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Everything posted by Mikenike

  1. Thank you, it will be continued now... Thank you, it means a lot to think that you like it!
  2. Hey guys, I am back, I will resume my writing later this week. I AM BACK BABY!!
  3. Oops, my mind is getting old, my bad, will edit to fix...... Besides, console has been neglected until after for a while now, hopefully after KSP 2 releases, SQUAD can turn their focus to other, more important wishes for console, that have been around for a long time.
  4. Thank you, @Geonovast. Maybe, but it has been about six months already, people have to be getting impatient.
  5. Underwater monuments ie, trenches and vents
  6. When can we expect our Breaking Ground DLC to release? @UomoCapra, @SQUAD
  7. Hey, my major wish list! And how about Star Theory listening to Console players as well as PC. More parts, more plane parts especially! Actual base parts. Nuke engines, and more, larger SRBs. Pre done STS, and Ares. Breaking ground parts. A LES tower that is detatched by itself in space, a heat shield ( has to cover the module,, kinda like the saturn 5 heat shield) that is on the LES tower and also is detatched with the LES tower. Prop engines at the start, as well as rotors. Another thing they need!!!!!! Clouds!!!!!!!!!
  8. You are sooooooo right man!!!! If KSP is gonna be COD with the, no microtransactions at the start, to yes microtransactions I will be fine with that. Note, DLC only, nothing like the care package type system of COD. I will stop playing the game altogether if they add CP-like microtransactions. Hey, @UomoCapra, does Star Theory have an account yet? We also need to set up a suggestions section to have them get Ideas as to what the communities (PC, AND console) wants to see in KSP 2 and if they have DLC's than what we want in that as well.
  9. *Gets hyped for ksp 2. Remembers that ksp ee breaking ground never came out . RIP Breaking Ground for console, you will be missed bro!!!! @UomoCapra, @SQUAD Oh, yeah, moderators, how will the new game be supported forum wise? @adsii1970, @Dman979
  10. @UomoCapra, will there actually be multiplayer? I am so hyped for the new release.
  11. @Gargamel is right. You need 5 posts to get a profile pic.
  12. Only 48 M/S? I get a massive rover with only 6 wheels a crew capsule and a tone of bateries up to 100 M/S. The fastest I got a rover up to was 151 M/S with one whestley at the back.
  13. A little off topic, but @UomoCapra, when can console players expect Breaking Ground to come? Also, when will we get the ability to remove helmets, and when will we get the rover cab that was implemented for PC a while back? Also, I am now really excited about the props, and the docking port fixes. I cannot wait for the robotic arm either.
  14. HAHAHAHAHA! That is funnie! Still have writers block for my story. Haven't done very much in KSP lately, although I have done a lot in the time I have, still have the main characters missing after recovering vessel.
  15. Problems

    My city is about to be hit by a (possible) hurricane, thus I will not have any activity, or minimal activity, on ksp and the forums. I have been very busy the last couple of weeks and have not done as much as I would have liked, my Challenge, is still on hold, as will the rover saga. I hope everyone has a better week than me!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chel


      Pray to mother nature too

    3. Mikenike


      It hits tonight at around 12. Fingers crossed.

    4. Mikenike


      Update, Hurricane Barry hasn't made landfall yet. Worried that it could get worse because of it sitting of the coast, building up in strength.

  16. I feel the need, the need for speed. A ha! @JERONIMO, how breaking was it, enough to break your game?
  17. Thank you guys for the help, have been making a base, not very well mind you, and am waiting for my Com sats to get to AP for circularization.
  18. Yeah, that was going to be my starter station, in Kerbin orbit, as I got more experienced in stations and lifters, I would do that.
  19. I wanted to make a station, ( I described the station in the first post) and an orbital relay system to practice that kind of stuff for other planets, and deep space stations.
  20. Oh, I thought you were on 4, I haven't gotten any notifications of a new chapter. Hmn, maybe we should get notifications of people you follow who post new things.
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