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Everything posted by tinygrox

  1. @Xd the great Localize fields that are not localized. The user interface.
  2. I found that these two liquid engines may not be compatible with TweakScale. They don't scale properly.
  3. @Lisias Seems others works fine except the EP-xx Engine Plate and T-xx Structural Tube The defaultScale is correct but they cannot be scaled correctly. I'll let you know if there's anything else.
  4. Hello. I'm about to localize this mod. So is there anyone else doing this, or is there anything I need to pay attention to? I've seen the wiki on github by the way
  5. The reCAPTCHA by Google.Strange,eh? But this is a common thing in our country--China.I have to use VPN to get through this.
  6. Hi, I want to do some localization to this mod. What do you think?
  7. That's for sure, I've been watching this forum before and have been involved in some mod localization, like MechJeb2
  8. Hello! I've been playing for 905 hours and have been blocked by the reCAPTCHA. I could not create this account until yesterday. Now I am here!
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