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Everything posted by Mikenike

  1. Huh, I've never used it like that. Good idea for using the controller. I play EE, but occasionally with keyboard and mouse, and its really not helpful unless your on a long distance journey.
  2. 7 duty, @Lewie The Yoda, I can smell in you.
  3. Until you run out of fuel. Personally I have a Fully laden F-14 being refueled by a KC-135R that is being refueld by a KC-135R.
  4. Essentially an SSTO without the use of RAPIERS.
  5. Yes, you are. Ugly huge fonts are the worst. @Lewie get yourself up and get over here so I can be right, also, HSL thing coming out today 5 duty
  6. Neither have I, thats why I asked about his mod list and what platform he was on.
  7. CMSA, or what I would call Command Module System with total Authority. And I bet Boeing will make it have a failsafe, derived of the "fixed" MCAS. How can you fix something for space when you have a limited knowledge in your company of how stuff will react.
  8. That makes little to (Absolutely) no sense. Not because of wording, but because that shouldn't be possible. Is the problem with the Mk16s only, and not with the Mk25 (both drogue and main) ? If not, I recoomend using them for the time being until we can figure out what is wrong. I have no clue why this is happening, but I feel it is something to do with your craft as a whole, not just your descent stage. Can you give me the basics of your craft, and its stages. I.e I have a Mk1 with goo containers 3x radially with a Mk16 parachute on top. I want to know the mass of the final descent stage before chute deployment. I want to get more detailed here, so I'd like to know what altitude you are deploying them at, and all other settings over it, so is it deploying "When safe" or another setting. I'd also like to know if you have anything attached to the bottom of the CM that isn't a heat shield. It may be caused by a number of things, so I am trying to narrow it down to help out all involved. Also, are you playing with mods, and on what platform, Linux, Mac, Windows, XB, PS? What version of game are you runing as well, these all affect how and what I say to help. @Mikenike when you answer this
  9. You may need to apply the use of MOAR Chutes, as you may be breaking them due to weight. But as the other members have said, screenshots of the mission log or a video will help a lot.
  10. So esentially an improved version of the part, almost like a pack a punched Gun in COD Zombies, or a Mk2 weapon in GTAO? I would like that a lot, make them be more efficient or something like that. Wow. I have GTA2, Railroad Tycoon 2, Police Quest, the old Doom, Red Storm Rising. I loved Silent Service, it was just fun to me. I have gone on to play Cold Waters, which is a newer game that is a spirtual successor to the RSR game. I still play Doom and Railroad Tycoon, albeit I have had to play Doom on a more modern computer, a Windows 7. I play all the other games on my old Windows XP.
  11. @Trann I cna still use the "Next Unread Topic" is this what you mean, that you cant see it?
  12. It has, Danny's orb strikes, his Jaegers. His crazy creations with how many pieces you could have at one time. The time I ran into the VAB with a Dynawing. Probably very badly from the BDA competiotions.
  13. It is non-funtional in EE I believe. I have never had to use it. I use the Lazy Lowne Method
  14. Yes, it requires at least 2 people to do it. It's similar to the famous EOD suit, in that you need to have you and another person to put you in it and help you out of it. While the EOD suit does have the ability to be undone by the user by way of a emergency exit system that makes the suit fall away from the user. Most regular capsules they will, there are some that don't however.
  15. Well, here goes Thursday and Friday I guess. Sorry for not posting last week, starting to get busy. I started off in civics prepping for a test, and enjoying my forums time. I love the forums, but sometimes I think I need to relax a little. I went up to ELA, where we did some stuff pertaining to ALBD, that being finishing chapter 27 and doing our reading logs. I suck at these because I don't record what I read and I end up getting like a C normally. I finally think I got a good grade on one though. PE was normal. And I loved the fact that in Band we began practicing our Christmas Concert Music. We started on the Ukrainian Bell Carol. In Physical science, I had to work on identifying certain compounds and their features, whether their elements were metals or not and some other major things. At lunch, I went downstaors and hung out with some friends witht the same lunch as me. IBCA was another free day, and geometry was the end of the 9th lesson, and I'm not too happy. I came home, logged onto discord on my phone, and got on MW2019. Friday was much the same. In civics we had a test, and of course I aced it. It was easy. I went over to ELA, forgot what we did. In PE it was much the same. In Band we continued with the Ukranian Bell Carol. Most people have heard the carol, so I won't say much. In phyiscal science we hung out and my teacher showed us that if you fired a ball and dropped one from the same height simultainiously, they would hit the ground at the same time. It was really cool actually. At lunch I finished up some stuff I had to do in some classes. Then I went to IBCA where I got to hang out and chill, because the teacher had school basketball stuff to worry about. In Geometry, we started lesson 10-1, where I am extremely lost, please DM me if you think you may be able to help me. If I fail this class, and I may fail, I will not be eligible for DE in Junior and Senior years. I need the DE to help me get into the Air Force Academy. Now fast forward to Tuesday, today, I am in PE, after doing infographic stuff in ELA and working on the judicial branch stuff in Civics. I can't wait to see what music I will get today, and also see what the rest of today holds. I also need to do some stuff after school. Friday afternoon I signed my life away to Tennis, so I have that after school. Fun!!! That reminds me, I need to email my Tennis coach about when I need to be there and how I will get there, as it is off campus and I didn't bring my Tennis bag to school, as I don't want to bring it back and forth with my trumpet and bag everyday.
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Red October, and Indiana Jones had him in them as well.
  17. Oh, god!! Someone get the rescue team and the decon team. We need to find a way to stop the toxic fuels from exploding. Please tell me that you launched it from Baikonbaur and not KSC.
  18. Too much for my Xbox, I am asking for a stock nose cone. I hate fairings as nosecones. Like I said, it looks ugly, looks like someone who strapped a laser on the 747-400, whoever came up with that idea is an idiot.
  19. So, I have been wondering, why do we have the nosecones for all of the other part sizes, and not a Mk2 set. We have the NCS set for the Mk1, some various ones for the .625m, ones for the 2.5m, 1.875m and 5m, but no Mk2 part. The devs could do the same as the 2.5-1.25m thing that we have (Mk1-3 capsule with no crew that piece). We need a Mk2 nose cone, because I have tried to make a Mk2 fighter and it just doesn't look right with the Mk2 regular command pod followed by the Mk2 inline. If we get this added, we can finally get rid of the wierd gap we have for these cases. And before anyone types out how I should use the adapters, I do, but they don't look right, its either too short or too long. NO MODS!!!!! I play EE, so mods don't work unfortunately. @Maxsimal, @Paul_Amsterdam, or @TriggerAu? Could we get your input here?? I'm sorry about the tagging being a little pestering here, but I want to see what y'all think of this problem.
  20. What about in the real world, three stainless steal monoliths have appeared and have dissapeared/be stolen. We may see more soon. What is this node about? More specifically, what does it contain?
  21. Banned for doing the same thing to me to help out @Popestar with his difficulties with the Caveman Challenge
  22. It is possible, albeit very hard. as you need a way to raise all these parts onto one another. As long as the crafts are moved away from the runway or launchpad so you can spawn in craft, you'll be fine, the hard part is designing a system to get parts connected to each other within the part limit. Thousand percent viable, you just need to move them off the pad/runway. This will be a challenge for you, but attainable nontheless. Check out one of Matt Lowne's videos, he uses an SSTO to make a station, but he doesn't bring the craft to the SPH after he does the first part. Stratenblitz75 also does something similar to this with a reuseable rocket design, sorry I dont have links, but the stratenblitz vid is one of his space stations I think.
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