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  1. @linuxgurugamer It looks like there's some interaction happening between What Do I Need, KIS, and KSPCF. KIS isn't a hard dependency, correct? What Do I Need still seems to work. The only issue I'm seeing in game is the SCANsat issue mentioned earlier in the thread which may or may not be connected to this log error. [WRN 19:07:12.162] [KSPCF] A ReflectionTypeLoadException thrown by Assembly.GetTypes() has been handled by KSP Community Fixes. This is usually harmless, but indicates that the "WhatDoINeed" plugin failed to load (location: "GameData\WhatDoINeed\Plugins\WhatDoINeed.dll") It happened because "WhatDoINeed" is missing the following dependencies : "KIS" Full log at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tLTksuDM682yNrFDz0gbS86Iy-edijuD/view?usp=sharing
  2. Thanks. Now I know not to waste my time debugging or LGG's time reading through my log files
  3. Does anyone have this working with ScanSat? If yes, which planet pack are you using? I'm trying this with JNSQ and none of the ScanSat parts are detected. I see the contracts and the relevant ScanSat experiment names, but "Fulfilling Parts" is empty even though I've unlocked the parts in career mode. The last screenshot in @Brigadier post above shows the same problem I have.
  4. Look up Prakasa Aeroworks. It has some stylish sci-fi cockpits.
  5. If it's still stubborn, consider adding in an extra stock decoupler or separator so you can release the LM.
  6. Have you tried to right-click the Lunar Adapter to decouple the LM? The Lunar Adapter includes multiple staging events. There's either a KSP bug or some mod conflict that only allows a part to work with 1 staging event. My solution is to right-click the Lunar Adapter to decouple because it can't be done with the spacebar.
  7. This mod is considered complete. I doubt anything new will be added but maybe we'll be surprised. Meanwhile, try Tweakscale Rescaled to adjust the hub sizes. Maybe that will work with freeiva (which I have never used).
  8. In that case, try reducing your ambient light setting. Also check if you have the mod Minimum Ambient Light installed. IMO you call it a stock issue but I call it a feature It's not fun to play a game where I can't see my own ship or the surface where I landed. You can probably find settings to make the shadowed side of planets 100% black, though.
  9. I use Planetshine but never did much with its settings. Maybe it has some setting to control the maximum distance of reflection so Mun light can't reach Kerbin. Another option could be to add TUFX to your mods. Pick a profile or make your own with more contrast for deeper shadows.
  10. Do you mean that the dark side of Kerbin is dimly visible? The would be due to reflected light from the Mun's lit surface. Planetshine or Deferred are the most likely mods to do that.
  11. If other tips don't quickly fix the problem for you, here are some suggestions to gather more info about the problem: Does it only show in KSC view, or does it still show in the VAB, Tracking Stations, and in Flight? If you quit and restart the game, does it show up on the main menu, or later after you pick a saved game? Backup your entire KSP folder, then temporarily uninstall a bunch of parts-only mods so the remaining mods don't overflow your screen. When you restart maybe the top or bottom of that mystery mod list window will show good clues. The window shows Historical Progression Tech Tree and Community Tech Tree. The thread for Historical says it conflicts with Community. I don't think that's the root cause for the mysterious mod window but might cause other problems. Is this an old save and modset that used to work? If yes, review any recent changes you made. If not, and it's a new set of mods you just installed, check for remnants of old mods that you failed to fully uninstall. Post your log file to a file sharing service and link it here. Search for the "How to get help" thread for more details.
  12. Janitors Closet is great. It lets you hide parts, filter parts by mod, and delete ("prune") parts. If a part is pruned it won't load at launch.
  13. Congrats, everyone. This thread made it to page 1337. I'm not sure whether younger folk who understand "skibidi" will know the significance of "1337". This may help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet
  14. One way to figure out the new owner: the KSP community outside this forum infringes on the copyright in a highly visible way. Wait to see which company sues. That's a joke. I'm certainly not going to waste my money paying for a Super Bowl ad for some random Kerbal-inspired product.
  15. Please consider renaming some of the nodes in your tree so every stock tech node still exists. Or insert new nodes with those stock names, give them a 1 unlock cost, and stick them next to your closest matching tech. That would fix contracts while also providing default compatibility with part mods. Your current "loose ends" node will hold fewer parts, maybe none.
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