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lemon cup

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Posts posted by lemon cup

  1. On 12/10/2020 at 1:59 AM, Nertea said:

    This depends on how well you people like He3 harvesting in general

    Since CRP still isn't tracking He3 I haven't been able to do a lot of testing but the concept intrigues me. I think more than any other resource, it makes the most sense to set up Mun infrastructure for production and shipment of He3, on account of how costly a full tank of the stuff is when buying from KSC.


    What remains to be seen is how resource distribution will go regarding ISRU. I've read that the two main sources of real-world He3 will be imbedded in Lunar regolith and in the atmospheres of gas giants. What I have not seen much talk of (probably since it's irrelevant to our current interests) is the presence of He3 on other airless bodies in the solar system. If planets such as Moho and Gilly have high concentrations of He3, which I believe they would, then a smaller regolith harvester would definitely come in handy for ISRU. Though I imagine  gas giant scooping would be the preferred method in the outer solar system. 

    EDIT: After more research, it looks like Moho would be too hot to hold He3, but Gilly and Ike would probably be good candidates. 

  2. Try using the Trim feature. It works great on planes and rovers and requires SAS to be off to function. Hold the Alt key and then lightly tap A or D to give a small gradual turn to the left or right. When you’ve finished turning the desired amount, press Alt+X to return the controls to zero. You can also make the rover continuously drive forward in partial throttle - you can fiddle with the sweet spot to maintain a constant forward speed.

    For planes, you can trim up or down to hold level flight, or gradually climb or descend, but still make abrupt inputs if you need to. With practice flying becomes very fluid and only requires you to manually roll and occasionally adjust pitch trim.

  3. 11 hours ago, Ikkjot said:

    I don't know if this is either weird or shocking but the fact is: Space is completely silent 

    Its weird for me because here there is almost no silence even at night. Also for you people who know this and think its not really weird it is for me. for some reason

    It is definitely a weird thing to think about. Space is only silent because gravity is very greedy and hogs all of the matter to itself in tight little balls millions of miles apart. If some matter such as air was able to stay dispersed evenly throughout the cosmos and properly transmit vibrations, many celestial objects would be deafeningly loud. The background noise of space would likely be a dull roar even at great distances from stars and other “noisy” bodies.

  4. You can “right click” (I forget what control that is on console) the engines that you do not want to see their thrust vectors  and set their Thrust Limiter slider to 0. That should give you a better idea of how to precisely reposition/rotate your vacuum engines to line up with the center of mass. You can also take some liquid fuel out of the tanks to simulate having used that on ascent, and see how that will affect your center of mass In space. Just remember to set everything back to normal before launching!

  5. @ble210

    Strange! Your Critical Part (part nearest it’s thermal failure limit) was the heat shield for most of the reentry, then in the last split second of flight it switched to your command pod and appears as though that was suddenly and rapidly exposed to full reentry heating, for some reason. I would be inclined to guess the heat shield may have been installed accidentally clipped into the pod slightly, because it is doing it’s job beautifully up until the critical moment when the pod becomes exposed. Also I use Restock as well and to my knowledge those models do not alter the colliders or drag cubes of the parts in question, so that shouldn’t be the culprit...:huh:

    Edit: upon seeing the footage from @eberkain could we be looking at a stock glitch regarding the Mk.2 pod?

  6. 3 hours ago, ble210 said:

    I am looking for help on re-entry with this mod.  I am trying to return the 1.875 meter command pod from a Mun-height apoapsis (I flew out to that height to test re-entry), but no matter what  I do, my capsule overheats and gets destroyed.  I've tried periapses in the atmosphere ranging from 35km to 60km, but all overheat and blow up.

    Any suggestions from more experienced players?  Loving the mod and its challenges!

    That sounds odd. I’ve found the sweet spot to be 40km (if memory serves) which you say you tested. After your capsule explodes, what does the crash report say failed first? If the capsule is the first part to overheat and explode, I’d guess there is an issue with how the heat shield is fitted, possibly exposing the capsule to more of the air stream than it should.

  7. 1 hour ago, john hunter said:

    sorry i havent expermented with it that much all i know is when i get out of the vab with station parts on my ship it crashes idk if it crashes if i dont have the parts


    Since you don't have much to go off of, we can't help unless you provide a picture of your Gamedata folder, and possibly your Log file.

     Go to your KSP file directory, double click your Gamedata folder, and then take a screenshot of the contents. Upload to a photo sharing website and post the link here. Since you said this is the only mod you have, there shouldn't be that many items in your Gamedata folder so it should all fit in one picture. It should look pretty similar to this (but probably not exactly).

    If the folder "StationPartsExpansionRedux" does not look like that or it isn't there at all, the mod is probably installed wrong. 

    If it looks just like that, then we need your Log.  In the main KSP file directory, underneath all of the various subfolders are a handful of text and .cfg documents. The one you want is titled KSP.log. Upload that to a file sharing website like Google Drive or Dropbox and post the link here.


