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Everything posted by Mikenike

  1. If they could add this for Xbox, I will forgive all of Squad's mistakes and such and continue buying the DLCs.
  2. Where is that? Oh yeah, yesterday I finished my third and final year in Band camp. To bad it was my last year. I had Tony's (a seasoning) put on my bunk, and someone stole my old pair of Brooks. What CCR song are you listening to in the pictures? It better be Fortunate Son, ah, now that is a GOOD song.
  3. I am playing railroad tycoon 2, while on the forums, waiting fir my 737 to reach LAX on my flight sim. Oh, and listening to the best of the 80's. That sucks, I got out last week, when so you.
  4. I am on central time, it was 8:30 when posted that. 8 +3=11, 30 +30=60=1 11+1=12
  5. DON'T FORGET FAULTY PARTS!!!!!!! Flying my Kerbal sr71 into the ground because of lack of control surfaces. I didn't revert. Rip Jeb and Val
  6. To the group who has helped me make my first Challenge, @michal.don, @The_Cat_In_Space, and @purpleivan and anyone else looking forward to my first challenge, I regret to inform you that the Challenge will be published later this month, due to two things, my stupidity and inability to keep time and a decent calendar, and the lack of a challenge patch. I have a camp that is out of town until Saturday, and won't get back home until late. I have been dragging my feet in contacting @adsii1970 for mission patch help, as he is the only other patch designer I have heard of that may actually get back to me, although I did try to find one, I tried two others, one didn't respond the other was too new at it, in his words. And I still haven't gotten a full draft in, and thus haven't sent it to a Moderator for approval, to check to see if I am in violation of the forum rules. I may have it done by the beginning of next month, but that may change. Again I am sorry for this, I wanted it to be released this Friday, but as most know, life throws you curve balls sometimes. Sorry.

    1. Chel


      Okay. But how did I help you make a challenge? :mellow:

    2. Mikenike


      Info, suggestions, ex cetra.

  7. Hey, can someone tell me why mixer isn't on the stream list like twitch is?
  8. I feel slightly worried. Now I wanna change my Location part.
  9. Thank you for the following!!!!!

  10. oh, I am a console player, so I dont know the mod short names
  11. BDA? Waht is that. Yes this is a Twisted Sister reference. We're Not Gonna Take It, extended version to hear the quote.
  12. Yes Gargamel, you're right I spent my breath on unfounded rumors, but still, I'll be an old man by the time that the Breaking ground DLC comes out for console.
  13. Quite frankly, I wouldn't doubt it if it came when NASA goes to Mars. Or maybe some 30 years after said mission. SQAUD has always sat on themselves for console. PC gets better stuff. Ok, we have a Mun launch site. They have actual rover parts. Not the Rovemate but the cabin set. It is time that SQAUD fix this, and add an in game trajectory, delta v, and burn calculator and make the game versions at the same level. I am thinking about buying a PC, and rebuying KSP and the DLCs all over again. I love KSP but if I need to buy a computer to get all of the DLCs, it is just not worth it anymore. That is why they need to fix it and bring EE up to date with the computer version. The reason we are far behind is that SQAUD has always targeted PC, partly becaise of how Microsoft and Sony run Xbox and PS respectively. SQAUD has created a new "plane", and if the "plane" got no orders, it could sink the company, I am using Boeing's 747 story as it is similar. KSP was meant to be modded, so that left us console players out. And it was successful until SQAUD contracted a company to make a console version to get more revenue. It left use many updates behind, and pretty much dooms that part of the market. Because if we cannot have the latest updates, there is no point of the game left. That drives player to other, more console focused games, which in turn makes SQAUD lose revenue. SQAUD has to be disliking that fact, but they have refused to deal with Microsoft and Sony.
  14. Thank you!! Now mine would be freedom. I don't know what would happen if I didn't have it
  15. I am very hard headed and determined, so it hurts to say I havent even done much orbiting ( except for launching rockets that are overkill, and eventually they statr orbiting the sun).
  16. Hey guys, it took many a year for the creators of the x51 Waverider to make a hypersonic little missile. Any thing that is larger will never, i repeat never be able to sustain even mach 3. Nothing short of 4 sr71 engines and an Sr71 type fuselage with a larger cross section and body could get mach 3.
  17. POWER IS LISTED TWICE, so you want me to say Power Power.
  18. Add bateries and more lodging room, and a lab
  19. Wish it was my friend, but i am an Xbox player.
  20. While I am an Xbox player, I havent gotten to the Mun in my 5 months of playing Ksp. I dont play enough career to tell you.
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