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Everything posted by jimmymcgoochie

  1. Which antenna? How far apart are the vessels? Do you have the extra ground stations enabled or just the KSC? You may find that you need more than one of the early HG-5 relay dishes to serve as an effective relay around the Mun and Minmus as antenna power doesn’t stack linearly, but rather in an inverse logarithm - so each antenna added has progressively less of a benefit. If you click the icon in the top left to set it from the default “path” to “vessel links” or “network”, you’ll be able to see all the available connections.
  2. Send the log files, they'll have detailed information about what's going on. It's likely that there's an exception in the loading process that means the game will never load, and it could be a simple fix (delete a mod or even a single file).
  3. Here's the guide for how to find the logs- both KSP.log and the more detailed Player.log which may be more useful: I would suggest uninstalling all your mods (save them as a CKAN modpack first!) and then uninstalling and reinstalling KSP, then copying it and putting the mods into this new copy- that way Steam can't interfere and break anything, which it has a habit of doing.
  4. Yes, it’s possible. I’m not aware of any upper limit on distance where celestial bodies aren’t rendered in flight, though their relative size and distance will make seeing smaller targets like Eeloo much harder to spot. There’s a mod (camera tools maybe?) that can do clever camera tricks for cinematic effects, or there’s Tarsier Space Telescopes if you just want to look at them and get some easy science and pretty screenshots.
  5. Is the hatch still obstructed if you click on the hatch itself and try to EVA the crew from there rather than the portraits in the bottom right? Are the Kerbals actually in the part you think they're in? I've done that before... Can they EVA if you move them to a different part e.g. the capsule?
  6. Where is it asking you to put this telescope? Always read the fine print- if it wants it down below Moho then getting there could be pretty difficult!
  7. First off, don’t use Steam KSP with mods. Secondly, did you install KRE with CKAN? It should have installed all the dependencies but just to make sure, open KSP/GameData and delete all the ModuleManager caches so they get regenerated- something might be wrong in the cached files.
  8. I don’t think so, but the easiest way to find out is to do a sandbox save, freeze a Kerbal and stick them in orbit of Laythe (since it gets the most radiation of any stock planetary body) and then timewarp ahead for a while.
  9. Oof. I didn't realise how long it had been... Finding both the time and the inspiration has been difficult of late, but I fully intend to come back to this story. Eventually.
  10. Delta-V on the stage or in total? If you're adding fuel to a stage with a vacuum-optimised engine e.g. Terrier, but have the delta-V display set to Eve's surface, it wouldn't surprise me if your total delta-V went down as the extra tanks would add a lot of mass but give almost no extra delta-V in that setting- vacuum-optimised engines perform very poorly in atmospheres and Eve's atmosphere is particularly thick, I think 5x more than Kerbin at sea level? If that's not what's happening, screenshots please?
  11. Some of the above discussion seems to be adding an extra letter H to "in-situ resource utilisation"...
  12. Is this really a bad thing? Unless you have a life support mod, an EVA Kerbal isn’t any harder to rescue and there’s no random debris to clean up either.
  13. Just putting it out there- modding the Steam copy of KSP is a bad idea as Steam can meddle with game files and break things just like this. If you use CKAN (and you should!), save your modpack to the desktop and then uninstall all mods, copy your saves to the desktop, turn off steam cloud sync and then completely uninstall and reinstall KSP through Steam, then copy the whole of KSP out of Steam and put it somewhere else and then put your saves and mods into that new copy.
  14. There are at least four bonus launch sites that were added in KSP 1.12, scattered all across Kerbin. There are also easter eggs on pretty much every body in the Kerbol system that were added in 1.12, along with the randomly located green monolith (or "randolith") on each body that gives you a free tech unlock in career or science modes. Finding them can be done with KerbNet, though I'd suggest using the ScanSat mod instead as it's a whole lot easier and can be done passively by bunging a satellite with a scanner into orbit and waiting for it to do it passively over time.
  15. SSPX internals has a lot of highly detailed internal models which use quite a bit of memory, I'd suggest deleting that unless you really need to see the insides of the modules.
  16. Looks like you’ve installed some old mods and done so incorrectly. Try reinstalling all your mods using CKAN and/or making sure your mods are compatible with your version of KSP- any mods made for KSP 1.7.3 or earlier won’t work in 1.8 or later.
  17. Did you try turning the forums off and on again? I mean, obviously you did or we wouldn't be here! Good to see the server hamsters have been fed and watered and are back running in their little wheels to keep the lights on.
  18. The red icon in the top left indicates you have no control and the most likely reason for that is no power. Make sure you have electric charge storage in the avionics and if you're going to timewarp on the launchpad, you'll need a launch clamp of some sort to provide power or the battery will drain very quickly. The other option is no antenna, but that only matters if you're using the "require signal for control" option in the difficulty settings and that's disabled by default in RP-1 as far as I know. Procedural fairings attach to the fairing bases: boattails are for building static structural parts, typically around engines; interstages go between stages; and payload fairings are for putting your payloads in, though you won't need them for early sounding rockets. If you want the fairing to look different, you should adjust the settings on the base first. Unrelated to the issue above but related to the screenshot- don't use the KER delta-V readout as it isn't reliable with RP-1. Use MechJeb instead.
  19. Can you be more specific about which parts aren't showing up? Screenshots in the R&D and VAB/SPH editors would be helpful here. From your logs, it looks like you've installed mods in the Steam copy of KSP. This is not a good idea- Steam can and often does break things when mods are installed and so the best thing to do is to make a separate copy of KSP and install your mods in that, preferably with CKAN. Here's a step-by-step guide I wrote on how to do so:
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