fill the gap between 258 and 279.
  13. Hallo, maybe you saw me, maybe not, but at the time I posted it I had 164 posts. Maybe really late?
  14. For me, they already look like they have thermal tiling, as on the space shuttle, but white. These black lines separate large white thermal tiles, and black edges certainlly look like space shuttle's wing edges.
  15. They don't suffer from atrophy and radiation and do photosynthesis (hence the green color)
  16. Grus p.s. br34on sounds very similiar to gapone
  17. [snip] My original name is "Gustone" (you can see it on kerbalx and... somewhere else), which as i could remember, was my second minecraft name (first was "Gaze", "Gustone" was insipred by "Gaston"...) Gapone was invented after I named one of my planes "GAP Airways Sanhord", just because I do not want to be named the same everywhere.
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