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Everything posted by MoonstreamInSpace

  1. Is it possible to manually select a playlist to be playing?
  2. For some reason, for me, the textures are broken, even with a install with just USI. Is there a mod I'm forgetting or something?
  3. I'm getting 0 parts in 0 stages even when launching through the launcher (I have KSP outside of Steam, so it isn't the PD launcher)
  4. So I can't figure out how to fix this, when I press the subassembly or part buttons in the craft selector, they select, but the menu just stays on whatever it was on before and it doesn't work. Can I fix this?
  5. How do I stop my printshop from filling entire inventories with copies of a part?
  6. I'm getting a weird bug where if I mouse over an inventory with some parts, it says one number (for example the solar panel says 80L), but then if I try and put it in, it has another number (around 1600L). I think it might have to do with KSP_PartVolume giving the part a different volume module or something? How can I fix it?
  7. A few other missing features to add on to this thread: Craft folders: this was one of my favorite feature additions to KSP1, and made it much easier to keep track of huge sprawling save files. (also, if it is implemented, please implement it so that it works with the filesystem like how KSP1 did) Alarm clock: This made not overshooting maneuver nodes that much less easy, and both the softer slowdown at the end compared to just clicking the "warp to node" button and the ability to set the delay before the node made trying to not miss maneuvers 30 years in the future that much easier. Forced Physwarp (alt+timewarp): makes landings a lot easier, as you don't have to stop warping every few seconds to reset orientation and adjust throttle Maneuver node planner (the thing from the room to maneuver update): First and more obviously, it lets people fine-tune your maneuvers much more carefully, making it easy to find that last 0.1 m/s change that brings them to a close encounter, and also text input made it easy to reset an unintentional direction change by setting it back to 0. It also gave the ability to edit the maneuver while it isn't on-screen, which lets people focus on looking at where they are going to go, instead of having to awkwardly adjust the camera so they can see where the maneuver started. Pinnable part menus: The ability to have the guis for multiple parts available so you can fine-tune values such as friction on landing gear, or thrust on multiple VTOL engines, is very useful. Selecting parts in the VAB when setting action groups (left-click on a part, its actions are now highlighted in the AG menu) Action groups for parts being grouped by symmetry: Much easier than setting 8 multimode engine keys seperately Global rotation/translation, especially having parts snap to a "global grid" when moving and rotating. Renaming vessels in-flight Fuel tank locking Fuel tank priority
  8. I really miss the vehicle folders for KSP1. Is there a plan to add them back in for KSP2?
  9. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 (Through Parallels on Mac 13.4) | CPU: M2 CPU (Not sure how emulation works) | GPU: (Not sure how emulation works) | RAM: 12GB allocated (Using a Windows emulator, I understand this is not officially supported, but I'm curious if this might be useful info) Issue involving a black border between Kerbin and space. My findings on the problem: - It appears at the border between Kerbin's surface and space - It stays anywhere on screen that it had been in the past (leading to a kind of "smearing") - However, if between 2 frames, it moves to another section of the screen, then there is no black in between (likely because it never rendered there?) - Changing the window size (possibly forcing the game to re-render everything?) removes the "smears" leaving only the border itself. - It shows up on the KSC and in flight mode, but not in map view or the Tracking Station. - It is much thicker at alt 0 than at alt 70K - The sun shows through it - The "smears" of the border also remain even after changing the view to the map screen and back. Sorry, I get this isn't the most coherent bug report or that relevant. Note: the game is entirely playable, and runs surprisingly well! I just need to manually reset the "smears" sometimes to keep the screen visible. Included Attachments:
  10. Thank you, Angel-125, for fixing the Pathfinder<->Sandcastle interaction! It works now, and is really useful!
  11. I actually had KSP_PartVolume do all the work for me, by mass-replacing all instances ModuleInventoryPart to be unrecognizable, running it, taking the generated MM file, and resetting that to use ModuleStorablePart. We'll see how this spaghetti plays out.
  12. Oh, I don't have KIS, as I always found the lagspikes on build annoying. I'll try and set it up again. Would it be possible to have a patch or something that turns all the variant parts into their own separate parts? It should (I hope) fix the main issue.
  13. Also, randomly, when I print a part, there is a chance the workshop tries to start filling every container it can reach with them. (if it helps, the workshop efficiency was set to 100, so I could build parts fast to test things)
  14. This mod does not work with stock EVA construction. I can't attach modules in a line (due to EVA construction collision detection), and part variants have the attach nodes of the root part (it's a bug even when the parts were placed in the VAB). Is there anything I can do to fix these problems? On that note, is there any mods that make it possible to detach parts that aren't at the very edge for EVA construction and/or place parts that would overlap? EDIT: There seems to be a (temporary) workaround to the construction problem involving offsetting parts around, and I can still build with the basic chassis parts without variants, but if there are fixes to either of these, please let me know. Also, "Mountain Goat" wheels are bugged , they shift backward and up relative to their mounts once placed, but can be fixed with by quicksaving and reloading. It's possible that most of these are caused by mod conflicts, though.
  15. Another issue: When I print a part variant (buffalo chassis long), it prints the part like it should, but the attachment nodes appear to be taken from the base part instead of the variant (it has the buffalo chassis short nodes, but looks like a long chassis). What is going on? EDIT: OK, it appears it's a bigger bug than I thought. Even a part placed in the VAB has the wrong nodes in EVA construction.
  16. Gotcha, thank you for clarifying that! Is there an easy way to get/estimate the volume of a part?
  17. Has anyone been able to print components using the Pathfinder inflatable parts?
  18. I noticed that there is a config inside the Buffalo2 files that allows parts with ModuleInventoryPart to effectively also have ModuleCargoPart. How hard would it be to give this to, say, all the Pathfinder and/or stonk parts? Would it be possible to make a variant/modification of KSP_PartVolume that uses the new system instead?
  19. Has anyone else had this problem? Did I forget some sort of dependency?
  20. I just reconfigured a Ponderosa into a Sandcastle to test that everything is working, and there are no parts whatsoever in the print dialog. How do I fix this? This seems to be true of all inflatable parts, but not the offical Sandcastle parts.
  21. I just reconfigured a Ponderosa into a Sandcastle to test that everything is working, and there are no parts whatsoever in the print dialog. How do I fix this? EDIT:It appears that it's some bug specifically with Pathfinder itself, as the basic Sandcastle thing works. Maybe the Ponderosa doesn't have enough inventory space? EDIT:I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the Ponderosa not having its own inventory.
  22. I have a bug where I downloaded CKAN on mac, and no matter what I try, I still get this error. The path there is the folder containing the KSP.app file, as well as GameData and everything else. What am I doing wrong?
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