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Space Nerd

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Everything posted by Space Nerd

  1. The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything+10
  2. Well, that makes the rocket worth it's cost.(at least to me)
  3. Can I land my plane with parachutes only? Also, do I have to disable utility mods like MJ and trajectories?
  4. So, the heating effect will be back in GPP for 1.8.1? Also, is there something that allows kerbals to plant flag on Thalia and Icarus?
  5. Oh yes I can use this after I finished the things to do in the stock game(return from moho, eeloo, EVE, and get my ssto to work) because sadly my laptop can't run JNSQ and I can't wait 2 hours for that to download XD. Question: will the current version of GPP break in 1.8.1?
  6. I added the off center docking port because my laythe and tylo landers are not stackable, also I decided to use the second stage of the laythe lander for bop and pol is that's lighter and I'm afraid about the amount of dv left. Just to clarify, all landers have to seat at least two kerbals for a level 2 entry?
  7. A side note, the planet only looks like laythe on the ground, as there isn't much ocean.
  8. (Necro) Tested in a clean install with both DLCs, and it works! Just the color and icon of Jool is a little off.(I can live with that) I wonder getting a pocket Jool to orbit is possible...
  9. Let's wait and see... Manganese(II) ions are colorless.
  10. Well, it's a magic drive that makes the game fun, which is what I cares about the most.(I play ksp for it's accurate orbital mechanics, and the performance of metallic hydrogen engines probably won't be too absurd, maybe close to nukes but a bit better.)
  11. That's the main reason of why I like space flight. Well, a giant space station is a "backup planet" to me.
  12. @JacobJHC Here's the link. https://imgur.com/a/0I1tEdQ A side note: I use the debug to launch a unrelated craft, because my install have some bugs that seems to be gone after launching a new ship and loading a new save. My craft is single launched, can't open KSP to see it's cost now, but I rembered that it's over one million.
  13. OK, I did it! Version:1.8.1 Mods:Mechjeb, trajectories, better time warp continued, KAC(Not used), ToolBar control, click through blocker, MM, contract configurator and custom barn kit(not used and removed midrun because they're causing problems), HyperEdit(only used for testing, removed for the real run) (photos will come later)
  14. I agree with you, but we still need a backup planet just in case if the universe decided to destroy us.
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