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Everything posted by minerbat

  1. I decided to try out a fully cinematic episode!
  2. New Kerb Trek episode! I try to improve something with every episode so I tried to improve the thumbnail and i also tried adding a cinematic segment! Let me know what you think if you any thoughts about the video!
  3. i tried a few different prompts but the results are not clear enough to really do this
  4. where is that command pod in the center image getting its fuel from though?
  5. A new video! Now the fun part of the series really begins because now base building begins!
  6. have started a modded KSP series in KSRSS 2.5x. It will be focussed on colonisation and later hopefully going interstellar. I am looking for feedback of any kind but mostly on my voiceover since i am not native english. i have voiceover on the early episodes and not on later ones. Let me know what you prefer in the youtube comments, thread relies or in a dm. Also feedback on other aspects would be nice. I have posted the first video, the most recent video and the playlist here and will be posting all other videos i make! first video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKsdXO9kNfs latest video at time of making the post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-wB6oyGJOg playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKsdXO9kNfs&list=PLf4L4MG92InnAv79kO8i3LbBALMfCSRsf
  7. https://imgur.com/rIFMHoS does a tiny lego VAB i made a while ago count as "art"?
  8. I want to learn how to make planet pack. Does anyone know of any good tutorials? The best i could find is this post but it is quite old. Is this still accurate?:
  9. https://imgur.com/OGnCMor i wanted to continue, but for some reason time has gone back to 2h 57m, which is just after the Newton 6 failiure. also the tech node survivability has not been unlocked, even though Newton 6 and later crafts used those parts. what should i do now?
  10. i havent had much time to play but i will have fall vacation next week so hopefully i can make some more progress
  11. also does anyone know why my engine is still the old model? i play in 1.12. is it one of the mods?
  12. is going to Iota about the same delta v as going to the Mun? also is there a delta v map for this planet pack or am i allowed to install the transfer window planner mod?
  13. i dont care a lot about the tutorials, but the explosions rool really neat!
  14. is it normal that science experiments are called like kerbin space low and not geal space low?
  15. interesting, i thought that mod only changed the tech tree and didnt add any actual parts. does it add anything else or is that the only thing? and am i allowed to use the board computer from KER?
  16. hythothetical scenario. i dont know if it will come to that but better to make sure beforehand: i launch a probe to Iota flyby/impact or something. i then launch a flyby probe to Ceti before soft landing on Iota. I am still allowed to do that for science but in order to complete first Ceti flyby i have to first complete Iota landing and then i have to launch another Ceti flyby mission? does anyone know where this "tiny basic fin" comes from (not the normal basic fin from stock, but a smaller version of it). i have all the mods in the required list + KER + all the visual mods but nothing else
  17. @jimmymcgoochiehave you seen that i submitted my flag a few posts back?
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