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Everything posted by miklkit

  1. Yes. I found that a light MK3 can land on the Mun with 4 NERVs but the heavier ones need 5. Rapiers use too much fuel and are hard to control.
  2. You still have a lot of work left to do. I still don't think you can go to the Mun and back with Rapiers only. This one did go to the Mun and Minmus, complete repair rover contracts, and return.
  3. 20 tons is a lot of cargo. What are you trying to do? Go to the Mun to recover ore and bring it back to Kerbin? The hardest part of that is landing as it needs a really soft landing or the ore tanks tear loose and all the ore disappears. Lots and lots of wing helps there. I am using triplanes now. An ore carrier is actually easy to do because it takes off empty so it pretty light. This saves on fuel too. Do you have a refueling solution on the Mun? That will help too. Also, getting the fuel tanks laid out so the CoM stays pretty stationary is very important. The cargo bay should be exactly at the CoM too. I never get it correct so my MK3s take off very nose heavy and land a little tail heavy.
  4. This is not about KSP but about Take Two, who have a well deserved reputation for being your typical sociopathic corporation. They are now making YOU the product that they sell to others. You are now a commodity to be bought and sold. That is how those launchers are used elsewhere and there is no reason to think that T2 is any different. That launcher is now disabled on my rig.
  5. Around 6 years ago California was getting 50% of their energy from Green Energy in the spring when the dams were all full of snow melt. One bright day last summer Green Energy made 100% of the state's energy. California shut down its last coal fired plant well over a decade ago. Hopefully even methane will be phased out as well as ther are year round sources of Green Energy.
  6. It was different for me. My ship found a hole and was damaged as was the rover that came with it. 3 crew and a 2 seat rover............ Two actually managed to get out to "flat" ground on their own and then had to wait for rescue. Then another rover had to go in and rescue the last crew and then wait for enough seats to get everyone home. It was all early tech.
  7. The USA too, almost. West Virginia only has less than 800 coal miners still employed. Coal no longer can compete with Green Energy and the old coal fired power plants are being closed down.
  8. Me neither. The rescue missions were epic!
  9. Uh ohh. I just checked if CKAN wanted to update and it did. Now if I click on anything it locks up and is unresponsive. And yes I have all 3 of those mods installed as dependencies from other stuff.
  10. Getting up there is the easy part. Getting back down in one piece is the hard part. The spaceplane has to be designed so that the CoM stays about the same when both full and empty. This thing did it a long time ago. It has 2 Panthers and 3 reliant (?). Once the Minmus base is built the whole system opens up as most fuel is burned just getting into orbit. The big S wings and strakes carry fuel too and the strakes are the most efficient fuel tanks there are with the 1.25m fuel tanks being 2nd. So using them doesn't hurt anything. This one has 6 big S wings and a bunch of strakes and just delivered a rover to Bop. It refueled at Minmus base and then went straight to Bop.
  11. Yes fuel is always the problem. It is possible to build MK3 based spaceplanes that can make the round trip, but I found it best to set up a base to refuel them there. This is a gas truck moving in to refuel a spaceplane. As for engines, I use NERV and Rapier engines. If you do not have Rapiers, then Whiplash and a rocket tuned for vacuum use will work.
  12. History says otherwise. There has never been a peaceful time in human history. It would be great to see a peaceful transition to other energy sources, but based on history that is a faery tale.
  13. Hehe. A few days ago I rescued Samwise Kerman from low Kerbin orbit.
  14. And what are they doing? Fighting over it, and how did they get whittled down to just a few scattered survivors? By fighting over it.
  15. That one looks familiar. Methinks it got stuck in the ground and I had to knock it free and then it moved.
  16. Many decades ago the science fiction authors got interested in our future. They correctly predicted the population boom and global warming. Then they split, with some predicting a transition to fusion power and some predicting Mad Max. I am leaning towards our future being Mad Max.
  17. Go to youtube and look up a guy called VAOS. He did a series about SSTOs and drag.
  18. Hmm, might have to look into them then. I have never been able to get chemical powered SSTOs any further than the Mun and Minmus. Of course, after refueling at Minmus they could go quite a bit further.
  19. I was testing an experimental spaceplane and it went well enough for me to foolishly try to land it on the Mun. I wasn't really paying attention and as it was coming down to the last 2000 meters an eclipse happened. It was a bit of a brown shorts time, but it all came out in the wash.
  20. If all you want to do is get into LKO, then that is true. If you want to actually get anywhere, then NERVs are needed. I have been trying to get some range out of a Dart powered spaceplane and it just ain't happening.
  21. Ah, then Rapiers and NERVs it is. Work on your ascent profile then. My first SSTOs made orbit with Panther and Reliant engines.
  22. The ascent profile depends on the craft. A light one like a MK1 based SSTO can climb and accelerate quite well while a heavy MK3 based one can struggle to get up to speed and has to stay low until it does build up enough speed to make the climb out of the atmosphere. You should start off with the MK1 as it is easier to fly. You probably do not have rapiers yet and that is not a real problem. Whiplash and rocket combinations do just fine but tend to have short ranges. Rapiers and NERVs are the best overall, but I got a Whiplash and rocket MK1 to the Mun and back. Barely.
  23. Thanks. Apparently it isn't needed as the game works fine now.
  24. While your method did work I do not have any idea what B9 is/was. I first noticed this after installing restock so figured it must be something that happened then. Anyway, thanks as it's all good now.
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