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Everything posted by Yeet_TheDinosaur

  1. Well, your sequel kinda came out. KSP 2 was announced just 4 hours ago, and it will be released in 2020 https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/game/kerbal-space-program-2/ it looks..... amazing....
  2. I downloaded the real life parts from CKAN and this comes up. https://imgur.com/typI2pg What am I meant to do?
  3. SQUAD!!!!!! maybe you should hire @purpleivan an let him make the trailers & advertisements!
  4. Wow. This thing looks amazing. I'm going to download this right instant....... but I have a mac. Is there a mac version of this? If not, are there any alternatives?
  5. Sorry to bother you, but I'm quite new to the game and never tried RP-0 or RSS. Is there a site which gives you the list of all launch sites? Are real Space Agency flags okay?
  6. That's a nice idea!! That will help when my craft is going the wrong direction! Is there a mod for this?
  7. Yeah, the physics range extender has been messaging me a lot, so I'll try it without that one.
  8. My mods are: Airplane plus, Bd Armory, Firespitter, Flag mod, Physics range extender, module Manager, Community Category kit, DMP, Kerbal Attachment System Aircraft carrier mod, Kerbal Inventory System, Planetary Base, BADT Jets(deleted), Vessel Mover, FAR, B9 procedural wings and Easy Vessel Switch. https://imgur.com/a/KHbnr5i
  9. here are the screen shots. https://imgur.com/a/YKkxTML Also, no rogue clamps. All clamps are released. Could it be mods?
  10. I'm a new player who've played KSP for about a month, and I'm enjoying it. I've had no bugs so far, until today. My parents don't usually let me play games, bu today, they let me play it for almost 2 hours. So I decided to make a space shuttle. Bad mistake. Everytime I launched tha thing on the launchpad, the physics broke. It hovered on the launchpad, even though it had TWR if 2.50. When I tried other stock shuttles, they had the same bug. I think either the launch clamps or the launchpad has a bug. But I've never encountered ir before. Anyone else has this problem or solutions?
  11. I'm having the same problem. I downloaded it from spacedock and unzipped it. I then placed the file in the gamedata folder, but when I load KSP, the mod isn't there. I'm using macOS, and airplane plus (an AWESOME mod, thanks for making it) works on it.
  12. Yeah... I'm gonna put the engine on the middle so that it's not gonna blow up. If it works, I'm gonna put our hero Jebediah on it!
  13. Just asking, but are only guns from BD Armory allowed? Or guided missiles are also allowed('cause some from 1950 used guided missiles)? Thanks in advance for replies.
  14. Well, I've been thinking about this for a while, now I've got it! This is my very first attempt. https://imgur.com/4VqSQHh So..... it was 75m/s. I'll be adding improvements soon during the holidays.
  15. Well, you're completely right. I am kinda exaggerating. And yeah, a lot of people are into shooters, and some games tend to be shunned. So, pardon me for exaggerating and being totally immature.
  16. 9..... Almost older than my sister...... Just asking, why does everyone who never played KSP always think KSP's an useless game? And just surprising that people are still making that mistake in the 9th year.....
  17. Sure thing mate. Wait....... Did I see you before?
  18. Well, as you might all know, today is our beloved Kerbal Space Program's 8th(or 9th)!!!. Some may argue that today, June 24th, is just the release date, but I personally think that release date should be KSP's birthday. Anyway, I wanted to celebrate KSP's birthday by posting memes/parodies of KSP!!! I think you guys can help me do that by posting memes or funny/stupid things that you did or happened to you in KSP or how it was like in the good old days. So again, let's celebrate Kerbal Space Program's birthday!!!
  19. So hi K\KSP users. I'm a Korean speaking KSP user in Australia and I've had this idea of squad releasing a korean KSP. I mean....... there are at least 12,000 koeran-speaking users, and it'll be good of squad to release a korean version of KSP. And the transalting? Probably I can take part in it, partly because it'll be fun and partly because I know it's a nice thing to do in my freetime ^ . ^ So Squad, please consider this. If you are interested or are planning to do so, please let me and other Korean users know. Thank you
  20. (sigh) There are 12,000 korean KSP users on their forum, but almost none here. Mmaybe we should go there and notify them? I mean, this forum is bigger and has more mods on it and is monitored by squad. 흐아아아. 네이버 포럼에는 12,00 유저가 있는데 여기에는 한국인들이 거의 없네요... 아마 그쪽에 가서 여기에 대해 알려줄까요?
  21. Could you include me over here please? I'm currently in highschool in Australia(But middle school in America), working hard to go to Sydeny university or above and get a degree on aerospace engineering, orbital science or chemistry. I'm studying maths, science and technology more than others. And reading heck a lot of books.....
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