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Everything posted by alverro

  1. Seems familiar, I remember seeing this one time with Val when it got behind Jool. Maybe it’s not Kopernicus related after all?
  2. The large docking port included in the mod should be used to connect station modules.
  3. Very nice looking parts, Love it!
  4. This thread isn’t the one for the SpaceX pack. Also, you might want to ask in the RO thread.
  5. Same issue here, I believe there was a mod that could in theory fix this issue, but i'm not sure what the exact name was.
  6. Well, for now, it just seems to be a longer version of the current one. Knowing SpaceX's concept designs, it could very well change tomorrow.
  7. I’m not sure if there’s a difference between Stock TWR, and JNSQ TWR, but I get around 1.34 at sea level in JNSQ. As for the payloads, I’m not entirely sure, but Falcon Heavy can pretty much lift anything with the right configuration. Same with Starship, as it is a Super-Heavy launch vehicle. No problem, mate! At what altitude are you decoupling the stages? Maybe try using some RCS or SAS. If the issue persists, try reinstalling Tundra and Module Manager.
  8. Try reinstalling Tundra and Module Manager. I had a bit of an issue today regarding TWR, and reinstalling fixed everything. Also, It'd be great to see that extended fairing concept that Elon posted a couple months ago.
  9. Can’t provide an image right now, but I’ll try my best to describe them. I believe right beside the rear docking port of Zarya, there are two radially places antennas. If you keep them extended, they break during ascent, but if they’re retracted, they just collide with the decoupler.
  10. A bit of a rough landing, but Jeb's still standing
  11. Looks rad! Speaking of Russian station modules, are the antennas on Zarya meant to be extended? They always break during ascent.
  12. That's certainly off, but I would suggest testing without MechJeb. Side note, Is it really that hard to land manually? Not once have I ever used mods to land my boosters.
  13. Honestly, this mod just serves as a placeholder until Semrau's mod gets released. Hopefully soon..
  14. I've been having an issue with the Orion LES. Whenever I abort, the abort motors fire at the same time as the attitude control motors. Is there any way to fix this?
  15. Hm, I've never had this issue. Usually the second stage can make up for the early separation. You should leave about 1,400 m/s of dV on the first stage as a minimum line.
  16. It works perfectly on its own. Unless you meant making it overpowered for JNSQ, there are some RSS configs.
  17. You should stage whist having about 1400 m/s of dV left. Edit: nvm ninja'd by @Outsoldier
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