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lemon cup

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Posts posted by lemon cup

  1. 3 hours ago, M87T234G98O said:

    Thank you

    Does the restock patch change the anomalously high performance LFO engines like the vector and wolfhound to cryogenic ones?

    Yes and no. It converts the Vector, Mammoth, Rhino, Skipper, and Skiff to hydrolox engines and balances them accordingly. 

    Other engines remain untouched, so the Wolfhound and Cheetah are still unrealistically overpowered. I personally avoid using those two. 

  2. 2 hours ago, M87T234G98O said:

    It looks to have only affected a couple of cryogenic RCS blocks, is this intended?

    I don’t have that patch so I went to the latest github repository and poked around.

    Basically, that patch pertains to some deprecated parts from older versions of NFLV, which are all currently hidden by a patch called “LegacyPartHider.cfg” If you were to delete this patch from the NearFutureLaunchVehicles/Legacy folder,  those old parts would show up, including the methalox engines.

    In other words, if you have latest version of CryoTanks and CryoEngines, that patch is pointless; it’s just for old deprecated parts you shouldn’t use.

  3. 1 hour ago, M87T234G98O said:

    Hey, i installed the Near future methalox patch (by moving it from the Extras folder to the Gamedata folder, not sure if that was correct) and it doesnt seem to have had any effect

    I’m not at my computer and I’ll double check later, but I believe the patch you are talking about (NearFutureCryoEngines patch?) only affects two engines: the Lynx and the Cougar. It changes them to use 3 resources: Liquid Fuel, Liquid Hydrogen, and Oxidizer.

    The rest of the engines in NFLV will remain LF/O only.

    And yes from your description it sounds like you installed it correctly.

  4. 58 minutes ago, BlackEyedPhantom said:

    Yea not the wheels just the landing gears they do use brake discs. Also i was imagining not really the discs themselves but rather glowing texture inside the gear wheel. No need of any fancy disc texture since in real life they are just that. "Glowing wheel".

    Doh! Forgot aircraft wheels even existed! :awe:yeah that would definitely make sense, though I don’t believe Nertea has any plans to touch aircraft parts.

  5. 1 hour ago, BlackEyedPhantom said:

    Aaand here goes my suggestion. Crushed under other ppls ones.


    This game features lightweight electric-powered rover wheels, that don’t even use traditional brake disks in their construction. I have a hard time imagining how glowing hot disks would be possible, considering what the wheels are designed for...

  6. 8 hours ago, Feellikeapple said:

    what is the soft capture ring used for?

    In real-life it is to dampen the force transmitted between the docking spacecraft, to prevent over stressing and buckling anything important (e.g.: everything).

    Here it has a slightly different use. All docking ports have magnetism that pull them towards eachother when you get close enough. But since the APAS has the additional requirement of being “clocked” properly with the other port (line the 3 petals up), if you were to come in slightly misaligned, the magnetism would pull you in but the petals would prevent a successful dock, and cause all sorts of unwanted rotation - never a good thing when two spacecraft are touching. 

    The soft capture ring can help prevent that. With the ring extended, when it contacts the other port the magnetism will still be weak enough that if you need to make slight adjustments to your alignment, it won’t yank you around and wreak havoc with your SAS/RCS. Then once you’re alignment is true, retract the ring, and then actual docking will be achieved. 

    You can extend the ring on both spacecraft, one, or neither. You don’t have to use the soft capture ring, it is just there for convenience/ a bit of realism.

  7. On 4/6/2021 at 1:37 PM, wisdomsavingthrow said:

    CTT configs - I've been attempting to jury-rig something up for myself

    Care to share a link to your patch? I’m sure a few of us (myself included :)) would like to give it a try while benjee goes through the many pull requests. 


    These models are epic! Out of curiosity, what was your inspiration for the base designs? I’ve looked at some of the source concepts relating to the real Nasa MMSEV, and the surface habitats all seem to be very simple looking mock-ups. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Wyzard said:

    I'm curious about the LH2/LF/O mix — I've never seen multiple fuels used together like that before.  Is it inspired by a real-world engine? 

