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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. @Bej KermanBecause the aircraft carrier is flying (a large plane has tiny planes which take off and land while the carrier plane is flying). Trust me I’ve tried docking/ grabbing a large plane and it’s pretty hard. @*MajorTom* pretty cool design. I really like the two thermostats and the antenna as landing guidance (if that’s what you intended them to be for).
  2. The challenge: Make an aircraft carrier out of stock parts (Visual mods and Airplane Plus allowed). Difficulty Levels: Easy: Aircraft Carrier with one plane that can take off and land. Medium: Aircraft Carrier with multiple planes that can take off and land. Hard: FLYING Aircraft Carrier with one or more plane(s) that can takeoff and land on the FLYING carrier. Rules: I need screen shots for proof. No other mods than the ones listed above (unless upon request). Here is the Badge: Here is the Badge if you manage to make a working flying carrier (made by @ColdJ). Here are some photos of my carrier: It can takeoff and land a single micro fighter. And then rearm it for more flight (it uses parachutes for landing). Vessel mover is ok for floating carriers only! The flying carrier must take off on its own. Go be creative and have fun!
  3. Good news: they ain't dead. Bad news: they stuck
  4. Rip Val, Bob, And Bill Kerman. Forever stuck on Laythe.
  5. Here is my official submission for the Minimus space station challenge (I had a save I could revert to so I did not need a rescue mission). Section one of SS III: Here is section two: Here is the final Station. It holds six kerbals, has fuel/ oxidizer, Solar panels, and has communication to Kerbin. It Orbits at just below 65 KM. The lander has just over 3500 m/s of Delta V. I have not landed it but plan to fly it tomorrow! @adsii1970 is this all good? Do I get badge now? Also could we eventually get challenges that go outside of the kerbin system?
  6. He is busy fixing a space frog. @Spaceman.Spiff! Have you dropped a water balloon on Susie Derkins yet? For april fools?
  7. TONIGHT, ON SPACE GEAR: I FLY SEGMENT OF SS III FOR MINIMUS SPACE STATION CHALLENGE I CRASH A KERBAL INTO THE GROUND AT OVER 200 KILOMETERS PER HOUR AND MY LANDER IS DOOMED BECAUSE I FORGOT SOLAR PANELS AGAIN ok lets start: I launched segment one of SSIII for the Minimus space station challenge. The station is only maintain contact because of the relay sat in orbit (I forgot an antenna again). We proceeded to land at 30 m/s and almost explode. We hopped around because of the rough landing and eventually came to a stop. However when I went for a EVA speed trial at 60 m/s, this happened: So RIP Linner Kerman (she was a scientist though so luckily the pilot is still alive). And now my surface Minimus Space frogs are doomed because there almost out of electricity to charge there gaming hardware (and to also dock back). SO TOMMOROW ON SPCAE GEAR: RESCURE MISSION.
  8. That my friend, is the most beautiful text to speech line I have ever head. Hey Llok new page.
  9. No, he’s go make new KSP video with broken hand. prehaps, @adsii1970 will join us.
  10. Too bad he ain’t here. @Spaceman.Spiff?
  11. If you have watched Star Wars, each level of courosaunt is about the height of a small skyscraper (150 meters). Each level contains buildings which each have standard sized levels (4 meters).
  12. I wonder how long you would fall for if you jumped from the surface of courosaunt and kept falling until you hit level one (there are about 5000 levels).
  13. There is a larger moon slightly larger than earth, which is dark red, which has its own moon, which is bright red.
  14. Stormpilot

    Random facts

    Looking at the Pi number all at once would not only make your brain into a bigger black hole, but would be impossible to visualize it all (because it is infinite). here are the first 500 digits: 3. 1415926535 89793238462643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 59230781640628620899 8628034825 3421170679 82148086513282306647 0938446095 5058223172 53594081284811174502 8410270193 8521105559 64462294895493038196 4428810975 6659334461 28475648233786783165 2712019091 4564856692 34603486104543266482 1339360726 0249141273 72458700660631558817 4881520920 9628292540 91715364367892590360 0113305305 4882046652 13841469519415116094 3305727036 5759591953 09218611738193261179 3105118548 0744623799 62749567351885752724 8912279381 8301194912
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