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Everything posted by Mikenike

  1. There is typically an incentive, closed pre-beta, exculsive skins, BPs, etc. I personally could care less about all that. I'll occasionally preorder a game. I technically did it for Stormworks as it just recently made it to its official release. But I gave the game time to mature first, I didn't just buy it when it first released, I did the same for Ravenfield. I got it like 20ish major updates into its fully open beta (the SINGLE dev is a phenominal guy, and he works hard, plans to have it in official release form in 2021). But I gave both games time to reach potential. And both already have huge followings, despite being almost an indie game because of dev limits. I know for a fact that BOCW had some MAJOR bugs upon release, and Warzone still has bugs. I expect this, despite it being a AAA game title. I fully understand the fact that there will be bugs at launch. That's why I hold back, because major bugs get fixed typically within the first few weeks and the iron out the game from then on. MSFS is starting to get revamps in major metropolis' and cities, and its been 4 months since launch. It had its share of bugs at the start, especially with multiplayer and desync issues with their serves, but those were fixed relatively quickly. And as for Cyberpunk, I think that CDPR will be know now for the flop of Cyberpunk, and not the greatness of Witcher 3. I think that unless they fix everything SOON, they will either go under, or become a forgotten company. One of the past, where in the future, someone will ask if they remember who CDPR even was, and a person would tell them before or after cyberpunk? The industry has changed a lot since '15, and I think that CDPR would have been better revamping Witcher 1 and 2. By the time that Cyberpunk gets fixed, GTA 6 will be here, and all the player will come over there. Because it will be newer, and better than both GTA5 and Cyerpunk, hopefully...
  2. Wasn't worth it in the first place. That's why I am skeptical of some other games that are coming out, like gta6.
  3. Same. If it takes 5 years to get here, so be it, I want a good game that I can enjoy. The delay just gives KSP1 devs more time to develop new stuff. And who knows what'll come next, maybe a collab with Roskosmos?? Yeah, and both companies were saying that they were refusing refunds. That's why I buy games a month or longer in their life cycles. I did this with COD MW2019, BOCW, Warzone, Stormworks BAR, MSFS2020 and countless others.
  4. At the beginning is was. And it is similar to the design or his previous rovers.
  5. Ok. That's kinda sad, though. I will be away on vacation around that time, but hey, more time for me to read it on the trip. Also, I like the addition of the 1.11 lights as eyes on the spider evil bot. So is Thompberry turning against them again? Just saying cause he was mostly to blame for the orginal rovers.
  6. You cannot compare games like Asobo's MSFS2020, or 343I's Halo, or Activision's COD, or EA's Battlefields, to the likes of KSP2 and 1. That's an unrealistic difference. It is a much smaller game. And it is not an Indie, an indie is made by a small dev team. KSP's dev team actually has a decent size office and it is a large enough company not to be considered indie. And the reason why AAA games have so many more programmers is because they have the sales and the game brand to justify those numbers.
  7. Not a chance in the world. You will have fried CPU for breakfast. Your wrong, its a AA game. It IS DEFINITELY NOT AN INDIE game. And it never will be. It doesn't your right, but it does have an amazing following. But it doesn't have a loyal group that plays switch. It was hard enough to get them to port the game to the consoles.
  8. Fun. I was wrong. I don't think you did mention it in the first saga. When can we expect the first chapter to release?? I am now going to re-follow this thread just for that purpose.
  9. Stratenblitz did something like this in stock KSP, so just copy his design.
  10. Well then why would the dust trail turn like that, if its going straight in space then we would not see a curve from ground level, and the dust trail would be significantly smaller than it is. On top of that, it is a very sharp turn, indicating to me it has control surfaces or some sort of RCS/SAS system.
  11. Seems like its heading for KSC, and hit has the distinct jet powered trail behind it that is left in high altitudes.
  12. ICBM??? Oh shoot. They would have evaced the center if it were an asteroid. Thus it must be a ALCM or short range ICBM. ICBMs give off little warning to the targeted place.
  13. I am worried about the rocket or plane there, much less then the girl with the gap in her face.
  14. A Dream 7 years in the making, nearly crushed in less than three hours

