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Everything posted by KerballingSmasher

  1. yikes... me too... I just need to re-read the whole thing in general! Also, @Oraldo revak if we get far enough into this, are we going to see The Sims make an appearance in-movie (as part of Emiko's story)?
  2. Aww man, well it's certainly a shame to hear that this won't be finished (maybe). Best wishes for your health both mentally and physically, stay safe!
  3. Dude. Rock Station? If there was such a thing as a Latin pun, that is totally it right there.
  4. you MONSTER! Cliffhangers are NOT, NEVER, NO, NADA, ZOOP, FUN. (Bad.)
  5. Hmm... you could use a similar naming system to NASA's Mars rovers! Maybe start with a Sojourner or a Pathfinder?
  6. Hmm... what about a MCM or a CTV (crew transfer vehicle) for short?
  7. So is the aim to get the fewest or most points?
  8. I believe you're looking for the standard unit of acceleration of meters per second^2 (squared) (yes terrible name but it's what the unit is)
  9. Yep! Although I think you're referring to Gemini 6/7, BTW... Just me being a nitpick! Overall though, that's well executed!
  10. awwww maaaaaan... well, at least you can get a story written beforehand though so all you have to do is screenshots! (also, no KSP Team perks? No early edition copy?)
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