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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. There are rings made of ice rocks, some of them with traces of water and life.
  2. Nope. Sorry @Spaceman.Spiff? Again?
  3. Oh sorry, got confused. Ash Kerman was walking along when she was hit by a train. She was knocked off to the side into a campfire. She was paralyzed from the waist down so she could not move. She turned to ash. Robbert Kerman Attacked By Dashunds.
  4. Update: Launched Scanning probe/ Relay Sat: I tried to launch surface base, but are still having problems with getting it there. Here are some launch disaster images: I'm going to try and launch the base tomorrow. If not im going to try the micro space station challenge (if I still can). Also thanks @adsii1970for following me!
  5. Mars sized moon has a small surface colony of kerbals.
  6. No new kerbals to die? Ok I’ll do one: Robbert Kerman Attacked by Dachshunds.
  7. -20 (+1) I would but it’s too late. I allready casted my poll.
  8. No idea what those are but here it is: Random Kerman walk walking along when he was hit by a Kavatar. He died on impact. Jim Kerman Crash on an airline flight flown by jeb.
  9. Have you tried zooming the page in? Click the three dots near the top right and there should be a adjust zoom thingy.
  10. He is busy heating up his inner planets ('cuz he is a star).
  11. It has some landing gear glitch problems witch I still need to figure out, but I think I’ll fix it. Edit: Here it is with the boosters, It took forever to make a version with enough delta V. I'm too tired to ima launch tomorrow. I also still have to launch a scan sat to figure how where that delicious ore is.
  12. Nebel was walking over to the self service dryer to go dry her hands. However Jeb used it before her, and one of Jebs socks was stuck in there. When Nebel used it the sock shot out and nocked her out of the building, through the window, and into the path of a landing plane, she was killed instantly. Leo Kerman. Hard mun landing.
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