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Everything posted by DylanPruden

  1. would there happen to be a place to download any of your crafts?
  2. Galaxies Unbound has not been tested with any other planet packs, so opm might be incompatible.
  3. Is there going to be alien lore like in KSS? I really loved Novus
  4. I just looked up Galaxies Unbound Wiki and it came up for me
  5. i loved Voon and i would love it if he added back the expanded system
  6. i feel like there could be some sort of hidden alien base in this system. it just looks so ominous.
  7. Hey @StarCrusher96, can you make lower def ground textures for those of us with lower grade computers? When I get close to any of the planets/moons, my computer starts lagging. even without EVE or scatterer installed. I think it is because of the textures. Edit: never mind my computer only lags while flying super high over blalo and narath
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