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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. Added segments to my Space Station in 100km orbit of Kerbin.
  2. Mun Rover to the Neil Armstrong memorial on the Mun.
  3. Constructed the "Comet Snatcher" which I launched into kerbin orbit. Upon realizing the only comet in my game had over a 45 degree inclination, I gave up
  4. I agree, docking is basically impossible, the other speeder I landed behind the base however one of the solar panels was destroyed, luckily I brought a couple EVA repair kits to fix it.
  5. Built Minimus Base with 2 little "speeder bikes" (you can only see one because I blew up the other one).
  6. How do you even set fuel priority. I’ve seen people do it but have no idea how
  7. That true, but if you want to use 4 tanks for example, and stage the pairs separately, you can’t.
  8. Asparagus Staging is an easy way to save fuel in KSP. Here is how it works: All engine will feed from one tank, for example, lets say its two side boosters supplying all the engines. When the side booster tanks are depleted, the tank in the main booster is still full, just now your higher up instead of just sitting on the launch pad. To do this we use fuel lines (as seen in figure 1.1) In this example with the two side boosters, we will run a fuel line from the side boosters fuel tank to the main tank. To do this click on the fuel line part in the selection of parts click on the side boosters fuel tank where you want the line to start. Then pull it over until your mouse cursor hovers over the middle boosters fuel tank, then click (oh and remember symmetry. You can use the symmetry button or just press X on your keyboard to cycle through the types). It is important that you click on the side booster first, because the fuel needs to be flowing the right way. You can double check by looking at the fuel lines. The arrow indicates the flow direction. Figure 1.1: For ships with 4 or more side boosters, you need to run the fuel from one pair of boosters, to the other ones, and so on until your out. Then just run fuel from the last booster to the main tank, like in Figure 1.2 (arrows indicate fuel flow direction). It is important to remember that if you want to add more than two, instead of using for example 4x symmetry, use 2x symmetry twice. You can still use the number of symmetry of the number of booster you want, but its less efficient. Figure 1.2: Booster need to be jettison in the order the tanks run out, as demoed in figure 1.3 (you don't need to color code them I just added that for simplicity). Figure 1.3: You can use Asparagus staging for more than 4 boosters, just remember that the fuel needs to go the right way, and the stages are staged corrected. That all I really got to say. Now go out there and practice the arts of epic explosi- i mean space exploration.
  9. Nah, for starters the nuclear engines could not lift this bird. In the vacuum of space it only has a TWR of 0.30. The heatshield and parachutes are for landing back on Kerbin. Im planning to add a cargo bay to house a lander, and that would land on Duna. And after messing around on the surface the lander could dock with the mothership. I wouldn't call it Apollo style but it close.
  10. Here we have: my small micro station, a small ship (the one with the poodle), and my newest creation (which is largest than the station). The station is called SSIV but the big ship is unnamed. Any ideas? (P.S you cant see but im in a 100km orbit of kerbin).
  11. I made a ship here. It has about 8000 m/s of delta V once in orbit and is stinking big (by my standards). However, my very uncreative mind could not think of a name. Any ideas?
  12. The save was on my old computer. If I still had it, it would be great if the blunder birds came to the rescue.
  13. Ah yes @Spaceman.Spiff. Before I could not dock, but now I have the spaceship docking blues. It very satisfying when the two clams press together, ksp freezes for a moment, then moves the camera, showing the two ships as one now.
  14. I agree. Multiplayer dogfights would be really fun to have. Now how time warp would work is just starting to hurt my head.
  15. -Jool 5 -Go to eeloo -make a big ring station in Kerbin orbit. -go to Moho
  16. The time I first went to Duna. I was proud of myself because before then I felt limited to mun and Minmus. (PS the poor kerbal I brought there never came back)
  17. the French are also very Kerbal Like.
  18. Why is the alphabet in the order it is in now?
  19. I intercepted him in the jool system and threw him into Tylo (sorry but the explosion was tempting). @Starhelperdude?
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