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Everything posted by jimmymcgoochie

  1. @fourfathat looks exactly like Restock and Restock+ which does have the single Boar engine. Logically, the closest thing to a single Boar without mods would be the KE-1 Mastodon since that’s the F1 analog, but that’s Making History DLC and also significantly more than half the thrust of the Twin Boar. If more thrust is required, use the Vector, Mastodon or even Mainsail which have progressively more thrust but lower ISP; if less thrust is needed use the Skipper if you can get away with it, it has better ISP than the others but 2/3 the thrust of the Vector (and ~1/3 of a Twin Boar).
  2. If you’re running the latest version of scatterer, try downgrading to the previous version. I’ve had some issues with the newest scatterer including weird low-res shadows and other effects looking off, quite similar to what you’ve described, running in KSP 1.11.2 with EVE and scatterer (and Spectra rather than the default EVE configs), rolling back the scatterer version completely resolved it.
  3. You’ve installed mods into the Steam copy of KSP. Don’t do that- Steam loves to meddle and has a habit of corrupting stuff when mods are installed, leading to game crashes. This might not be the cause here, but it never hurts to rule that out plus keeping modded copies of KSP separate from Steam means you can get game updates without breaking all your mods. If you’re using CKAN to install your mods, which looking at the number of mod folders in that list I really hope you are (managing all that by hand will be a pain!), try this: Save your installed mods as a mod pack in CKAN, which will allow you to quickly reinstall them later, and save that somewhere e.g. desktop; Copy your save games from KSP/saves and keep those somewhere e.g. desktop; Clear all mods from your Steam copy of KSP; Using Steam, disable cloud saving for KSP, then verify the KSP game files (right click KSP > Properties > Local files > verify integrity of local files) which will check the game files and fix anything that’s not right; Run KSP and make sure it works with no mods; If it works, copy KSP entirely from steamapps/common and paste it somewhere else outside the Steam folders. Add the new copy to CKAN and reinstall your mods using that saved modpack, then add your saves back in and fire it up.
  4. Logs please! A mod list would also help, but logs are pretty much mandatory for any “game failed to load” problem.
  5. I think the problem is that the root part of the rover is a physicsless part which confuses the whole game. Re-root the rover/skycrane assembly in the VAB so that the root part is the rover’s probe core and then cheat it out beside the broken one, then delete the broken one.
  6. A pretty uninteresting trip from Eve to Jool, parking up in a nice high orbit (similar altitude to Bop but less eccentric) to visit the five moons in due course. First up will be Tylo in just 10 days, and in a position where it’s right at the edge of Jool’s outer radiation belt too so minimal exposure for whoever I send down there.
  7. It's time to say goodbye to Eve... And hello to Jool! There were some inevitable part failures along the way, but nothing too critical- the main reaction wheel on one of the Ion Space Tugs failed permanently but I have spares that can be attached radially; the motor on one of the graphene radiators failed, but they don't actually move so no biggie; and a few other parts needed repaired or serviced. Connor hit 100% stress and broke that radiator motor, but Phoebe had a breakdown at just 32% stress and dumped about 4 years' worth of food which isn't ideal. Water and oxygen, I could live with as I can recycle both, nitrogen is no biggie and dumping CO2 or ammonia is fine as they're waste products, but food is the one thing I can't make any more of. During the maintenance EVA I also dumped a load of empty xenon tanks: The capture burn was completed with the VASIMR engines at 100% efficiency, meaning it took over an hour of game time but the ship was stable even at 8x time warp. The resulting orbit is high- beyond the orbit of Bop for the majority of each orbit- and a bit off-plane with the inner moons, but safely above the furthest reach of Jool's radiation belts a.k.a. The Death ZoneTM and I can easily adjust it if necessary. There's a nice window to get to Tylo in ten days which will catch that moon when it's right at the very edge of the outer belt, giving plenty of time to do the landing and then get out again without any significant radiation threat. There's also a Pol window in 10 days, and a Bop window in... 62 years!? MechJeb, you and I need to have a conversation about some of the nodes you've been plotting lately Full album: https://imgur.com/a/vCmAI29 Flag count so far: 5.
  8. Sounds like something is causing a problem during the loading process. To tell what it is, we need the log files. The easiest log to find is KSP.log, you’ll find it inside the KSP main folder (if you downloaded KSP via steam it’s in steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program, otherwise it’s wherever the installer put it). There’s a more detailed log called Player.log, but it’s harder to find so for now just get hold of KSP.log, upload it to a file sharing site and post a link to the file here- please don’t copy and paste the contents of the log directly into the forums, it’s a real pain to look at especially on a tablet or mobile, as I currently am. If you got KSP on Steam, you could also try verifying the files- right click KSP in your Steam library, click ‘properties’, then the ‘local files’ tab, then ‘verify integrity of local files’ which should find out if you have any missing or corrupted files and re-download them; it might fix the problem. If that doesn’t solve the problem, read this and see if anything helps: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83213-stock-support-bug-reporting-guide/
  9. Grab one of the backup persistent files (in saves/your save name/backups), paste that into saved/your save name and rename it persistent.sfs, that should salvage it but you’ll lose a bit of progress.
