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  1. The construction crane tall PAL wheels are unusable for me. As soon as I start moving the vehicle, the suspension starts bouncing, and I can't correct it.
  2. I placed a kit with a prefab base module, deployed it successfully, and pressed launch. When the kitted base module deployed, the engineer I used to do so got thrown 1000 feet away, and the new base component was destroyed.
  3. How do you get this to work with Textures Unlimited? I installed both, as well as the recolor depot, through CKAN. But the Apollo command module just shows up as a semi-reflective dull grey, even with the game's reflective settings turned up.
  4. I feel like I'm missing something, how do I install this? I installed it and the recolor through ckan, but I don't have any available in game options.
  5. Here's the craft file. Soyuz LK-OK or any other variant using the Vingleboks set https://github.com/hikerchick29/bugged-soyuz/tree/main
  6. The Tantares Soyuz IVA won't allow the hatch between the OM and the CM to open. It says "hatch blocked" if I use either of the inline size 0 parachute options available. Oddly, the N1-L3 version of the setup works.
  7. I'm having an (actual) issue with the Soyuz components. I can build and load the crew vehicle onto the launch pad. I can also load the main launch vehicle onto the pad without a capsule, and use it with other capsules like the Vostok. But if I put the Soyuz rocket and the Soyuz crew vehicle together, my framerate drops to maybe 3 frames per minute on the launch pad.
  8. Checking my mod list, I think I was talking about the old TNIC recolor mod, my bad
  9. Does this mod include the classic real world textures for early Soyuz models? The tantares thread sent me here, but I’m not seeing anything like that in the mod.
  10. I installed intercolor to see if it was what I was looking for. It seemed to mostly be a custom color set that was either missing, or doesn’t have, any of the real world spacecraft color sets.
  11. I'm just coming back after a break from the game. I remember the mod having color options for the older Soyuz models, but they're gone entirely now (presumably because of the new part designs). Will this be coming back in a future update?
  12. Im not saying it’s totally undoable, I’m saying it’s prohibitively difficult to a state of near impossibility. This is a consistent complaint I’ve seen numerous people share. The fairing system can take a stupid amount of trial and error to figure out EXACTLY where the damn thing will allow the fairing to close. You personally figuring it out doesn’t negate the unnecessarily complicated problem for the rest of us
  13. Ok, so in the update notes, I’m seeing that the visual effects on the heat shield ablator was supposed to be fixed. But I’ve had the complete opposite experience. Now I have no ablative coating loss during re-entry whatsoever, and there is no scorching texture effect when re-entering Kerbin’s atmosphere. Previously, as disappointing as it was, I at least had SOME effect on the heat shields
  14. You basically cannot close a fairing onto another part further up the stack. it makes it pretty much impossible to set up a Saturn V style payload bay without the final product having major visible gaps
  15. There should be a function in the blueprints view to overlay a picture. It would let you build real world plane designs much easier
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