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Everything posted by minerbat

  1. granted, the gravity of the real moon destabilizes the second one and it comes crashing down i wish the iss will never be deorbited and just upgraded with new modules forever.
  2. because you didn't add a new wish, i will so that the chain of wishes that we accidentally broke get started again. i wish to become an astronaut
  3. you have become a human magnet with a force equal to 1 T (one tesla, tesla is a unit for magnetic fields, the name of the car came from that), and now you are stuck with ( )magnetic objects for the rest of your live. (1 T is a too strong attraction force to pull away by hand). i wish for 1 million subscribers on my youtube well, we have a problem. we both reacted at the same time... who's reaction do we continue with?
  4. default (you all forget that you should use 1 word only) (also, @Le Lynx, it's not Jool but an imaginary planet based on a combination of Jool, the gas planet from avatar, and my own imagination)
  5. power is another word for energy. energy can be converted into mass using E=mc2. you have unlimited mass. you become a black hole. i wish that REAL zombie pigmans were added back into minecraft.
  6. granted. but it is made from stinking cheese and fungus starts to grow on it. i wish for actual tasty cheese
  7. but no one knew who it was because the green sphere used the default profile picture
  8. granted. but it freezes all live on earth to dead. i wish for a new habitable planet.
  9. is the communication through a relay sat a true requirement? because if not this recreation i made when it was launched meets all other requirements.
  10. it sounds fun but can you please explain what we are supposed to do? stock, mods? multiplayer mod or savefile passing? rules? cheats to get crafts to dres or legit launches? do we have turns or what?
  11. hi! i want to play an RO modpack but i don't have a very good laptop. it can run the stock game with low settings alright. do people have any tips for me because i really want to play RO. (obviously i wont get visual mods and principia and stuff)
  12. After years of interstellar travel, Steve Kerman finally arrives at another star system as the first kerbal ever to do so. Here he finds a weird cubical planet... he wonders what the surface is like so he begins his descent...
  13. it isn't a problem as i was just experimenting with the new 1.11 mechanics and not on an actual mission, but it is just weird. don't have a quicksave though.
  14. that worked. thank you. but now my parachute has glitched out when i tried to put it in the storage unit and it has dissapeared... it isn't in the storage container nor the kerbals inventory?
  15. how do i repair the big solar panels in 1.11? they need 4 repair kits but a kerbal can only hold 2 and i also would like to keep the jetpack and not float away into space
  16. i am working on it and making a small series on my youtube channel. here is the playlist of my progres so far with many more videos to come: i have been to eve, gilly and moho already. i have one question: the ship was launched in 1.10 but is it with 1.11 allowed to cheat a EVA science pack to the ship just because i want to read all the funny science messages?
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