  10. Depends very heavily on what I’m playing- just spinning up base KSP on my SSD takes about a minute, but booting up my RP-1 save on the same SSD takes about 10-15 minutes depending on various factors like “is it an odd-numbered day of an even-numbered month that begins with a T or an S”…
  11. Nope. Assuming copies of such ancient versions of the game still exist, they'll be slow, clunky, barely functional and generally rubbish compared to the new version which will be bigger and better in pretty much every way. A significant number of players (I'd suggest a sizeable majority) never played KSP back then and have no interest at all in playing it when instead they could play the version that's had a decade of improvements and additions. Take off those rose-tinted glasses and focus on the brand new update that's about to arrive.
  12. Looks like a glitch in a graphics mod, but without any more information it's impossible to say what could have caused it or how to fix it. At the very least, your version of KSP and a list of mods are needed, and having the log files might help too. Here's how to get those:
  13. Moho is a pain to get to- a very low, inclined and eccentric orbit means delta-V requirements are very high- and when you get there it's not even that interesting. Still, at least this time I actually got there! The first time I tried, Connor hit 75% radiation exposure before getting half way to Moho; second time round I nicked one of the active shields from Indefatigability which made all the difference- he arrived at Moho with 0% exposure, but the delta-V for the Moho Space Tug tanked substantially due to the considerable extra weight. Burn times with ion engines are extremely long, good thing I can push physics warp up to 20x to make it happen a whole lot faster. Landing was uneventful and soon enough the flag was planted, sample taken and science gathered: And then it was time to go back again. Fortunately the Moho>Eve window was open as soon as Connor arrived, but unfortunately there was no way to make the ~4500m/s escape burn inside Moho's SOI without crashing into it. This required a very long course correction in solar orbit which used up most of the remaining xenon, but got an Eve intercept with mere days of oxygen left; the oxygen supply was the main limiting factor on this trip due to my not checking how long an Eve-Moho round trip would take. After arriving, the Moho Space Tug tried valiantly to get an intercept of Indefatigability but ran out of fuel. Connor swiped some useful parts- solar panels, capacitors and monopropellant tanks- before the Space Tug arrived to take him back to Indefatigability. 92% stress from that trip, but amazingly not a single stress-related incident; 14% radiation exposure which can be healed away during the trip out to Jool. The shield is now attached to the front docking port of the ship since you can't attach parts if they clip into other parts in EVA construction mode, while the solar panels are still attached to the Tylo lander for now to get better exposure. Full album: https://imgur.com/a/xcqG7op Flag count so far: 5, and I made it to Moho this time unlike with Intrepidity.
  14. A long and arduous trip from Eve to Moho. Despite leaving with a mildly preposterous 33km/s of delta-V I still ran out during the final rendezvous around Eve and had to send out a rescue mission to bring the wayward lander back to the mothership. With barely a day's worth of oxygen left too!
  15. In an attempt to bring this thread back from the brink of moderation and return it to the original topic... I use Texture Replacer in pretty much every save I do to make my Kerbals look different from each other and more like individuals as a result. Generic male and female faces that look exactly the same are boring and make them look like nothing more than clones, and it's not like the game doesn't already include different looking Kerbals- look at Gene's blond hair, Walt's beard stubble or Wernher's moustache- so why shouldn't the Kerbals that go on missions look different from each other too? I don't care if they're lime, chartreuse, olive or viridian or if their hair is brown, black, blond or retina-searing purple as long as I can look at them and they aren't copy-pasted duplicates of each other.
  16. When you’re all quite finished with the melodramatic “nooo KSP is dead! waaaah “ nonsense… Nonody is going to delete KSP off your hard drives, or remove the ability to download it, or shut down the many, many mods that can now be updated for the last game version and then focus on their own content instead of worrying about game updates. Or not- there are plenty of people still running much older versions of KSP because they use specific mods that haven’t been updated beyond, say, 1.3, so why would it be any different once 1.12 is released? Besides, as final updates go adding stock KAC and stock transfer planner is a good way to go out with a bang.
