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Everything posted by minerbat

  1. the last version of kerbalism science only config i can find is for 1.9.9. do you have a version for 1.12.2 somewhere?
  2. so im only allowed to have 2 missions to complete objectives at the same time? it isnt in the rules so you should add it
  3. i dont see a rule saying that i am only allowed to have 2 active missions at the same time, only that a single mission can not complete more than 2 objectives. also here is my flag: https://imgur.com/Nysamo2
  4. could there be some kind of build time rule or mod? i understand playing on science mode instead of career because of grind but i feel like that takes away much of the strategy of a "space race" as you can have unlimited parts and max upgrades from the start.
  5. i am experimenting with doing ISRU on a big scale. i have made a test craft containing 3 convert o tron 250, 2 engineer kerbals and everything else required to make ISRU work like ore and radiators. each converter supposedly takes 30 ec/sec. and the big solar panels are supposed to generate 24.4 ec/sec. i assume this is at kerbin with the panels pointed perfectly at the sun. so i would assume that 8 of the big panels should be more than enough to power 3 converters. the panels point directly at the sun. but it still drains the electric charge faster than it generates it when using it. why is that?
  6. i want to play but school starts soon again and im going to a new school so that will take a lot of my time, especcially if i want to make youtube videos about it. so i dont think i will join unless you are okay with me only making really slow progress?
  7. is there a version of this for 1.10.1? the download only goes back to 1.11 and so does CKAN
  8. RIP but you say you are open for colabs? on what kind of things? i have a youtube channel that is partially KSP too
  9. planets rings were going to damage spacecraft right? does this also happen on the surface of the moon? that would not make sence. will there be like a gap in the rings where the moon orbits like in reality? and will the moon get its own smaller ring system? and i see small lava places on the planet, will there be actual lava there or is it just visual?
  10. ok, i might join. for planet pack i would suggest outer planets as i never played it and i would like to try. also make some kind of habitation rule where you cant just put a kerbal in a pod but have to actually build a big mothership or base if you go any further than Minmus
  11. What about NERD? Nuclear Extendable Rocket Drive
  12. so i was scanning for anomalies trying to find new ones... turned out it has not auto-updated my KSP
  13. so when you put custom flags in the flags folder, you have to restart the game to get them to load. but i heared someone saying in a youtube video there is a way to refresh in the game? i dont remember what video that was and im not sure if it is true. is it and how?
  14. i wish i knew how to do this, then i would apply, but i don't
  15. this is for another future video if you want to see it fly. but no promises because sometimes i prepare video's but don't end up making a video about it!
  16. it was hard to find a source good image. i used this one: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fti7ksibju7w41.png%3Fwidth%3D1200%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Def51c80845b69d14ff3b46e7210ae6e23a21a31f&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSpaceXLounge%2Fcomments%2Fgbqdwg%2Fretractable_nozzle_extensions_for_raptor%2F&tbnid=dIRUX9AQTOW9LM&vet=12ahUKEwinl9Cp_P3wAhWhybsIHRdpCZEQMygVegUIARDRAQ..i&docid=EH97Sj_HkQLE8M&w=1200&h=675&q=spacex merlin vacuum&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwinl9Cp_P3wAhWhybsIHRdpCZEQMygVegUIARDRAQ
  17. are the stats it displays in the VAB based on maximum possible boost, or on when no engineer is present? if it is the last one, how do i calculate the final outcome with an engineer?
  18. SpaceX should totally use this on starship lol...
  19. so then why do i get asteroids when the tracking station says i have a class h or g?
  20. @Mythosyes so i thought. but h and g class objects should be comets right?
  21. i tracked a class h object in the tracking station (there should really be a way to filter on object class) and i send a craft to it using alt-f12 to experiment with it for a possible future mission to a comet. but it didn't have any tail, even though it was around kerbins orbit and when i use alt-f12 to bring it lower than moho it still didnt get one. if i send a drill, it shows the option "start asteroid harvester" and doesnt say anything about comet harvester. i tried a g class one i found but same problem. i dont know if this is a bug or if i am doing something wrong, but i assume its the second one. so how do the comets work?
  22. so the ISRU is supposed to be better with more engineers and on higher levels of them. but how exactly? are the stats on the equipment like drill and converter with or without engineers? what stats get improved by how much? does the converter change the proportion of required ore and charge or does it really only speed it up? and what is the max number of level 5 engineers before there is no more improvement possible?
  23. stock craft, not stock because i did use KER during the mission. only if you use it before the mission, but not during the mission it is stock
  24. why is my minmus mission considered modded? i only used KER and it says that counts as "stock craft"
  25. the real question is: will the buildings be destroyable and have a toilet inside
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