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Everything posted by RP1IsSuperior

  1. and don't forget eve gravity is 1.7g so its very difficult to walk a few meters
  2. A fledgling agency's first goal should be the moon, but there are a lot of small steps to take. My personal strategy in career is spend agressively and make science, it is risky and I would recommend you taking it a bit slower. The first building to upgrade is mission control, then you can accept multiple contracts at a time and get a good chunk of money to do things. I recommend getting to know DeltaV maps, they will be your best friend.
  3. Today, the Saline Program kicked off, with the new Molniya launch vehicle, which can put 4.2 tons into LKO. It's another K-8 based design, but it works.(I usually don't name my rockets after real life stuff, but I had to, Molniya means "lightning" in russian, and even with max payload, at full thrust it has a liftoff twr of 2.15, blazing! Ironically it's the upper stage that limits the design, which I find odd because now I have the terrier, nearly 3x the thrust of the spacely used on the original K-8 design.) Saline 1 launched a Saline Zalkier v1 into LKO, and Saline 2 was going to rendezvous with it. Guidance issues ended up leading to an abort, and Jeb and Bob experienced 4gs during their ballistic reentry. Due to limited supplies Valentina also came home early, and the spacecraft was also upgraded to actually have a power supply. Saline 3 carried a Saline Zalkier v1.1 into LKO, with Jeb riding shotgun. He also was the only one... Saline 4 followed shortly afterward, and for some reason brought Bill instead of Bob. despite both spacecrafts running out of monopropellant in the end, they managed to somewhat do station keeping. Saline 4 parachuting down, with some celestial body shining brightly in the backround Photo taken by Jeb during entry interface, as plasma begins to lick the side of the spacecraft. Kerbodyne's (rebuilt) SCOrbiter spacecraft also launched on a K-8A into a polar orbit (after the first one experienced some issues and crashed into a hillside). After establishing a parking orbit, the second stage boosted it into an elliptical kerbin orbit before the satellite's propulsion system started and pushed it to it's final height. 3 days later a burn to correct inclination was made, and soon after the final burn to circularize at the satellite's apoapsis, to take it from an elliptical orbit to a circular one. Liftoff of the K-8A Carrying Kerbodyne's SCOrbiter, helping to improve design and function in future spacecraft. Picture taken from the second stage shortly after fairing seperation second stage preparing to start and SCOrbiter up towards it's final orbit Image taken shortly after the spacecraft's propulsion system shut down. You can clearly see kerbin's chilly ice caps. Now that I see this picture, there is a giant monopropellant tank, filled with unusable fuel, after reaction control systems were removed from the design and the primary attitude control system was decided to be the probe core's internal reaction wheels. Spacecraft in it's final orbit, as the sun sets on another orbital day. The combustion chamber on the thruster is still glowing after the burn. Full Imgur Album available here. https://imgur.com/a/YLitjgm Oh, and Munus 2 got booted out into an orbit around Kerbol. The Mun could have picked it up and thrown it away, or possibly some other celestial body currently unknown. if that is the case, which is currently unlikely, it would have to have quite a high mass.
  4. how do you fly your rocket? Try launching from a non-equatorial launch site that will get you further away from the equator, it will be easier because you wont have to work as hard to counteract kerbin's rotation. do you do a pitchover program? (graudally pitch over as the atmo thins out to build up horizontal velocity?
  5. its your ISP thats the issue? Use a few throttled SRBS to get you higher up before igniting something like a terrier
  6. I actually designed an RTLS booster at 1am once. It could carry 10 tons into LKO, and it functions without mods like FMRS. I still need to do further payload testing because i may be able to expend more fuel going sideways in my ascent
  7. I LOVE THIS MOD! It's the only "realistic" offworld assembly mod. Great work.
  8. at some point i believe you can make your own kits.
  9. https://pastebin.com/HmHyDdJ7 here is the actual part file, it contains the MM patch. https://www9.zippyshare.com/v/KeIP0BNb/file.html Here is a log of my most recent attempt to launch the game. Keep in mind, I tried to launch the game after creating a seperate config file for the UKSliquidEngineLVT10, however, the plume still would not show up despite my config not existing, and the MM Patch in the actual part file. The plume also wouldn't function on the other UnKerballedStart Engine, UKSliquidEngineLVT05 https://pastebin.com/km1ikC1j
  10. Huh. I was looking at the part file and apparently it's already set up for RealPlume... But there are no plumes...
  11. I tried it. There is no GameData/RealismOverhaul/SmokeScreen_EffectCfgs/ Folder
  12. echolima on twitter

    1. EchoLima


      Indeed. Are you on Twitter?

    2. RP1IsSuperior
  13. huh. I put it in it's own folder and it partially broke the game, the plume wasn't added, and all the parts became their part names, IE the Swivel became liquidEngineSwivel in the VAB
  14. I'm trying to make a config for an engine that mod that isn't supported. I don't know where to put the config, as I have no RealismOverhaul folder in my gamedata folder, and no smokescreen cfg folder anywhere else in my gamedata folder. Can someone please help me?
  15. These past couple of days haven't been spent in my save. I've been foodling around with launch scripts and trying to learn kOS, while also trying to make RealPlume Configs for some engines, and being able to fix some that were broken when RealPlume got the big update in 1.9, which I recently updated to.
  16. tbf people rescued each other's stuff before that series started, but recording it, yeah I guess that is quite similar
  17. I'm trying to make an engine config for the LV-T5 "Cogswell" Engine from Unkerbaled Start. I made the config but I have no idea where to put it. I tried leaving the MM patches in a folder in the mod folder, but when I launched the game all of the parts just became their file name, IE LV-T45 "Swivel" became liquidEngineSwivel, and they still had stock plumes. Also, is there a way to get the old methalox plumes?
  18. Is there a workshop part compatible with Global Construction? Or should I keep using KAS as my offworld construction mod
  19. A few things. I'm trying to make configs for the UnKerbaled Start engines(Cogswell and Spacely.) What folder do I put the finished configs in. Plus, How do I get the old/1.8 plumes? I don't want to discredit Jade's work and the plumeparty plumes look great, but I personally liked the old plumes better.
  20. The Munus 13 Probe captured a Munar eclipse, flew by the moon, and completed it's orbit lowering burns after 30 days. These were added to try and prevent overheating of the probe, as well as some small radiators. The probe touched down successfully after a hairy mountain landing, where it could have landed on a slope. Munus 13 proved that probes can enter the atmosphere can return unscathed from the Kerbin system, and possibly interplanetary velocities, and manned spacecraft could probably complete this as well. The Zalkier Spacecraft got a redesign to remove scientific equipment and add a built in propulsion system, removing reliance on the K-8 upper stage if necessary. Work is being started on a new more powerful launcher that can launch heavy manned spacecraft, with 3.5-4 tons to LKO, to remove reliance on the K-8 and its underpowered Investigations continue on the K-8 which was rated for 1.8 tons to LKO mysteriously can barely 1.3 tons.
  21. It's a magnetic nozzle from KSP Interstellar Extended. It's most likely running on fusion power, but idk what fuel combination, probably lithium and deuterium.
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