  8. Although I really like the models for the coolant tanks, I am a part-count minded player and so here is my idea for adding to the total thermal capacity of a system. Take your existing radiators from Heat Control and add a slider to them in the Part action window, which would add or subtract extra coolant fluid from the virtual and unseen tankage of whatever the radiator would be attached to. The upside is that balance could be maintained because cost and weight is still added to the craft, while keeping part count low, with the downside being that you sort of have to rely in your imagination to get the idea of where the coolant would be stored, etc.

  9. On 11/24/2020 at 11:58 AM, vv3k70r said:

    Turno off SAS - it helps. Warp time x5 for just a second so it stabilize. Propably control from shuttle could help a little (because of mass).


    Great write-up and makes tons of sense, now I see what you mean by order! I have been building spaceplanes on and off for the past several years and have always fallen into the same pitfalls: attaching wings to wings and then lament at how much flap I get, struts on the outside and then deal with an ugly and unaerodynamic plane, etc etc. Seriously I’ve been placing rear landing gear wheels on the wings for ages and whenever they fail or get randomly malrotated I always just assume some other bug was rearing it’s head, not that the design was to blame. Also I’d never thought of how docking the craft together in the same control axis might help.

  10. 23 hours ago, vv3k70r said:

    Have You put any struts to keep it together? Like inside the wings?

    How was the SAS?

    No struts were present and SAS was set to HOLD I believe. But you might be onto something with the idea of structural forces, I am using a slightly older version of Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and suspect that might have a few quirks coming out in 1.10.1.

    23 hours ago, vv3k70r said:

    Kraken is often in design - try to avoid summoning him. I realized it by conecting parts in wrong order. Order is important.

    You’ll have to elaborate a little more on this... what do you mean? What would be an example of putting something like a spaceplane together in the right or wrong order?



  11. I took a partial tour of the Joolian system the other day. Gotta say I am still stunned by its majesty.



    Swinging around Jool on entry, looking for a parking spot.


    A powered gravity brake at Tylo.


    Whittling the orbit down with 2 flybys of Laythe and one at Vall.


    On the last and closest pass of Jool at just over 700km, we frolicked across the trace gasses in the upper atmosphere. 


    Finally settled into a polar orbit over Laythe


  12. Inspired by a recent rather severe Kraken attack that wreaked havoc on a pair of unsuspecting spacecraft which, according to the finance department, cannot be filed as a tax write-off. The crew were not too happy either.

    It started off as the first flight of a new shuttle design. While the plane itself performs beautifully, it proved exceedingly difficult to reach orbit, being that it uses a poorly designed external tank and boosters as the primary propulsion (nothing a bit of actual engineering effort can't work out, but for various reasons I'll go into, work has been halted until further notice). Nonetheless the crew breathed a sigh of relief after finally rendezvousing and docking to the target, a reusable nuclear ferry for crewed missions to and from Mun and Minmus. The payload was 40 tons of Liquid Fuel and as the transfer began, I happened to snap a picture of the two craft locked together.


    But not all went according to plan. A small bug that I've dealt with a few times before, the fuel transfer UI breaks and fuel can no longer be transferred between any tanks on the craft. In my previous dealings with this bug, the fix was a quick F5, F9. But this time, the stars were aligned such that those two key strokes summoned the Kraken. This particular Kraken had a pension for rotating all parts of the spaceplane by roughly 90 degrees, but leaving it's soul intact.


    Horrorstruck (though the crew seemed unphased at the time) I tried loading the quicksave several more times until realizing that was only making matters worse. The space plane would load in even more drastically discombobulated and phantom forces proceeded to rend the two docking ports against each other, causing the port to shear off of the nuclear ferry wholesale. Once it became apparent that neither craft could be saved, crew rescue efforts went underway.  After some discussion at mission control, the decision was made to perform a sort of ritual where basically we profusely apologized to the Krakens and asked them to use the F12 menu to hack gravity, transforming our stable orbit into a ballistic trajectory down into the atmosphere. Following that the mission played out pretty much according to plan, with both craft exploding into fiery chunks minus the crew compartment, whereupon all 5 crewmembers parachuted to safety in the middle of the desert. 

    Looking back I have experienced a mild form of this attack before, and before you say this was caused by modded parts, one time it was 4 radially attached Mk.55 Thuds on a Duna lander. Doing anything that caused the game to reload the scene caused the Thuds to be rotated and shifted into unusable positions, and this caused me to have to execute the entire mission - from launch, to transfer burn, to capture burn and finally entry, descent, and landing - all in one go.  

    So to all the Kraken experts out there, what on earth do you think caused this vicious attack? And what is the name of this particular Kraken?

    To everyone else, please feel free to share your recent Kraken attacks!