    They are inspired by the Russian RD-701 and RD-704. :)

    1 hour ago, Wyzard said:

    is there a recommended way to use multiple tanks?

    That would largely depend on your desired flight profile. It involves switching “modes” at some point during flight. I would build the rocket so that the first stage had at least two tank parts - a smaller tank with LF/Ox and a larger tank with LH2/Ox. With that set up you will reach 1st stage burnout with excess Ox, so getting it fine tuned will probably involve a few test flights trying out different flight profiles, and some time in the VAB tweaking fuel values. 

  9. @Motokid600@KSPNoob

    Try deleting CryoTanks, Community Resource Pack, and B9PartSwitch from your GameData folder. Then redownload and install the latest versions of those mods. 

    CryoTanks contains a patch that uses B9 to add all cryogenic fuel types to stock tanks. Only thing I can think of is that you have the wrong versions of the above mods or somehow the patch file was corrupted. 

  10. 38 minutes ago, Just John said:

    well everything works amazing on the shuttle what i struggle with is when switching to Target in order to dock i cant seem to somehow put my speed to target on 0 so i can have a perfect orbit, if anyone knows how i can atleast put my speed 0 then my problem is solved.

    MechJeb can help with zeroing relative velocity. It’s also a great set of tools in general for automating some of the more tedious parts of spaceflight.


  11. 8 hours ago, Omni122 said:

    I'm trying to build some high Dv ships with the Frisbee, over 1000 km/s Delta v. The antimatter tanks are just too small and I have to put around 100 of them to hit the Delta v I want and I can't run the craft due to high part count. Any solution?

    I use Tweakscale for custom tailoring fuel tanks sizes to match vessel requirements.

    Works pretty well, just so long as you follow a few basic rules. Fuel tanks and structural parts tweak well, but other parts you are usually safer leaving alone.

  12. 2 hours ago, WarriorSabe said:

    you certainly deserve to be able to go without the added stress for a while.

    This. I have enjoyed every one of your mods since I first started playing KSP. You deserve just as much praise and compensation as the game devs, if not more, and if now is the time for a break or retirement, I wouldn’t bat an eye.

    6 hours ago, CDSlice said:

    Personally I would really love for you to something with the science parts.

    That being said, if bowing out now is not on the table, I would vote this as well.

    I have seen DMagic mentioned thus far - specifically my idea (and I don’t know who is managing DM right now) would be a collab with that dev for all new models, just like you nailed with SCANsat a while back :)

  13. 2 hours ago, Gr@y said:

    After clicking "Start scaning" on any scaner from the mod, just nothing happens.  Clicking "analyze data" works, but no data is gathered.

    Game version 1.11.1

    SCANsat gives you visual information via its built-in graphical interface; the scanners don’t actually yield you any Science points. The devices will scan strips of land directly underneath them as they orbit a planet or moon. To see a visual representation of the things that they reveal, click the SCANsat icon on your icon toolbar to the right of the screen (or bottom of the screen in the Tracking Station). Since they scan in realtime, you’ll have to wait for your satellite to complete several orbits before being able to see any results.

  14. I am not able to provide much advice since my experience with RSS is very limited, but I could point in in the direction of Raiz Space (links to Youtube channel).

    Tyler has been exploring the concept of using DECQ’s Space Shuttle mod in KSP 1.8.1(RO) for the past couple years, he has tons of great  content going into lots of detail, perhaps you could search his channel and find something of use.

    In particular, he has published some KOS scripts on deorbiting and landing the shuttle - maybe that is something you’d be interested at looking into.

  15. Not exactly sure what “partial” could mean, but KSP does recognize most controllers that interface via USB. Xbox and Playstation wired controllers, as well as the Steam controller, are compatible.

    Partial could be referring to the fact that you must manually map all the controls yourself via the settings menu - nothing is mapped by default. Just a guess though!

    I use an Xbox One Elite controller. Controllers have limited uses in KSP, but there is one thing they are VERY useful for - flying aircraft :o

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