    I had a dream, seven years ago. It was not like Jesus' dreams, nor was it like Dr. King's, it wasn't even the demigods of Greek and Roman times type dreams. It was my own goal, one that I've held onto for 7 years now. I almost lost that dream last night. My dream was to be in CAP, or Civil Air Patrol. I went to my first meeting (official meeting, I had been to many in Houston's Thunderbird Squadron when my dad was apart of that squadron), and my first impressions were good, until the briefings. For anyone who knows an inkling about CAP's Louisiana Wing, they know the name Jude Porrier. He is CO of our local squadron and he is the long-winded, loves to hear himself talk type of guy. My dad (this was WAY back when) was actually apart of the squadron and him and Col. Porrier didn't get along too well. He was the type to do 3 hour briefings for stuff that should take under 30 minutes. He's also the type to have an idea but no true plan. So, I get to the meeting, and the 8 of the cadets at the meeting, 1 1stSGT, 1 double diamond(Cadet Col), and the rest senior airman or below. We, or those not at the promotion board, go to the drill pad, we had a member who was on her second meeting, myself on the first meeting. They did basic inspection, and procceded to teach the new female member basic drill. Two guys chatted with me, and asked basic questions and what not. Fast forward 20 minutes, and we were back in the briefing room. Col. Porrier was about to give one of his famous 3 hour Christmas safety speeches. But first he went over his letter to LA Wing on our goals and plans for this year, it was a thing that should have taken 10 minutes, but it took 45. His three hour speech, from what I heard from the cadets, this type of long briefing is super common. So about halfway into his 6 slide powerpoint, about 20:30 military time. My dad had had enough, he is patient, typically, but both of us had enough. It was almost 1 1/2 hours after he concluded his first spiel. He looped back to things he deemed "important" in this filibusting powerpoint during that speech. My dad apologized for this saying that he didn't realize that Porrier was still like that. He continued saying that he was sorry for dragging me through that. I told him it was alright, and that he couldn'tve done anything about it beforeh-hand, and I procceded to tell him what the cadets told me before we went back in. I felt bad for the cadets more than me, that Cadet Lt. Col. must've had to deal with that for years. Well, I went home that night, not wanting to go back, not with him micromanaging the cadets. So, my mother and father talked it over, and reached a conclusion. If they could get him to agree to hand over operations to my dad, a former Cadet CO, later a Senior Captain, we would all pour in the effort and time needed to make the squadron better. And they said, that I could stay in the squadron, and help out. Anyway, at the end of the night, a seven year dream, since I was 7, was almost crushed, in less time then getting to Eeloo without timewarp.  

    1. Lewie


      Wow.....that really sucks

    2. Mikenike


      No kidding. It was amazing at Thunderbird, good group of kids, phenominal leadership, anything you could ever want.

  15. @Just Jim I know what you could name it, Emiko Station 1-3, for the Mk1-3 command pod, and it would be about 2 1/2,3 years till the next one.
  16. One that will explain the sudden changes in storyline in the switch to KSP2?? Or one to revive an amazing series and help pass the 2 year time gap between now and then. I just realized that Emiko Station 2 would come around 6 years after the orginal story was started. That's a long time to write a sequel. On a side note, I absolutely LOVE the use of robotic parts to make that robot.
  17. That second part is why I will always have 0, the only person I'd do that to is [nobody needs to know this]
  18. Has the other videos he planned to do come to fruition?? The ones in your series at least, cause I haven't heard much chatter about it.
  19. I hope it is eeloo we get. I hope they take the current Kerbin system and just re use it while optimising and editing the planets as needed. With that said, I'd also like to see a Kuiper belt style asteriod field, I'd also like to see a regular one somewhere past Duna, but then the system would be too close to the real life system we live in. All I want is for KSP2 to have life on Kerbin, i.e cities, multiplayer, the same solar system for kerbin, and MOAR PARTS.
  20. Yeah, it will need around 15-28 of them to achieve the optimal flight profile, despite the lack of efficiency. Well, the Starship is a 9m wide craft, so, it would be eay to stack lotsa fuel tanks in te fairing you'd use to get the starship's shape. At that poin though, I'd be worried about the speeds tthe vector would bring you to. Especially in the first few minutes of the ascent.
  21. Call of Duty!!! @NH04, get over here. This post was made by the small font gang He's here, join the small font gang.
  22. Mamoth, Rhino, Vector, MainSail. Make it a cluster form.
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