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Everything posted by Machinique

  1. I like gemini-style landings. For my most recent campaign using that lander module, I used a Gemini <> Lander in Fairing <> Transtage stage with an Earth Orbit Rendezvous with a Centaur Transfer stage. I then orbited the spacecraft with the transtage, and then used the transtage to perform the initial deorbit burn from the lander after decoupling from the Gemini.
  2. Thanks for the reply. I like how in this timeline that while rockets borrow pieces and designs from ICBMs, there isn't a direct conversion. It gives the IASRDA a real feeling of a non-military organization.
  3. I'm really impressed by the schematics and the novel designs. I'm really interested to see where this series goes. Keep up the good work!
  4. Following. I'm always interested in folks playing at quarter scale. I'm interested to see what designs you come up with!
  5. I never got the reference for the Sultan/Caliph SRBs. Really neat! It looks like there's going to be a significant change in model. Will the current length 1.5m SRBs be reworked as well, or do you plan to deprecate them?
  6. I voted for the Topol, as I'd love to see a tantares take on a solid-propellent launcher.
  7. Hey akron, I've been having a problem with the Landvesser A build. Specifically, whenever I attach the vernier engines to the appropriate nodes, while the ship intially looks good in the editor, when I load it, only one vernier is in the right place, and the other two are somehow in the center of the probe core. This makes it impossible to build any ships with these specific parts. The issue occurs both when I load it into the game world, and when I close the editor and reopen it. What log do you need to help troubleshoot the problem?
  8. I voted for green. I really like the cream color, but I think that green will look better in game and will mesh better with other mods.
  9. That sounds good. Current RD-107/108 ISP is 288/320. According to the wiki, original ISP was ~257/313, and then ~263/320. I assume that the current ISP numbers come from your testing, so that sounds like a proportional decrease. Also, the new LK looks great! .
  10. Hey Raptor, I just wanted to say thanks for all your cool designs. While I play 2.5x nowadays, your designs are pretty inspirational. I basically consider them "canon" for stock KSP. Are you planning to update the Gateway station design to be in line with the more recent concepts?
  11. I will get back to you on that. I think there may be a difference between the dev build and last release. It looks like they're unlocked from the start in dev build, although i need to verify that any CTT patches aren't moving things around for me. My general concern would be to make sure that it'd be possible to do a 2.5x historical Soviet campaign without having to resort to frankenstein builds. I think that tier 1-2 is the appropriate place for that.
  12. Is there a reason that the R-7 parts got moved to fuel systems in the tech tree, other than to group them with Making History parts? For career play, I think it would be good to move them back to their original position. I know everyone's career experience is different, but I find that I've already completed the historical equivalents of notable R-7 family missions (like Sputnik and Luna) by the time that node could be unlocked. EDIT: I wonder if using the upgrade system to note the change from the RD-107/108 to RD-107A/108A would help call out the transition from early R-7 rockets to later ones. EDIT2: While I don't have my install with me, I believe that thr Soyuz capsule parts unlock on the 45 Sci tier, which means that the capsules are getting unlocked earlier than the craft the carried them.
  13. Thanks for taking a look. The N1 changes look pretty good. The Zenit and Proton probably require more tinkering.
  14. That seems like a fair method. I can help check as well tonight. I do want to note that I pulled most of the max payload weights from Kerbal Engineer's readouts, but i have validated those numbers throughout my current 2.5x career. In general, I find that it takes 4800 to 5000dv to get to orbit, and another 1350 to 1450 for the munar transfer burn. Those readouts tend to be accurate when there aren't any large ISP changes due to pressure.
  15. Thank you as well I've also made some custom compatches for WBI's M.O.L.E. and some remotetech antennas. I still need to do some more testing and add more parta to those patches, but would you be interested in adding them? I assume that I would need to make a guthub request.
  16. Okay. Here's a comparison of the costs for a max-payload launch of the Tantares LV crafts. Stock BDB crafts (in blue) and interpretations of some BDB designs (in yellow) have also been included as a point of comparison. Some key takeaways: -The N1 Rocket isn't "too" much more efficient than its American rivals, but it's definitely noticeable. Since it's a pure Kerolox vehicle, I'd expect the cost per ton to be closed to the Sarnus H02 or H03. If there was one part that was particularly eregious, it'd probably have to be Blok B. -The proton rocket is highly overpriced. The dry cost of the first stage is $41,625, for a 2mN rocket. Compare this to the $13,000 for a 1.5mN Mainsail from squad. That doesn't even take into account TWR. The stage 2 Regn engine may also be a bit overpriced, but it's not as bad as the first stage. -The Zenit rocket is basically free. Its 2mN engine only costs $2,600, and has a great TWR. EDIT: Comparing real-world Zenit & Proton, the Proton-K has LEO payload of 22.8T, while the Zenit-2 has a payload of 13.7mT. Also, while the Zenit has the appropriate 1/4 thrust, the Proton is actually underthrusted from its 10.4mN. The 1st stage max thrust should be closer to 2.5mN. That would also help alleviate some of the perfomance issues mentioned earlier.
  17. I wanted to say thanks for the great work. Tantares is a beautiful mod and i love flying Soyuz rockets and craft. I do have a question. Are there plans to rebalance costs for career mode? Proton costs seem to be too high, and N1 and Zenit costs are too low. I have a spread sheet that I can share when off work, but the N1 has a $/kg rate about half the price of BDB's Saturn 5. Now, that's across mods, but since they're balanced performance wise (each can carry about 1/2 of their real world tonnage to LKO in 2.5x) it seems off. The Zenit engines are even more egregious.
  18. Just wanted to say thanks for all the great work.I love the look and utility of the parts, and they've made playing 2.5x scale a real treat. Here's a space station I've been working on using mostly MOS parts (along with a MOLE lab for LDEF expertiments, since the compatch wasn't working). I'm currently doing crew exchanges with Tantares Soyuz capsules, but I am supplying it with "Rhea"-derived modules. Both the 0.9375 and 1.85 docking ports work well, and their ability to deploy the docking rings has saved some time docking.
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