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Everything posted by KerballingSmasher

  1. Chapter 1: Riding on a Column of Smoke and FIRE: 1 Moho 1 - K.R.A.S.H.E.D - T+45 Minutes After Arc 1, T-30 Minutes to Arc 2 Oh man... how I wish I could be in one of those rockets... alas, I was not chosen for a Flea Flight. However, that does mean that I'll get one of the better Hammer Hops, so there is that! Jim got chosen for Arc 1, and he had a helluva time until the booster shut off halfway into the flight, and he had to BAIL OUT of the craft!!! I guess this is why they gave us parachutes... Anyways, Val is getting ready to get in her cockpit command pod for her flight, and they've double checked her booster to make sure she doesn't have to bail... if she has to bail, then Scott and I will both be reassigned to more Flea Flights, and then Jim and Val will be getting Hammer Hops assuming the same doesn't happen to them. I am praying to all the gods I know of to protect Val on her flight, but more importantly her booster. We haven't even had a chance to test the landing capabilities of the booster or the capsule yet because Jim's exploded mid-flight! Oh man... I'm honestly a little glad I'm not one of the two Flea Flyers... Anyways... I'm signing off for now, Gene wants something. This is Jebediah Kerman, Log Entry (J10-Alpha-02), signing off. *end J10-Alpha-02. begin J10-Alpha-2a* K.R.A.S.H.E.D. Launchpad 1a Viewing Area - T-5 Minutes to Arc Flea Flight 2 Oh. Man. This is the first time I'm getting to see the launch in person, because I was CAPCOM for Jim's flight... good luck, Scott! Anyways, what Gene was asking me to do turned out to be to sit in the front and answer all the reporters' questions. Turns out, the media guys have some really GOOD questions! Like the ISP, how much dV, even the TWR! I actually had to message Bob to come out here and help me with some of the more technical questions. *T-4 Minutes and Counting to Arc 2* Roger, Scott. Thanks for the update! Anyways, because I'm now technically a part of the media team here at K.R.A.S.H.E.D., it means that I get to be UP IN THE FRONT VIEWING SECTION!!! BEST VIEW IN THE HOUSE!!! *ahem* I mean... it involves me getting to be up close and personal with the second Flea Flight (we also have been able to transfer the unofficial name to the media... yesss) and observe the flight carefully... I'll be back for the launch. Temporarily signing off, Jebediah Kerman Log Entry (J10-Alpha-2a) *begin J10-Alpha-2b* K.R.A.S.H.E.D. Launchpad 1a Viewing Area - T-30 Seconds to Arc 2 THIS IS IT. The last 30 seconds before launch. I'm so tensed up right now that I think if someone poked me, I might explode! Okay, maybe not, but I'm still really tense. We're at the end of the countdown *Europe's Final Countdown begins to play* Oh dang... here we go! *T-15 Seconds...* oooooh... *T-10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, IGNITION!! WE HAVE INGITION OF (drowned out by roar from bottom of booster, followed by rise of rocket and cool smoke trail) I REPEAT, WE HAVE LIFTOFF OF ARC 2!!!* OHMYGOSHTHATWASAMAZING!!!! *crosses fingers* pleasedontexplodepleasedontexplode *We have burnout!* (smoke trail cuts off, as does loud roar) *cheering* wait... where's the parachute?? Oh no... *chute deploys* oh yes!! HAMMER HOP FOR THIS GUY AND DRINKS ALL AROUND!!! *more cheering about free drinks* Now that's a Flea Flight! Alright media people, any questions before I go get my champagne? (media guy in the back): What's next for K.R.A.S.H.E.D. after the success of this flight? Next up, we have a couple of flights on a much bigger booster. It's twice the size, about twice the cost, and more than twice as awesome. It's called the Hammer, and the flights on it are scheduled for 1 Eve 14. (same media guy): I thought the hammer wasn't supposed to be ready until 1 Eve 49 at the earliest? We got a good contract with C9 Aerospace to speed up production time. Hammer Hop 1 is scheduled for 1 Eve 14 and Hammer Hop 2 is scheduled for 1 Eve 16. Anything else? *silence* No? Alright then, I will go grab the champagne, and then let's CELEBRATE! *a lot more cheering* *end J10-Alpha-2b* Unofficial afternote: Val did end up landing a little bit hard, but the Flea was recovered intact Author's Note: Not sure how I got this far this quickly, but @Salmon offered to begin the editing process for the series. A warm welcome is needed for the second member of the team (after myself)!