  13. 37 minutes ago, NipperySlipples said:

    Ctrl-K will open up the Kerbal construct GUI. In there you can select the troublesome launchpad pieces and move them down with a movement tool similar to parts in the VAB.

    Thanks, so simple! Though I wouldn’t have thought of that because my interaction with KK is very little, I’ve never messed with the base building feature. I just let Tundra and KSCExtended do that for me :P

  14. Are you trying for a polar Kerbin orbit? Or Mun?

    If it’s Kerbin, a gravity assist from the Mun will cost more dV than it saves without question. You can get a pretty decent gravity assist from the Mun but it won’t be in the correct plane and having to perform a plane change will nullify that. 

    Your best bet for staying cheap is to make your probe as small and lightweight as possible. The smallest probe core you have and the bare minimum equipment to keep it running. Then build your launch vehicle utilizing good staging (modest SRB burn time combined with a semi-efficient sustainer first stage make for a relatively cheap launch vehicle if done right) and well-executed gravity turn. Then like Hans said, go for a straight polar launch when the KSC crosses into the launch window, and bingo.

  15. 11 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

    If I terminate all other applications, I'm able to run it. I love the volumetric clouds, the dust etc. But I prefer the original JNSQ clouds - Ad Astra's clouds look like spilled milk from LKO. And I don't like the pink/orange sky during daylight - seems a bit over the top. City lights are cool, but during the day the cities seem to be shown on top of the clouds.

    Where can I change these settings?

    I've been doing some messing around with Ad Astra lately. Here is a picture from 130km over JNSQ Kerbin.


    43k cloud textures. This beats any other mod's cloud visuals in LKO, in my opinion.

    EVE and Scatterer configs seem to be optimized for a wide range of altitudes, but with the right amount of tweaking both of these configs (all possible using the in-flight UI) you can obtain scenes like this in very low orbit. Some of the most important values to look at and tweak are the Extinction Tint, Exposure, and Thickness. Followed by Post Processing and RimPower/Blend. The other thing is depending on your system and lighting settings the detail layer that appears on top of the clouds (the mottled puffy look seen here) can be drowned out; you can adjust that to be more visible in the EVE settings. Finally TUFX really comes in handy to bring it all together. 

    As for the city lights I went ahead and outright deleted the Day.dds texture file in the City Lights folder. This stops them from showing up during day time altogether and risking glitching through the cloud layer. 

    Sadly my laptop is just not powerful enough to run this at full speed during gameplay so I'll be leaving Ad Astra in storage unless I feel like taking some more screenshots like this :)

  16. 2 hours ago, bigyihsuan said:

    For the Pandora pod, what's the small nub on the 1.25m side for? Is there a part that's meant to go on there?

    The Pandora is based on a proposed Russian spacecraft design, the ACTS.

    On the real design that bulge is probably avionics, sensors, and other command and control instruments. In game it is just for looks.

    Edit: Also looks like it housed the thrusters for attitude control; Nertea’s design opts to put them somewhere more useful for gameplay.

  17. 26 minutes ago, Popestar said:

    The weight of the heat shield may flip it so the shield is pointing to Kerbin...but that may not mean anything if you aren't falling straight down.

    Drag forces and momentum come into play during reentry, not so much the gravity of Kerbin. If the heat shield is large enough, center of mass is close enough to the heatshield, and there is not too much drag-inducing parts on the top of the craft, then the heatshield should have no problem staying oriented correctly.  

  18. What I like to do is divide the labor into 2 separate craft Apollo-style. The key is the science container!

    One vessel is the crewed command and return vehicle, with a science container clipped all the way through the capsule (to shield it from reentry heat; some consider this cheating but wouldn’t that logically be an internal component in real life?)  . The other is the lander and that also has a science container somewhere on the ascent stage. 

    Set up two action groups: each container gets an action group for “Collect All”. Pressing an action group will transfer all data on the entire vessel to the respective container (some experiments can’t be transferred, neither can duplicates).

    The mission plays out like this. The crew lands on the surface with the lander vehicle and collects as much science as possible, storing all of it in the lander’s container. Then they return to the command module, board, and use the right action group to “Collect All” data into the capsule’s science container. Complete the mission by landing the crew safely on Kerbin in their capsule and recovering all that juicy science...!

  19. @Gameslinx

    Congrats on the (pre)release! I’m sure a ton of people have been eagerly awaiting this.

    I have a question for end users such as myself. I am currently playing Kerbal with a large degree of visual mods - AVP with scatterer and EVE, planetshine, and TUFX. As far as AVP goes as well as a few other visual overhaul packs that have their own ground textures, what would be the best way to integrate Parallax? 

    Basically I’d love to enjoy the awesome new Parallax groundside visuals while still keeping Kerbin and the worlds beyond looking top notch, without causing compatibility issues. As a prerelease I understand achieving that will be partly on the community, but any suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated.

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