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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Just checked. in the sticky post both links in the paragraph Check the stock help sticky and stock known issues sticky: you might be running up against a known issue in KSP itself. Self Help, Reporting Guide. are pointing to a black hole of old forum posts: The page you requested does not exist
  2. I see. Mostly, yes, As you can see from my signature, I mostly try to help with modded installs (who doesn't love mods), no such link to the bug tracker in the post I'm referring to. And even in the "how to get help with unmodded KSP"-post you mentioned, the important point of "please check the bug tracker at https://xyz to see if your issue has already been reported before asking for help" is only mentioned deep in the text, not as an important bulleted point like KSP version or Detailed explanation. Hence my suggestion, seeing again and again questions "I have this issue", to add "check the bug tracker here before asking" when it is already a well known issue.
  3. I strongly recommend, after downloading the KSP version of your choice, to copy the respective directory to another location (e.g. C:\KSP) and only play KSP from there. This way, amongst other issues, you'll avoid any "surprise" updates. There's no need to have Steam running to play KSP.
  4. In CKAN you can add 1.11.x to the compatible KSP version list, this way you can install mods not flagged yet compatible.
  5. Any chance that this issue https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/issues/391 will be resolved?
  6. I suggest to make a sticky post "How to report bugs" as part of new version announcements if there isn't already one (which, obviously, I haven't seen). Over and over again I see questions/reports about something not working properly, only to find the respective issue already reported in the bug tracker.
  7. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/27169 https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/27162
  8. Tell you what: I'm not interested anymore in KSP 2. What would I get? Another alpha version? More Eye candy, more polishing? Technically impressive, probably. But soulless animations. DOA. Seen that way too often. just a few days ago the final part three of one of my favorite games had been released. And again: technically brilliant, but soulless.
  9. This. It's 1.10.1 for me, for the same arguments. I stick with that, for the same reasons you stay with 1.73. So tired, tired of all these new so called "improvements". Right... fix two, get three new ones. Simply this. You mentioned all this earlier, @Lisias, in another post, last paragraph: "heard somewhere else on this forum that more than 90% of the users just don't leave the Kerbin sphere of influence" Irc, that was a post by @Snark from 2016(?), quoting a poll from back then? I'm curious what the numbers would be today.
  10. Out of here for now :( Looks like I overreacted and took offense where none was given, as a fellow forum user explained to me.

  11. Sigh... if anyone has a good idea. please let me know: Again a situation where I truly don't know how to understand it, how to react. How did the other person mean it??? For the better or worse, we are limited to the written word here. No voice intonation, no facial expression, no body language. Aspie here, fits me perfectly, I can't understand that anyways. That's why I'm deliberately using emotions, to make the mood perfectly clear. But what should I do if the other person doesn't give me such clues? Without any descriptional context, any emoticons, I can only understand the written text at face value. I know I'm a cripple. But showing me that on a daily basis doesn't accomplish anything.
  12. Granted. That PC though is quite power hungry, causing a massive overload of the power network. The whole country faces a blackout now because of: YOU! I wish I don't have to make a wish here.
  13. You're the 1st one looking for help and providing every possible data already in the initial post, you know. Big thanks for that! Out of curiosity, I'll try to load and launch your craft "WIP2". EDIT: can't load the craft as it contains parts from various mods that I don't have. Maybe one of the mods is to blame? Does it happen with a craft built only with stock parts too?
  14. Call it what you want, a bug, an oversight, poor planning, ... Fact of the matter is, before 1.11 a Kerbal had a jet pack and chute as part of their gear, and could carry a part of a surface experiment. Since 1.11, the Kerbal and the personal gear have been split in separate entities, sum of the three masses the same as before 1.11. Long story short: worked before 1.11, doesn't work since. I call that broken or a bug.
  15. I'd report this issue here if I were you https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues
  16. Reminds me way too much of 1.4. Took (at least for me) until 1.6 that KSP became playable again. Bug tracker for 1.11 would make a good script for a horror movie
  17. If you can reproduce it, it would be a good idea to report that issue in the official bug tracker, that is what the developers do read. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues
  18. Might be good idea to report that issue here @se5a: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues
  19. The Blue Screen Stop error and the crash dump would be helpful for analyzing what causes this, the color of the laptop, not so much. The Windows crash dump file is C:\Windows\Memory.dmp.
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