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  • About me
    Blowing up rockets since 2019
  • Location
    Washington State, United States, North America, North American plate, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Universe 616.
  • Interests
    Building model rockets, launching model rockets, art, video games, reading random science things, doing random science things, ranting about science, debunking flat earthers, etc.

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  1. The pegasus satellite is really well done, cant wait for the update to be finished time to pay the screenshot tax
  2. Something that could be interesting is the large asymmetric payload fairing, which was a concept for the atlas v heavy concept (concept-ception)
  3. I know which mod the tower is from, and I already use kerbal konstructs... I just cant find the specific pad
  4. wen mechazilla jk, mod seems awesome though I have not tried it yet due to annoying KSP
  5. I am timewarping, but the RCS animation is playing. I do not know what caused this glitch to occur, so I dont know how to recreate it, but here is a screenshot
  6. Finally we might be starting up, I got a decent computer so I can actually play KSP with decent performance
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