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Everything posted by Mikenike

  1. Yes, considering that COD 2022 is already being leaked, then always. COD 2021's stuff hasn't been announced yet and we are getting rumors of a BO2 reboot.
  2. And it was said earlier that we could make eggs on the phones/tablets if we did do it. I will repeat my breakfast order again, I want 2 eggs, scrambled, with a side of hashbrowns and sausage, and an orange juice.
  3. Oh, I thought it was listed as KSP Team Member still. I understand that, but some mods that have left, like Sal for instance havent been on in like 3 years, although he could have been anonymous........
  4. I hope that this happens, if anyone here besides myself and Lewie, then you know that Stormworks has a similar system. Would be nice to see. I'd also like to see air tanks be a thing, so we can vent air as RCS.
  5. Why do you guys keep the old mods that have drifted away from here on the mods list. And isnt HarvesteR still under KSP Team list of them on the forums?
  6. Stop trying to make it super simple, make it landing boosters only, similar to SpaceX's Falcon.
  7. Ouch man, would it be possible to recreate it from that point??
  8. Well, lemme recap what happened. Well I chilled out on Tuesday, prepped for some tests, and really just chilled. I hadn't had time to write, thats why I am a week + late. I had Civil Air Patrol on monday, which consisted of drill and some learning. I think I messed up the tendon in my foot. Cause it hurt all the way up to Wednesday. Tues was band afterschool. Wednesday I played tennis despite my injury. Thursday was some tests for end of nine weeks 2. And I did not go to track, and my private lesson Friday. This monday we had CAP again. We had PT, which consisted of the mile run, the pushups, situps, and sit and reach. I was first in the squadron to make the mile, with a time of 6:24, which is a second off of my PR. For the curlups/situps I got 40, the pushups I got 17, not good enough at all, and the sit and reach I got like 4-5 past my feet. Today I have had a civics unit test. And in ELA we did some stuff with a short story. And I am patrolling the Forums in PE. The lack of @Lewie's response is starting to worry me..... I miss the inputs of people like @J O N and @adsii1970. Ah, well, people move on I guess.
  9. Liquid is your friend for a main engine set, think Soyuz, Saturn's 1 and 5, Atlas, Titan 2. Solids are to be used at the lowest level with your mains as a way to assist you, but even then, a set of strap on liquids asparagus-staged will work better (mostly). Yes, you can access the map in flight, the devs aren't that cruel to us. Well, the Nav ball is your best friend. Just like the M/S, CoM, CoT, and CoL read outs/markers. My biggest advice, especially for newer players is to use sandbox or science modes first, get used to the game, see what works and what doesn't, and then afterwards swap over to a career save. And when you encounter problems, always ask here....... Don't ask a random discord titled "KSP" or something like that..... We had a newer member do that, and he blamed it partly on our and I quote "toxic community".......
  10. @drburns650 continue to reroot for now, I'll mention it to a dev friend of mine, and I also say report it in the bugtracker. If it's repeatable, then it will get fixed soon if I'd have to guess.
  11. Well, its been eleven days since I last posted, so I'll post in PE. Time to take a unit test, unfortunately......
  12. Please explain. Are you on Xbox, PS, PC? What is the exact problem you have, can you not login to your XB/PS accounts, whether because of a forgotten password, or because of some background system in play. In order to help, I need more than I can't log in. Especially considering that this particular forum side covers both XB and PS.
  13. Well, I was feeling philosophical that day, and wanted to improve my style of writing some. I enjoy this particular quote of text.
  14. No, we are analagus to the sleeping bear my dear friend, for we are awaiting something much greater than just simply the words of a great author. For we await the great author's next masterpiece. Their next Mona Lisa, their next big painting, a pure work of art. Just Jim is merely an artist. A fantastic artist, capable of weaving romance, horror, joy, suspense, laughter, and calmness into his works, one that can show how truly amazing something can be. He opens our eyes to what he and others can do, with enough inspiration. Picasso, Michaelangelo, Titian, Da Vinci, Donatello, they all shared one thing in common, a vision, a dream. Just like Jim here does, he has a vision in his head of what he wants to see us, how we react, how we feel, and he weaves all that stuff into his story..... He is a true great. @Just Jim is one who captivates like no other author, he draws you in like no other author, he excites like no other author, he scares like no other author.... Not simply because he is no other author, but because he himself is different from all others.
  15. @Just Jim, so, not trying to poke you or nothing, hows it coming? Have you decided to do a 1.5 or not, I think I speak for the community and we are waiting. Waiting like a bear in hibernation, just waiting to come back, waiting to read your amazing stories of your brave Kerbals.
  16. No, its purely to remove too many different spoilers.
  17. Well, @maddog59 , @Vanamonde, and @The Doodling Astronaut gave great advice, but they forgot a few key things. 1. Make sure you pack more fuel than you need, without it seriously affecting CoM or TWR. 3-700 m/s should be good. 2. If you want an easy orbit, just point 90* up till 10km, then gradually pitch to 45, once you reach 70km, you want to be more or less horizontal. Proceed to burn prograde in map view, (Press M, and use the hotkey to toggle the Navball in Map view) until your periapsis is above 70km. By then your Apoapsis should be above 70km. 3. The extra fuel is buffer fuel/ return fuel, so make sure it is at your final stage (before command module). I use the extra fuel to make corrections, or point retrograde and burn to bring me under a 70km periapsis. I hardly leave anything in LKO at a decent velocity (escape velocity is like 2250m/s) so it is plenty enough to get my Pe lower than 70km, where I can either aerobrake, or just burn retrograde further lowering my Pe, and sending me homeward. = prograde (forward from direction of travel) =retrograde (backward from direction of travel) =manuver direction
  18. I believe it would be. Glad to see it is fixed.
  19. I am as well. I have always cherished my rights, especially the first 10. (I like the first 4 the most). I am just so used to you guys showing up with most stuff to do your job, which has been as a moderator. I am used to seeing you and the other great mods fix stuff that messes up, i.e moving threads, removing/editing posts, and other moderation tasks. He hates landings with me. He goes nuts!!!! I don't know why, I've attached enough chutes to stop me midair........ and yes, for my planes I use drogues/ full size radials for both emergencies and for STOL use. I have also fashioned a Juno reverse thrust, by way of hiding 3 in the fuel tanks facing forward with their own fuel/ air intakes and I must say, it works well early game, especially when brakes are occassionally wonkier than the F/A-18 add-on in Flight Sim X Steam Edition...... I landed perfectly, and I used the brakes, and slowed down, and then it jumped backwards at like 70* pitch, slamming the turbofans into the ground, causing me to fail............... Every time I tried, same result.
  20. I would like for there not to be, but if there will be, and I hope that there will be, then make it smaller, and leave room for us to make up backstory. When I saw you like my comment, I thought that something was gonna go down. <snip> Most of ours, its fun to see them be innocent as to what we are doing, but also useful in the game. <snip> All of us have a save where we have used it for our anger at one point or another. I have 2 saves.......... <snip>
  21. Similar to the above statement. It's like taking Scorpion out of mortal kombat, if you took out the combat you literally wouldn't have a game left, same with taking the guns out of COD and etc... <snip> Fine, then it would be like taking iconic characters from Mortal Kombat, and COD. It would be like taking Soap, Price, Ghost, Roach, Alex (MW2019), Alex/David Mason, Frank Woods, or any other iconic character from COD out. It would be weird to be chasing down a bad guy in the old MW series who wasn't Zahkev, Makarov, or Shepard. It would be like taking the Steve skin out from Minecraft. It wouldn't feel right. <snip>
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