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Everything posted by derbleifuss

  1. It seems like no Parts except the Snack Tins have a Snack Storage. Am I just being stupid or is there something wrong? Edit: The EAS-1 Seat has and the Converters in the Mobile Lab and Hitchhiker Container work properly
  2. Set a Bookmark to this so you can Download it immediately https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/
  3. I'll take a look, it's already heading in the right direction and maybe I'll find a way in them to do my own Thing.
  4. Same her. Gues I owe you; that has kept me bugged for months. Now it's just waiting for Kopernicus to be updated and then I'm going to start a new Carreer. Again
  5. Here it is: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CZhy38DHpli43k2M2psuHoSuHnMq7wKO Savegame Name: Snabox, it's a Relay named "ScanSat Test" orbiting the Mun. I tried starting an Ore Scan via Action Group; maybe you can see that from the Logs. (I'm not sure if I already wrote it somewhere here, but in the Action Group Editor you still can create an AG for starting an Ore Scan, but it doesn't do anything). I did not disable Stock Scanning but apart from that I don't see any changes in the ScanSat Options. And now I really have to sleep, will continue later today.
  6. Usually something like Scansat (Body) or (Body) Probe. I use that https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1858841472 basic Design loaded up with Experiments from various Mods to go pretty much anywhere. And the MagBoom is alway part of it and I alway tried scanning. And the Log File will follow shortly if I find it quickly. If not, "tomorrow" in the morning. Here it is: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CZhy38DHpli43k2M2psuHoSuHnMq7wKO And of course I don't send Ion Probes to Duna or Eve, I change the Propulsion Sytem for there
  7. Well I'm glad I moved to Flensburg recently. The Public Utility (hope that's the right Translation) here provides nice and fast Fibreglass Access while most of Germany is supplied by the more or less Government owned Telekom with crappy copper Telephone wires. On the Countryside it's even quite common to have no Internet Access at all. But I guess this Topic rather belongs into PN.
  8. KSP is running since 2 hours, still don't have a new output_log. Does it get created when I properly close KSP? Since I am fiddling with the mods I alway force quitted it so that might explain why the file is two day old? Crappy Internet? Living in Germany too?
  9. So there it is. It turns out my Laptop doesn't show an "AppData"-Folder in the "user"-Directory (WHY?) and searching for it takes ages. It still ist two days old but at least better than the last one. Maybe I will get a current one soon. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YhzFCTg3Uf4o5TWb4-TBaCBJlAbYvtqX
  10. That's weird. If I copy the Link it leads to nowhere and if I search for single bits of it it leads anywhere but to something related to KSP. Except for "Squad" or "Kerbal Space Program" of course, which lead into the main KSP directory (Steam/steamapps/common). Or I'm just flat-out dumb right now.
  11. I just completely deleted KSP from my Harddrive and the installed it again with DMagic, ScanSat and Module Manager. No other Mods. Here is the ModuleManager.ConfigCache for that; the last output_log still is from the Installation with a couple of Mods. I can send it too if it helps you. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XJ4pn3QW5nN6ZtgoLtzh0K1Cgze_zNSP And yes, I tried it and it's still not functioning.
  12. It's a completely new Install and DMagic and ScanSat are the first two Mods I've added to it but the Problem still persists. As of now, I can only supply the Log Files from an older Installation: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11Jo8_e_wOz_rv8LSrX9ySRCmKKXF-Vku https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nqOeZwpkkNRRkPu22yforVRN1oht6DSE Current ones will follow shortly.
  13. If you like to build Stations with Mobile Processing Labs like I do, you need large Numbers of high leveled Scientists. But getting them beyond Level 3 requires Interplanetary Missions which take quite a while and flying Kerbals in bulk to the Mun and Minmus can get quite tiring as well. Besides I don't see much point in having placed a Flag everywhere necessarily making you a better Scientist. For this Reason, severedsolo and Mark Kerbin have made the Kerbal Academy Mod which allows to level up Pilots in Training Courses. So why won't add a secondary way to level up Scientists? As the Final Frontier Mod by Nereid does that, it should be possible to count the Number of Science Points a single Kerbal has researched. This in my Opinion is the most logical Way to count the Experience of a Scientist. So I'd lake to create a mod to do exactly that but my Modding Experience so far is limited to adding functions to parts (Mk 2 Lander Cabin with BonVoyage Controller, Mk 4-1 Pod with Research Lab and a very crude Surface Sample Function in the Drill-O-Matic Junior)
  14. Are there any estimates when Kopernicus 1.8.1 might be completed? The imminent Danger of wrecked Safegames without it is making me increasingly nervous.
  15. Two Things going in that Direction: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1858841472 This Probe can reach any celestial Body around Kerbol, including modded Outer Planets. I have given it Solar Panels and a few RTGs so you can adjust it depending on where you want to go (I'd guess 95% would be more RTGs and no Solar Panels as they only make Sense for going to Moho. But they look fancy on the Thumbnail and that's pretty much the only real Reason I added them) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1858970301 This little Rover has a very versatile Skycrane that can land it pretty much anywhere. I never really tested it but it should be possible to land in up to Kerbin Gravity without Atmosphere and even more if you can use the Parachute. For entering an Atmospher it has a Heat Shield and Shroud as well. See it in Action on Eve:
  16. As you may know, the Magnetometer Boom from the DMagic Orbital Science Mod also includes an Ore Scanner Function if you have ScanSat installed. However, this is not functioning in my Installation. The Information Window in the VAB/SPH says too it should have the "Module: Resource Scanner-Ore". I have this Problem since 1.7.2 or even earlier (not sure anymore) and first hoped 1.8 and the following Mod Updates might fix this, but they didn't. I already asked in the according Threads for help, didn't get any replies. Does anyone have similar Problems? And yes, I tried reinstalling it several Times.
  17. For the first one I could use the ModuleAnimationGroup and pack it into the patch File but haven't really an Idea how. For the second one I searched a bit in the upgradeable parts from the Interstellar Mod but the only hint I found was some UpgradeTechReq which shows the Required Tech Tree Node for upgrading but that of course helps even less. Maybe I'll ask in the Interstellar Thrad about it, even if it's a bit offtopic.
  18. Just came back to this. I'd like to upload this sas a mod with one or two additions: 1. Also give it an extension animation when extracting the sample. 2. Rerunnable only as upgrade, meaning to say at first it is a one-time-experiment like the mystery goo and becomes rurunnable by researching an upgrade. I think this would make it more balanced and not OP.
  19. Came up with that and tried it in the meantime. I just usually try to double-check my Ideas on the Forum because KSP takes awfully long to load.
  20. Possibly my favorite Quote: RTFM-Instructions prevent Destructions. And then I don't obey it myself...
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