  2. 4/10 for showing that you're a really old KSP player but you also have a doggo
  3. Prologue Part 3: 0 Eeloo 45 - K.R.A.S.H.E.D. Main Auditorium - T-26 Days to Arc 1 & 2 I'm in complete and utter shock. Wernher, the new head of the rocket science division announced that four of the pilots have been chosen for the first four missions... what order is not yet determined. The four are Jim, Scott, Valentina... and me. ME!!!! Oh, and Bill and Bob also got reassigned to the rocket division for later multi-kerbal missions. They also announced that two missions would be flown on Moho 1, Arc 1 & 2, so DOUBLE SCIENCE!! After that, there's an experimental engine with nearly twice the amount of fuel the "Flea" has, BILL WHAT'S THE NEW ENGINE NAMED?? HAMMER TIME!!! Oh... the Hammer. That will constitute launches Arc 3 & 4, and then some kind of other engine should take us out of Kerbin's atmosphere! But that engine won't be ready until 1 Duna 8 at the earliest... so we have a while to wait. Anyways, this opens Journal J10-Alpha. This is Jebediah Kerman, Log Entry (J10-Alpha-01), signing off. Authors Note: LAST PROLOGUE CHAPTER!!! Again, the same two references from the second chapter are in here, so if anyone can find them and point them out I'd be very much obliged!
  4. @kurgut, its nice to know that im not alone!
  5. wait... the Mk 2 has doors??? *mind blown*
  6. how... @kurgut... how did you do that? Is that some kinda mod? As for me, I've been continuing work on my first KSP novel, and I've uploaded the first two chapters!
  7. Prologue Part 1: 0 Jool 16 - Kerbal Rocket and Aeronautical Sciences Headquarters - Experimental Division (K.R.A.S.H.E.D) Call me Jebediah. You can also call me Jeb. Anyways, some rocket scientist from the second floor (Verner? Wherner? Werner? Wernher? Something like that) came yelling down the stairs that he had found it. Whatever he found, Gene seemed pretty excited about, which let me off the hook for my latest tower buzz at nearly Mach 1. Gene's also called a meeting of all the pilots, plus a couple of the board members, scientists, and some engineers. The meeting's tomorrow, so that gives me some time to speculate. The last time Gene called a general meeting of all the pilots was when they discovered some moon around Jool (Pob? Blob? Bop? yeah that's it!), so we know its going to be something big. Anyways, I personally think they might have found another moon or maybe another planet (which would be awesome!) to tell us about, or to remind us why the rocket division is still experimental, which is a much more somber thought. Last time we had a reminder meeting, the news was that a close friend of mine, Jackson Kerman, had been killed when his experimental rocket afterburner exploded in-flight and he wasn't able to eject. I hope its not another of those meetings. I need to get some sleep, maybe chat with Bill, Bob, and Val tomorrow. Jebediah Kerman, Log Entry (J9-47), signing off. Prologue Part 2: 0 Jool 17 - K.R.A.S.H.E.D. - T-126 Days to Arc 1 Man. This is big. And by big, I mean BIIIG! Even Bob, the normally stoic engineer, is actually excited about this! So the scientist guy I mentioned yesterday, Wernher Von Kerman? He discovered a way to control gunpowder, which means when its funneled through an engine, WE HAVE FIRE AND FLAMES!!! Which means that our rocket division may get off the ground, if you'll forgive the pun. That means that Val and I get to start training while the engine is run through its paces. We have exactly 126 days to launch day, which is gonna be the first day of the new year, probably by no coincidence. I guess by launch on Y1, D001 they're trying to both literally and figuratively turn over a new leaf. AnyJWKkdfhoiwFKJ WHAT WAS THAT!!!! I just looked out my window and saw... I don't even know! Wait... of course! That was the first engine te... (*faint explosion*) oh. Well, it lasted for a while before it exploded. I guess that's why they test these things on the ground first. I hope they get that figured out fast. Anyways, I'll also be starting new Journals (Journal J10 and J11) to log the missions and my downtime. I think Bob and Bill should fill in when I'm not at HQ. I'm trying to remember what the engine was called... the "Flee" maybe? *offscreen facepalm* Nope. It's the Flea, not the Flee, you dingus! Bob, out! Thanks, I guess. That makes more sense. Anyways, the mission plan is to stick one of the pilots in a little can on top of the booster with a parachute. I think Scott or Jim might fly first, maybe Val. Not me, that's for sure. I fly experimental JETS, not dangerous rockets. The mission has been named Arc 1, I think due to the shape of its launch curve. Not 100% sure, but I think we should be getting a crew announcement around D400, which means that the (lucky?) Kerbal chosen gets just 26 days to prepare for launch. If Jeff is chosen for some reason, it might take them all 26 days to stuff him in there because he's so fat... that was mean. But true. Anyways, I'll be back in 99 days to log the choosing ceremony. Jebediah Kerman, Log Entry (J9-48), signing off. (J9-48-i) - I need to get revenge on Gene for yesterday... Mach 1.5 tower buzz coming right up! Authors Note: Any and all feedback would be appreciated! I've also hidden two references (one to a forum user, the other to a legendary KSP Tuber) in the second prologue! Hope someone can find it, but it shouldn't be too hard!
  8. This is gonna be a little series I came up with, but it will not include images, because some of the things that I hope to get to are way too advanced for me to play as a player and for my dang old computer to handle. While this series will mostly be following the views of Jeb, Bob and Bill may make occasional entries into the journals. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
  9. Banned because Comic Sans is worth the time spent
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