  17. Crunching the numbers for going to Moho and things are looking dicey... On the one hand, it's not an issue of delta-V; I have oodles of that. The problems are threefold: - Transfer windows are off. The window to Moho is open now, but it's less efficient than the next one which opens in about 120 days; but if I wait that long I'll miss the Eve to Jool window. I also have the problem of supplies, specifically that the food and oxygen supplies on the solar-powered Ion Space Tug, which I brought solely to go to Moho and back, aren't actually sufficient to get to Moho and back using the most efficient transfers. I could wait for the next Eve>Jool window in about a year's time and still have plenty of time to land on Jool's moons before heading to Eeloo, but if I went to Duna first I'd miss that Jool>Eeloo window and that would be that. - Burn times with ion engines are ridiculously long, it'll take over an hour of continuous ion thrust to send a lander from Eve to Moho and nearly two hours to brake at the other end. Splitting up the departure burn is feasible, but the capture is an all or nothing event. - I'll need to take the Vall lander with its full load of radiation shielding. I tried a run with the Tylo lander and poor Connor was at 75% radiation before I was even half way to Moho. The real issue is that there's no part shielding with this design, pointing away from the Sun doesn't reduce the radiation in the lander can at all. I could try to solve that by dragging along the normal, LF-powered Space Tug (drained of fuel to save weight) to act as a radiation shield, but that's a lot of excess weight and that makes the burn times even longer. Going down to Moho with Indefatigability is a no-go, the burn times would be horrendous and I really don't want to waste the xenon on making that trip with the full ship; I may have to cannibalise some parts to make this trip feasible, maybe I can steal one of the radiation shields?
  18. Crazy idea time- build a tanker that can fly down from Mun orbit to the surface, land, drive itself to the mining base, fill up with fuel and then fly itself back to orbit. Docking ports on the front and top give you control for driving and also for flying vertically, wheels with a bit of ground clearance avoid grazing the terrain going over bumps, engines attached to the sides for stability and control via gimbal, separate fuel tanks for flying and transporting fuel. I made something like that for a mining operation on Ike and Duna and it worked a treat (especially with Bon Voyage to drive it for me ) and doing it all in one craft will reduce complexity, reduce part count and make things easier to manage too.
  19. RSS, RO and RP-1 are radically different from stock KSP in just about every way, and require a lot more computer hardware (RAM and processor power) than regular KSP. I can't comment on computer hardware as it's not really my specialty, but from what you've said I'd guess that your laptop might struggle to run the game with RO and RP-1 installed, even pared back to the minimum mod count that you need to play it as intended. RO/RP-1 isn't officially compatible with 1.11 yet- most of it works, but some important things around the new inventory system (including EVA jetpacks) do not- so if you want to go down that route, start in 1.10.1 to at least familiarise yourself with how it works. The first time I tried RO/RP-1 I quit after about an hour after realising just how monumentally different it all was, but when I came back to it last year I had played with both upscaled solar systems and with Kerbalism's stock config and watched an RO/RP-1 video series so I knew what I was getting into that time. It's very rewarding once you get the hang of it, but you should build up to it gradually or it'll be extremely daunting. I'd suggest doing something else first to get some experience with a more complex game before going full realism. Try doing a Grand Tour with Kerbalism in the stock system- it's not nearly as easy to land on every planet and moon (except Jool, obviously) when you have to deal with life support, radiation, part failures and so on. Try a new solar system. There are plenty of great planet packs out there- something like Snarkiverse to rearrange the stock system for new challenges might be worth a look, or if you want something completely new Beyond Home is a good one at stock scale, JNSQ is an upscaled and redesigned stock system and a good stepping stone to RSS-scale, or there are a few downsized Sol system mods out there too. Try a tech tree rearrangement, especially one that puts probes first. RP-1 starts out with simple sounding rockets and builds up towards orbital probes and satellites, along with a series of missions for increasingly fast and high aircraft flights which lead up to a crewed orbit; doing something simillar in a more stock-alike playthrough is good practice for this, adding some limitations but offering some new opportunities too. I'm not saying don't go for RO/RP-1, but just make sure you know what you're getting yourself into if you do.
  20. Try a different resolution for the AVP textures? If that works then you should raise it as a bug in the AVP thread or GitHub.
  21. Four hours, from Kerbin orbit? You’ll never get close- orbiting Kerbin takes barely half an hour so you’ll complete eight whole orbits during that burn time and most likely end up back where you started or crashing into the atmosphere, depending on when the burn starts. Use a liquid fuelled stage to throw the probe out of Kerbin’s SOI, then the ion thrusters can do their job in solar orbit where the long burn time is a very small part of the orbital period. Alt+> turns on physics warp in space so it’ll take less time, but that can also cause wobbliness in some crafts so just be careful that it doesn’t fall apart; you should stop the burn at regular intervals to save the game as it won’t do so while under acceleration and if something goes wrong three and a half hours in… Not fun.
  22. Following the minor debacle of the first Ion Space Tug being sent down to low Eve orbit without the docking adapter to actually dock to the Eve lander, the second IST was sent out- with adapter- and successfully docked. A short trip out to Gilly followed and the flag was duly planted. Returning to Indefatigability was a bit more challenging as the orbits didn't intersect very well. Approach speed was 1200m/s, requiring two braking burns to first enter into a 2:1 resonant orbit and then pull alongside and dock. Next up on the list is a trip to Moho. This may require some supply pod shenanigans to make sure that whoever goes over there is still alive when they get back... Full album: https://imgur.com/a/TtrT4PL Flag count so far: 4.
  23. The RealExpansion mods might be what you’re looking for, I got RealMoons and RealETNOs working in 1.11 so should be fine in 1.10 too.
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